/* SQLDOM HTML parser and DOM tools for MSSQL. https://sourceforge.net/projects/sqldom/ Parses HTML from a string or from a URL into a DOM (document object model) implemented with SQL tables. Provides routines to manipulate the DOM data and to render the DOM data back to HTML. You may safely run this entire script: it does not make any changes to any SQL user databases. It only creates some local temporary tables and temporary stored procedures, and prints out a string with some instructions. Requires Microsoft SQL 2005 or later. Copyright (C) 2012 David B. Rueter (drueter@assyst.com) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. HISTORY Version .923 4/3/2012 Fixed additional bugb in #spgetDOM pertaining to getting by selector. Version .922 3/20/2012 Fixed bug in #spgetDOM pertaining to getting by selector. Thanks to Brian Hurtt for reporting and providing correction. Version .921 3/5/2012 Added #sputilConvertJSONToXML to convert JSON data to XML Version .920 2/23/2012 Refactor #spgetDOMHTML to fix bugs, streamline Version .919 2/21/2012 Corrected problem with rendering HTML comments Version .918 2/20/2012 Removed dependencies on 3 UDF string helper functions Performance increase (approx. 23%) Clean up some comments Version .917 2/19/2012 Initial public version */ SET NOCOUNT ON IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#spactTrimWhitespace') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE #spactTrimWhitespace END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#spgetLenNTW') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE #spgetLenNTW END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tblDOMDocs') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #tblDOMDocs END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tblDOM') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #tblDOM END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tblDOMAttribs') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #tblDOMAttribs END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tblDOMStyles') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #tblDOMStyles END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#spactDOMOpen') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE #spactDOMOpen END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#spgetDOM') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE #spgetDOM END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#spgetDOMHTML') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE #spgetDOMHTML END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#spactDOMLoad') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE #spactDOMLoad END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#spinsDOMNode') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE #spinsDOMNode END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#spactDOMClear') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE #spactDOMClear END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#spupdDOMAttribs') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE #spupdDOMAttribs END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#spupdDOMStyles') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE #spupdDOMStyles END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#sputilGetHTTP') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE #sputilGetHTTP END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#sputilConvertJSONToXML') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE #sputilConvertJSONToXML END /* ************************************************************************************** TABLE #tblDOMDocs Table #tblDOMDocs is for list of DOM documents (groups of tblDOM rows). ************************************************************************************** */ CREATE TABLE #tblDOMDocs( DocID int identity PRIMARY KEY, DateCreated datetime, DocName varchar(128) ) GO /* ************************************************************************************** TABLE #tblDOM Table #tblDOM is for internal representation of the DOM data ************************************************************************************** */ CREATE TABLE #tblDOM ( DEID int identity PRIMARY KEY, DocID int, Tag varchar(MAX), ID varchar(512), Name varchar(512), Class varchar(512), TextData varchar(MAX), OpenTagStartPos int, CloseTagEndPos int, ParentDEID int ) CREATE INDEX ixDOMTable_ParentDEID ON #tblDOM (ParentDEID) INCLUDE (DEID, DocID) CREATE INDEX ixDOMTable_DEID ON #tblDOM (DEID, DocID) --NOTE: SQL 2008 introduced filtered indexes, which makes it easy to enforce --unqique-but-nullable. If on SQL 2008 or greater AND you wish to enforce uniqueness --of ID and Name attributes, uncomment the following two lines -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tmpixDOMTable_ID ON #tblDOM (ID) INCLUDE (DEID) WHERE ID IS NOT NULL -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tmpixDOMTable_Name ON #tblDOM (Name) INCLUDE (DEID) WHERE Name IS NOT NULL /* Note: TextData will contain the data for the first text node (if any) under the tag. Subsequent text nodes (if any) will be in their own #tblDOM row, with a null TAG and referencing the original DEID in the ParentDEID column. */ GO /* ************************************************************************************** TABLE #DOMAttribs Table #tblDOMAttribs is for internal representation of the DOM data--specifically, for attributes of DOM elements ************************************************************************************** */ CREATE TABLE #tblDOMAttribs( DOMAttribID int identity PRIMARY KEY, DEID int, Name varchar(512), Value varchar(MAX) ) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uqDOMAttribs_DEID ON #tblDOMAttribs (DEID, Name) CREATE INDEX ixDOMAttribs_DEID ON #tblDOMAttribs (DEID) INCLUDE (Name, Value) GO /* ************************************************************************************** TABLE #tblDOMStyles Table #tblDOMAttribs is for internal representation of the DOM data--specifically, for attributes of DOM elements ************************************************************************************** */ CREATE TABLE #tblDOMStyles( DOMStyleID int identity PRIMARY KEY, DEID int, Name varchar(512), Value varchar(MAX) ) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ixDOMStyles_ID ON #tblDOMStyles (DEID, Name) CREATE INDEX ixDOMStyles_DEID ON #tblDOMStyles (DEID) INCLUDE (Name, Value) GO /* ************************************************************************************** PROCEDURE #spactTrimWhitespace Simple helper function to do a left-trim or right-trim of whitespace (spaces, tabs, carriage returns and linefeeds, and tabs). I would really prefer this to be a function, but we are not allowed to create temporary functions, and I do not want SQLDOM to require permanent database objects. ************************************************************************************** */ CREATE PROCEDURE #spactTrimWhitespace @S varchar(MAX) OUTPUT, @DoLeft bit = 0, @DoRight bit = 1 AS BEGIN DECLARE @P int IF @DoRight = 1 BEGIN --Right trim SET @P = LEN(@S + 'x') - 1 WHILE @P >= 1 BEGIN IF ISNULL(SUBSTRING(@S, @P, 1), ' ') IN (' ', CHAR(9), CHAR(10), CHAR(13)) BEGIN SET @P = @P - 1 END ELSE BEGIN BREAK END END SET @S= LEFT(@S, @P) END IF @DoLeft = 1 BEGIN --Left trim SET @P = 1 WHILE @P <= LEN(@S + 'x') - 1 BEGIN IF SUBSTRING(@S, @P, 1) IN (' ', CHAR(9), CHAR(10), CHAR(13)) BEGIN SET @P = @P + 1 END ELSE BEGIN BREAK END END SET @S = RIGHT(@S, LEN(@S + 'x') - 1 - @P + 1) END END GO /* ************************************************************************************** PROCEDURE #spgetLenNTW (no trailing whitespace) Simple helper function to determine the length of a string after trimming all trailing whitespace (spaces, tabs, carriage returns and linefeeds, and tabs). I would really prefer this to be a function, but we are not allowed to create temporary functions, and I do not want SQLDOM to require permanent database objects. ************************************************************************************** */ CREATE PROCEDURE #spgetLenNTW @S varchar(MAX), @Len int OUTPUT AS BEGIN SET @Len = LEN(@S + 'x') - 1 DECLARE @Done bit SET @Done = 0 WHILE @Done = 0 BEGIN IF (@Len > 0) AND (SUBSTRING(@S, @Len, 1) IN (CHAR(9), CHAR(10), CHAR(13), ' ')) BEGIN SET @Len = @Len - 1 END ELSE BEGIN SET @Done = 1 END END END GO /* ************************************************************************************** PROCEDURE #spactDOMOpen Procedure #spactDOMOpen verifies session and @DocID ************************************************************************************** */ CREATE PROCEDURE #spactDOMOpen @DocID int OUTPUT, @CreateNew bit = 0 AS BEGIN --Note: if @DocID is provided, we trust it. We don't validate that it exists --or that it belongs to this session. IF (@CreateNew = 1) BEGIN IF @DocID IS NOT NULL BEGIN RAISERROR('Error in #spactDOMOpen: Cannot specify @DocID if @CreateNew=1', 16, 1) END INSERT INTO #tblDOMDocs (DateCreated) VALUES (GETDATE()) SET @DocID = SCOPE_IDENTITY() END ELSE BEGIN IF @DocID IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT DocID FROM #tblDomDocs WHERE DocID = @DocID) BEGIN RAISERROR('Error in #spactDOMOpen: Invalid @DocID specified.', 16, 1) END END ELSE BEGIN --Open a new DOM Document DECLARE @DocCount int IF @DocID IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @DocCount = COUNT(doc.DocID), @DocID = MIN(doc.DocID) FROM #tblDOMDocs doc IF @DocCount > 1 BEGIN RAISERROR('Error in #spactDOMOpen: @DocID was not specified, and there are multiple documents present in this session.', 16, 1) END ELSE IF @DocID IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO #tblDOMDocs (DateCreated) VALUES (GETDATE()) SET @DocID = SCOPE_IDENTITY() END END END END END GO /* ************************************************************************************** PROCEDURE #spactDOMClear Procedure #spactDOMClear clears all data in the DOM ************************************************************************************** */ CREATE PROCEDURE #spactDOMClear @DocID int = NULL OUTPUT AS BEGIN DELETE FROM #tblDOMAttribs WHERE DEID IN (SELECT DEID FROM #tblDOM WHERE @DocID IS NULL OR DocID = @DocID) DELETE FROM #tblDOMStyles WHERE DEID IN (SELECT DEID FROM #tblDOM WHERE @DocID IS NULL OR DocID = @DocID) DELETE FROM #tblDOM WHERE @DocID IS NULL OR DocID = @DocID END GO /* ************************************************************************************** PROCEUDRE #spupdDOMAttribs Procedure #spupdDOMAttribs is to set Attributes of existing elements in the DOM ************************************************************************************** */ CREATE PROCEDURE #spupdDOMAttribs @DocID int = NULL OUTPUT, @DEID int = NULL, @ID varchar(512) = NULL, @Name varchar(512) = NULL, @Value varchar(MAX) = NULL, @Attribs varchar(MAX) = NULL, @Selector varchar(MAX) = NULL AS BEGIN IF @DocID IS NULL EXEC #spactDOMOpen @DocID = @DocID OUTPUT DECLARE @tvTargetList TABLE ( DEID int PRIMARY KEY ) IF @ID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @DEID = dom.DEID FROM #tblDOM dom WHERE dom.DocID = @DocID AND dom.ID = @ID END ELSE IF @Selector IS NOT NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @tvTargetList (DEID) EXEC #spgetDOM @DocID = @DocID OUTPUT, @Selector = @Selector, @ReturnDEIDsOnly = 1 SELECT TOP 1 @DEID = DEID FROM @tvTargetList END WHILE @DEID IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF ISNULL(RTRIM(@Attribs), '') = '' BEGIN DECLARE @TargetID int SELECT @TargetID = atr.DomAttribID FROM #tblDOMAttribs atr WHERE atr.DEID = @DEID AND atr.Name = @Name IF @TargetID IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF @Value IS NULL BEGIN DELETE FROM #tblDOMAttribs WHERE DOMAttribID = @TargetID END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE #tblDOMAttribs SET Value = @Value WHERE DOMAttribID = @TargetID END END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO #tblDOMAttribs ( DEID, Name, Value) VALUES ( @DEID, @Name, @Value ) END --Assign special attributes UPDATE dom SET ID = ISNULL(at_id.Value, dom.ID), Name = ISNULL(at_name.Value, dom.Name), Class = ISNULL(at_class.Value, dom.Class) FROM #tblDOM dom LEFT JOIN #tblDOMAttribs at_id ON dom.DEID = at_id.DEID AND at_id.Name = 'id' LEFT JOIN #tblDOMAttribs at_name ON dom.DEID = at_name.DEID AND at_name.Name = 'name' LEFT JOIN #tblDOMAttribs at_class ON dom.DEID = at_class.DEID AND at_class.Name = 'class' WHERE dom.DocID = @DocID AND dom.DEID = @DEID DELETE FROM #tblDOMAttribs WHERE DEID = @DEID AND Name in ('id', 'name', 'class') END ELSE BEGIN IF RTRIM(ISNULL(@Attribs, '')) <> '' BEGIN --Parse out attributes DECLARE @i int DECLARE @c char DECLARE @State varchar(40) DECLARE @InQuote bit DECLARE @NameStr varchar(MAX) DECLARE @ValueStr varchar(MAX) DECLARE @StartQuote char DECLARE @DoAttrib bit SET @InQuote = 0 SET @StartQuote = NULL SET @State = 'AttribName' SET @i = 1 SET @NameStr = '' SET @ValueStr = '' WHILE @i <= LEN(@Attribs) BEGIN SET @c = SUBSTRING(@Attribs, @i, 1) IF (@State = 'AttribValue') BEGIN IF (@c IN ('"', '''')) BEGIN IF (@InQuote = 0) AND ((@StartQuote IS NULL) OR (@c = @StartQuote)) BEGIN SET @InQuote = 1 IF @StartQuote IS NULL BEGIN SET @StartQuote = @c END END ELSE IF (@InQuote = 1) AND (@c = @StartQuote) BEGIN SET @InQuote = 0 END END IF @c = ' ' AND @InQuote = 0 BEGIN SET @DoAttrib = 1 SET @State = 'AttribName' END ELSE BEGIN IF @c <> @StartQuote BEGIN SET @ValueStr = @ValueStr + @c END END IF @i = LEN(@Attribs) BEGIN SET @DoAttrib = 1 END END ELSE BEGIN IF @State = 'AttribName' BEGIN IF @c = '=' BEGIN SET @State = 'AttribValue' END ELSE BEGIN IF @c <> ' ' BEGIN SET @NameStr = @NameStr + @c END END END END IF @DoAttrib = 1 BEGIN SET @DoAttrib = 0 EXEC #spupdDOMAttribs @DocID = @DocID OUTPUT, @DEID = @DEID, @Name = @NameStr, @Value = @ValueStr SET @NameStr = '' SET @ValueStr = '' END SET @i = @i + 1 END END END DELETE FROM @tvTargetList WHERE DEID = @DEID SET @DEID = NULL IF EXISTS(SELECT DEID FROM @tvTargetList) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @DEID = DEID FROM @tvTargetList END END END GO /* ************************************************************************************** PROCEDURE #spinsDOMNode Procedure #spinsDOMNode is to ADD elements to the DOM ************************************************************************************** */ CREATE PROCEDURE #spinsDOMNode @DocID int = NULL OUTPUT, @Tag varchar(MAX), @ID varchar(512) = NULL, @Name varchar(512) = NULL, @Class varchar(512) = NULL, @Text varchar(MAX) = NULL, @Attribs varchar(MAX) = NULL, @OpenTagStartPos int = NULL, @CloseTagEndPos int = NULL, @ParentID varchar(512) = NULL, @ParentDEID int = NULL, @DEID int = NULL OUTPUT AS BEGIN /* Adds the specified node to the #tblDOM. If @Tag is specified, but @Text is not specified, a single normal node is added. If @Text is specified, then TWO nodes are added: one for the specified @Tag, and then a child text node. (Text nodes have only the TextData and the ParentDEID: they do not have tags or other attributes.) If @Tag is null, then only a text node is added. It is added as a child of the parent that was specified. HTML comments are a special case. For these the tag will be !-- and the comment node itself will store the comment body in TextData. TextData will contain the start and end tags for the comment (such as ). There will not be a child text node. If @ParentID is specified, #tblDOM is searched for an existing node that has the specified HTML ID. If found, the corresponding ParentDEID will be used as the parent for the new node. Alternately, @ParentDEID may be spedified directly. If both @ParentID and @ParentDEID are null, then the node will be added with a null parent-- which indicates that it is a top level (or root level) node. */ IF @DocID IS NULL EXEC #spactDOMOpen @DocID = @DocID OUTPUT IF @ParentID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @ParentDEID = dom.DEID FROM #tblDOM dom WHERE dom.DocID = @DocID AND dom.ID = @ParentID END SET @DEID = NULL IF (@Tag IS NOT NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO #tblDOM ( DocID, Tag, ID, Name, Class, TextData, OpenTagStartPos, CloseTagEndPos, ParentDEID) VALUES ( @DocID, LOWER(@Tag), @ID, @Name, @Class, CASE WHEN (@Tag = '!--') THEN @Text ELSE NULL END, @OpenTagStartPos, @CloseTagEndPos, @ParentDEID) SET @DEID = SCOPE_IDENTITY() SET @ParentDEID = @DEID --Store attributes IF ISNULL(RTRIM(@Attribs), '') <> '' BEGIN EXEC #spupdDOMAttribs @DocID = @DocID OUTPUT, @DEID = @DEID, @Attribs = @Attribs END END IF (ISNULL(@Tag, '') <> '!--') AND (@Text IS NOT NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO #tblDOM ( DocID, Tag, ID, Name, Class, TextData, ParentDEID) SELECT @DocID, NULL AS Tag, NULL AS ID, NULL AS Name, NULL AS Class, @Text, @ParentDEID END END GO /* ************************************************************************************** PROCEDURE #spupdDOMStyles Procedure #spupdDOMStyles is to set Styles of existing elements in the DOM ************************************************************************************** */ CREATE PROCEDURE #spupdDOMStyles @DocID int = NULL, @DEID int = NULL, @ID varchar(512) = NULL, @Name varchar(512), @Value varchar(MAX) AS BEGIN IF @DocID IS NULL EXEC #spactDOMOpen @DocID = @DocID OUTPUT IF @ID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @DEID = dom.DEID FROM #tblDOM dom WHERE dom.DocID = @DocID AND dom.ID = @ID END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @DEID = dom.DEID FROM #tblDOM dom WHERE dom.DocID = @DocID AND dom.DEID = @DEID END DECLARE @TargetID int SELECT @TargetID = DOMStyleID FROM #tblDOMStyles WHERE DEID = @DEID AND Name = @Name IF @TargetID IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF @Value IS NULL BEGIN DELETE FROM #tblDOMStyles WHERE DOMStyleID = @TargetID END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE #tblDOMStyles SET Value = @Value WHERE DOMStyleID = @TargetID END END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO #tblDOMStyles ( DEID, Name, Value) VALUES ( @DEID, @Name, @Value ) END END GO /* *******************************************************************4******************* PROCEDURE #spgetDOM Procedure #spgetDOM is to retrive the internal DOM information as a resultset. Provides JQuery-like functionality to select nodes from the DOM based on the specified selector. The selector can indicate #classes, .id's or tags. If @Selector = NULL, the entire DOM will be returned. ************************************************************************************** */ CREATE PROCEDURE #spgetDOM @DocID int = NULL OUTPUT, @Selector varchar(900) = NULL, @ReturnDEIDsOnly bit = 0 AS BEGIN IF @DocID IS NULL EXEC #spactDOMOpen @DocID = @DocID OUTPUT IF @Selector IS NULL BEGIN --CTE Start ----------------------- ;WITH DOMTree ( DEID, DocID, Tag, ID, Name, Class, TextData, OpenTagStartPos, CloseTagEndPos, ParentDEID, HUID, SortHUID, DOMLevel ) AS ( SELECT dom.DEID, dom.DocID, dom.Tag, dom.ID, dom.Name, dom.Class, dom.TextData, dom.OpenTagStartPos, dom.CloseTagEndPos, dom.ParentDEID, CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dom.DEID) AS varchar(900)) AS HUID, CAST(RIGHT('000000' + CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dom.DEID) AS varchar(900)), 6) AS varchar(900)) AS SortHUID, 1 AS DOMLevel FROM #tblDOM dom WHERE dom.ParentDEID IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT dom.DEID, dom.DocID, dom.Tag, dom.ID, dom.Name, dom.Class, dom.TextData, dom.OpenTagStartPos, dom.CloseTagEndPos, dom.ParentDEID, CAST(domch.HUID + '.' + CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dom.DEID) AS varchar(900)) AS varchar(900)) AS HUID, CAST(domch.SortHUID + '.' + RIGHT('000000' + CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dom.DEID) AS varchar(900)), 6) AS varchar(900)) AS SortHUID, domch.DOMLevel + 1 FROM DOMTree domch JOIN #tblDOM dom ON domch.DEID = dom.ParentDEID ) --CTE End ----------------------- SELECT * FROM DOMTree dom WHERE dom.DocID = @DocID ORDER BY dom.SortHUID END ELSE BEGIN SET @Selector = RTRIM(@Selector) + ' ' DECLARE @c char DECLARE @i int DECLARE @Mode varchar(40) DECLARE @SelWhere varchar(MAX) DECLARE @SelTerm varchar(MAX) --default selector is Tag SET @Mode = 'tag' SET @i = 1 WHILE @i <= LEN(@Selector) BEGIN SET @c = SUBSTRING(@Selector, @i, 1) IF @c IN ('.', '#', ' ') BEGIN IF @c = '.' BEGIN SET @Mode = 'id' END ELSE IF @c = '#' BEGIN SET @Mode = 'class' END ELSE IF @C = ' ' BEGIN --apply selector SET @SelWhere = ISNULL(@SelWhere + ' AND ', '') + @SelTerm END SET @SelTerm = NULL END ELSE BEGIN SET @SelTerm = ISNULL(@SelTerm, '') + @c END SET @i = @i + 1 END print '@SelTerm=' + ISNULL(@SelTerm, 'null') print '@Mode=' + ISNULL(@Mode, 'null') IF @ReturnDEIDsOnly = 1 BEGIN IF @Mode = 'class' BEGIN SELECT DEID FROM #tblDOM dom WHERE dom.DocID = @DocID AND dom.Class = @SelTerm END ELSE IF @Mode = 'id' BEGIN SELECT DEID FROM #tblDOM dom WHERE dom.DocID = @DocID AND dom.ID = @SelTerm END ELSE IF @Mode = 'tag' BEGIN SELECT DEID FROM #tblDOM dom WHERE dom.DocID = @DocID AND dom.Tag = @SelTerm END END ELSE BEGIN IF @Mode = 'class' BEGIN --CTE Start ----------------------- ;WITH DOMTree ( DEID, DocID, Tag, ID, Name, Class, TextData, OpenTagStartPos, CloseTagEndPos, ParentDEID, HUID, SortHUID, DOMLevel ) AS ( SELECT dom.DEID, dom.DocID, dom.Tag, dom.ID, dom.Name, dom.Class, dom.TextData, dom.OpenTagStartPos, dom.CloseTagEndPos, dom.ParentDEID, CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dom.DEID) AS varchar(900)) AS HUID, CAST(RIGHT('000000' + CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dom.DEID) AS varchar(900)), 6) AS varchar(900)) AS SortHUID, 1 AS DOMLevel FROM #tblDOM dom WHERE dom.ParentDEID IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT dom.DEID, dom.DocID, dom.Tag, dom.ID, dom.Name, dom.Class, dom.TextData, dom.OpenTagStartPos, dom.CloseTagEndPos, dom.ParentDEID, CAST(domch.HUID + '.' + CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dom.DEID) AS varchar(900)) AS varchar(900)) AS HUID, CAST(domch.SortHUID + '.' + RIGHT('000000' + CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dom.DEID) AS varchar(900)), 6) AS varchar(900)) AS SortHUID, domch.DOMLevel + 1 FROM DOMTree domch JOIN #tblDOM dom ON domch.DEID = dom.ParentDEID ) --CTE End ----------------------- SELECT dt.DEID, dt.DocID, dt.Tag, dt.ID, dt.Name, dt.Class, dt.TextData, dt.OpenTagStartPos, dt.CloseTagEndPos, dt.ParentDEID, dt.HUID, dt.SortHUID, dt.DOMLevel, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dt.SortHUID) AS Sequence FROM DomTree dt JOIN #tblDOMDocs doc ON dt.DocID = doc.DocID WHERE dt.DocID = @DocID AND dt.Class = @SelTerm ORDER BY dt.sortHUID END ELSE IF @Mode = 'id' BEGIN --CTE Start ----------------------- ;WITH DOMTree ( DEID, DocID, Tag, ID, Name, Class, TextData, OpenTagStartPos, CloseTagEndPos, ParentDEID, HUID, SortHUID, DOMLevel ) AS ( SELECT dom.DEID, dom.DocID, dom.Tag, dom.ID, dom.Name, dom.Class, dom.TextData, dom.OpenTagStartPos, dom.CloseTagEndPos, dom.ParentDEID, CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dom.DEID) AS varchar(900)) AS HUID, CAST(RIGHT('000000' + CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dom.DEID) AS varchar(900)), 6) AS varchar(900)) AS SortHUID, 1 AS DOMLevel FROM #tblDOM dom WHERE dom.ParentDEID IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT dom.DEID, dom.DocID, dom.Tag, dom.ID, dom.Name, dom.Class, dom.TextData, dom.OpenTagStartPos, dom.CloseTagEndPos, dom.ParentDEID, CAST(domch.HUID + '.' + CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dom.DEID) AS varchar(900)) AS varchar(900)) AS HUID, CAST(domch.SortHUID + '.' + RIGHT('000000' + CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dom.DEID) AS varchar(900)), 6) AS varchar(900)) AS SortHUID, domch.DOMLevel + 1 FROM DOMTree domch JOIN #tblDOM dom ON domch.DEID = dom.ParentDEID ) --CTE End ----------------------- SELECT dt.DEID, dt.DocID, dt.Tag, dt.ID, dt.Name, dt.Class, dt.TextData, dt.OpenTagStartPos, dt.CloseTagEndPos, dt.ParentDEID, dt.HUID, dt.SortHUID, dt.DOMLevel, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dt.SortHUID) AS Sequence FROM DomTree dt JOIN #tblDOMDocs doc ON dt.DocID = doc.DocID WHERE dt.DocID = @DocID AND dt.ID = @SelTerm ORDER BY dt.sortHUID END ELSE IF @Mode = 'tag' BEGIN --CTE Start ----------------------- ;WITH DOMTree ( DEID, DocID, Tag, ID, Name, Class, TextData, OpenTagStartPos, CloseTagEndPos, ParentDEID, HUID, SortHUID, DOMLevel ) AS ( SELECT dom.DEID, dom.DocID, dom.Tag, dom.ID, dom.Name, dom.Class, dom.TextData, dom.OpenTagStartPos, dom.CloseTagEndPos, dom.ParentDEID, CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dom.DEID) AS varchar(900)) AS HUID, CAST(RIGHT('000000' + CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dom.DEID) AS varchar(900)), 6) AS varchar(900)) AS SortHUID, 1 AS DOMLevel FROM #tblDOM dom WHERE dom.ParentDEID IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT dom.DEID, dom.DocID, dom.Tag, dom.ID, dom.Name, dom.Class, dom.TextData, dom.OpenTagStartPos, dom.CloseTagEndPos, dom.ParentDEID, CAST(domch.HUID + '.' + CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dom.DEID) AS varchar(900)) AS varchar(900)) AS HUID, CAST(domch.SortHUID + '.' + RIGHT('000000' + CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dom.DEID) AS varchar(900)), 6) AS varchar(900)) AS SortHUID, domch.DOMLevel + 1 FROM DOMTree domch JOIN #tblDOM dom ON domch.DEID = dom.ParentDEID ) --CTE End ----------------------- SELECT dt.DEID, dt.DocID, dt.Tag, dt.ID, dt.Name, dt.Class, dt.TextData, dt.OpenTagStartPos, dt.CloseTagEndPos, dt.ParentDEID, dt.HUID, dt.SortHUID, dt.DOMLevel, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dt.SortHUID) AS Sequence FROM DomTree dt JOIN #tblDOMDocs doc ON dt.DocID = doc.DocID WHERE dt.DocID = @DocID AND dt.Tag = @SelTerm ORDER BY dt.sortHUID END END END END GO /* ************************************************************************************** PROCEDURE #spgetDOMHTML Procedure #spgetDOMHTML is to render an HTML string based on the internal data in the DOM ************************************************************************************** */ CREATE PROCEDURE #spgetDOMHTML @DocID int = NULL OUTPUT, @ForceDocType varchar(MAX) = NULL, @PrettyWhitespace bit = 0, @HTML varchar(MAX) = NULL OUTPUT, @PrintHTML bit = 1 AS BEGIN DECLARE @Debug bit SET @Debug = 0 IF @DocID IS NULL EXEC #spactDOMOpen @DocID = @DocID OUTPUT --temp table to hold local copy of DOM output by #DOM CREATE TABLE #Render( DEID int PRIMARY KEY, DocID int, Tag varchar(MAX), ID varchar(512), Name varchar(512), Class varchar(512), TextData varchar(MAX), OpenTagStartPos int, CloseTagEndPos int, ParentDEID int, HUID varchar(900), SortHUID varchar(900), DOMLevel int, Sequence int, HasChild bit ) CREATE INDEX ixtmpRender_SortHUID ON #Render (SortHUID) CREATE INDEX ixtmpRender_Sequence ON #Render (Sequence) --local table to hold stack of tags DECLARE @tvTagStack TABLE ( StackID int identity PRIMARY KEY, --facilitates deletes DEID int, CloseTag varchar(900) ); DECLARE @CRLF varchar(5) SET @CRLF = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) INSERT INTO #Render ( DEID, DocID, Tag, ID, Name, Class, TextData, OpenTagStartPos, CloseTagEndPos, ParentDEID, HUID, SortHUID, DOMLevel ) EXEC #spgetDOM @DocID = @DocID OUTPUT UPDATE r SET Sequence = r_seq.Sequence FROM #Render r JOIN ( SELECT r.DEID, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY r.SortHUID) AS Sequence FROM #Render r ) r_seq ON r.DEID = r_seq.DEID UPDATE r SET HasChild = CASE WHEN r2.DOMLevel > r.DOMLevel THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM #Render r JOIN #Render r2 ON r.Sequence + 1 = r2.Sequence DECLARE curDOM CURSOR LOCAL STATIC FOR SELECT r.DEID, r.Tag, r.ID, r.Name, r.Class, r.TextData, r.ParentDEID, r.HUID, r.DOMLevel, r.HasChild FROM #Render r ORDER BY r.Sequence DECLARE @DEID int DECLARE @Tag varchar(MAX) DECLARE @ID varchar(512) DECLARE @Name varchar(512) DECLARE @Class varchar(512) DECLARE @TextData varchar(MAX) DECLARE @ParentDEID int DECLARE @HUID varchar(900) DECLARE @DOMLevel int DECLARE @HasChild bit DECLARE @RenderedHTML varchar(MAX) DECLARE @DonePop bit DECLARE @AllowPush bit DECLARE @StackID int DECLARE @StackDEID int DECLARE @StackTag varchar(MAX) DECLARE @EmitTag varchar(MAX) DECLARE @ThisStyle varchar(MAX) DECLARE @ThisAttribID int DECLARE @LastAttribID int DECLARE @ThisAttribName varchar(MAX) DECLARE @ThisAttribValue varchar(MAX) DECLARE @CurParentDEID int DECLARE @CurParentTag varchar(MAX) OPEN curDOM FETCH curDOM INTO @DEID, @Tag, @ID, @Name, @Class, @TextData, @ParentDEID, @HUID, @DOMLevel, @HasChild SET @RenderedHTML = NULL SET @CurParentDEID = NULL SET @CurParentTag = NULL SET @DonePop = NULL WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN --Walk through each node of the DOM to render HTML SET @ThisStyle = NULL SET @ThisAttribID = NULL SET @LastAttribID = NULL SET @EmitTag = NULL SET @AllowPush = NULL SET @StackID = NULL SET @StackDEID = NULL SET @StackTag = NULL IF @DonePop IS NULL BEGIN --first pass through SET @CurParentDEID = @ParentDEID SET @CurParentTag = '' SET @DonePop = 1 END IF @Debug = 1 PRINT 'Starting node @Tag = ' + ISNULL(@Tag, 'NULL') + ' @DEID = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@DEID AS varchar(100)), 'NULL') + ' @ParentDEID = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@ParentDEID AS varchar(100)), 'NULL') + ' @CurParentDEID = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@CurParentDEID AS varchar(100)), 'NULL') --#1: See if there is anything we need to pop. Close tags, set CurParent as needed. IF ISNULL(@ParentDEID, 0) <> ISNULL(@CurParentDEID, 0) --AND -- (@Tag IS NOT NULL) AND (@Tag NOT LIKE '!%') BEGIN IF @Debug = 1 IF @Debug = 1 PRINT 'TRACE: Need to pop' --need to pop SET @DonePop = 0 WHILE @DonePop = 0 BEGIN SET @StackID = NULL SET @StackDEID = NULL SET @StackTag = NULL SELECT TOP 1 @StackID = StackID, @StackDEID = DEID, @StackTag = CloseTag FROM @tvTagStack ORDER BY StackID DESC SET @DonePop = 1 IF @Debug = 1 IF @Debug = 1 PRINT 'TRACE: Popped from @CurParentDEID = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@CurParentDEID AS varchar(100)), 'NULL') + ' to ' + ISNULL(CAST(@StackDEID AS varchar(100)), 'NULL') IF @CurParentTag IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @RenderedHTML = ISNULL(@RenderedHTML + CASE WHEN @PrettyWhitespace = 1 THEN @CRLF ELSE '' END, '') + @CurParentTag END SET @CurParentDEID = @StackDEID SET @CurParentTag = @StackTag --Note: CurParent is left open. May be re-pushed IF @StackID IS NULL BEGIN SET @DonePop = 1 END ELSE BEGIN DELETE FROM @tvTagStack WHERE StackID = @StackID IF ISNULL(@ParentDEID, 0) <> ISNULL(@CurParentDEID, 0) BEGIN SET @DonePop = 0 --render close tag -- SET @RenderedHTML = ISNULL(@RenderedHTML + CASE WHEN @PrettyWhitespace = 1 THEN @CRLF ELSE '' END, '') + @StackTag END END END --WHILE @DonePop = 0 END --IF CurParent change needed IF ISNULL(@ParentDEID, 0) <> ISNULL(@CurParentDEID, 0) BEGIN PRINT 'Error in DOM: could not pop back to where @ParentDEID = @CurParentDEID ' + '(@ParentDEID = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@ParentDEID AS varchar(100)), 'NULL') + ' @CurParentDEID = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@CurParentDEID AS varchar(100)), 'NULL') + ')' END --#2: Render tag IF @Tag = '!--' BEGIN --HTML Comment SET @RenderedHTML = ISNULL(@RenderedHTML + CASE WHEN @PrettyWhitespace = 1 THEN @CRLF ELSE '' END, '') + ISNULL(@TextData, '') SET @AllowPush = 0 END ELSE IF @Tag LIKE '!%' BEGIN --declaration SET @RenderedHTML = ISNULL(@RenderedHTML + CASE WHEN @PrettyWhitespace = 1 THEN @CRLF ELSE '' END, '') + ISNULL('<' + @TextData + '>', '') SET @AllowPush = 0 END ELSE IF @Tag IS NULL BEGIN --text node SET @RenderedHTML = ISNULL(@RenderedHTML + CASE WHEN @PrettyWhitespace = 1 THEN @CRLF ELSE '' END, '') + ISNULL(@TextData, '') SET @AllowPush = 0 END ELSE BEGIN --normal node SET @AllowPush = 1 SET @EmitTag = '<' + @Tag + ISNULL(' id="' + @ID + '"', '') + ISNULL(' name="' + @Name + '"', '') + ISNULL(' class="' + @Class + '"', '') IF EXISTS (SELECT DOMStyleID FROM #tblDOMStyles WHERE DEID = @DEID) BEGIN SET @ThisAttribID = -1 WHILE @ThisAttribID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @ThisAttribID = NULL SELECT TOP 1 @ThisAttribID = da.DOMStyleID, @ThisAttribName = da.Name, @ThisAttribValue = da.Value FROM #DOMStyles da WHERE da.DEID = @DEID AND da.DOMStyleID > ISNULL(@LastAttribID, 0) ORDER BY da.DOMStyleID IF @ThisAttribID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @ThisStyle = ISNULL(@ThisStyle, '') + ISNULL(@ThisAttribName + ': ' + @ThisAttribValue + ';', '') END SET @LastAttribID = @ThisAttribID END END --save list of styles in style attribute EXEC #spupdDOMAttribs @DocID = @DocID OUTPUT, @DEID = @DEID, @Name = 'style', @Value = @ThisStyle IF EXISTS (SELECT DOMAttribID FROM #tblDOMAttribs WHERE DEID = @DEID) BEGIN SET @ThisAttribID = -1 WHILE @ThisAttribID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @ThisAttribID = NULL SELECT TOP 1 @ThisAttribID = da.DOMAttribID, @ThisAttribName = da.Name, @ThisAttribValue = da.Value FROM #tblDOMAttribs da WHERE da.DEID = @DEID AND da.DOMAttribID > ISNULL(@LastAttribID, 0) ORDER BY da.DOMAttribID IF @ThisAttribID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @EmitTag = @EmitTag + ISNULL(' ' + @ThisAttribName + '="' + @ThisAttribValue + '"', '') END SET @LastAttribID = @ThisAttribID END END SET @RenderedHTML = ISNULL(@RenderedHTML + CASE WHEN @PrettyWhitespace = 1 THEN @CRLF ELSE '' END, '') + @EmitTag + CASE WHEN @HasChild = 0 THEN '/' ELSE '' END + '>' END --#3: Set CurParentDEID = new node, if applicable IF (@AllowPush = 1) AND (@HasChild = 1) BEGIN --push and move CurParent to newly-inserted node IF @CurParentDEID IS NOT NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @tvTagStack ( DEID, CloseTag ) VALUES ( @CurParentDEID, @CurParentTag ) END IF @Debug = 1 IF @Debug = 1 PRINT 'TRACE: Push @CurParentDEID = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@CurParentDEID AS varchar(100)), 'NULL') + ' New @CurParentDEID = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@DEID AS varchar(100)), 'NULL') SET @CurParentDEID = @DEID SET @CurParentTag = '' END FETCH curDOM INTO @DEID, @Tag, @ID, @Name, @Class, @TextData, @ParentDEID, @HUID, @DOMLevel, @HasChild END CLOSE curDOM IF @CurParentTag IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @RenderedHTML = ISNULL(@RenderedHTML + CASE WHEN @PrettyWhitespace = 1 THEN @CRLF ELSE '' END, '') + @CurParentTag END WHILE EXISTS(SELECT StackID FROM @tvTagStack) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @StackID = StackID, @StackDEID = DEID, @StackTag = CloseTag FROM @tvTagStack ORDER BY StackID DESC DELETE FROM @tvTagStack WHERE StackID = @StackID SET @RenderedHTML = ISNULL(@RenderedHTML + CASE WHEN @PrettyWhitespace = 1 THEN @CRLF ELSE '' END, '') + ISNULL(@StackTag, '') END SET @HTML = @RenderedHTML DROP TABLE #Render IF @PrintHTML = 1 BEGIN PRINT @HTML END END GO /* ************************************************************************************** PROCEDURE #spactDOMLoad Procedure #spactDOMLoad parses the provided @HTML and loads into DOM. If @ID or @DEID is specified, modifes existing DOM starting with the specified node. If @Selector is specified, the #Load operation will be performed for each node that matches the specified selection. If @ReplaceOuter = 1 the specified node itself will also be replaced (i.e. OUTER HTML), otherwise only the children of the specified node will be replaced (i.e. INNER HTML) If neither @ID or @DEID is specified, clears entire DOM and loads from @HTML. @Attribs may specify a string of Attributes that will be appended to every node affected by #spactDOMLoad. IF @Class is specifed, ************************************************************************************** */ CREATE PROCEDURE #spactDOMLoad @DocID int = NULL, @HTML varchar(MAX), @ID varchar(512) = NULL, @DEID int = NULL, @ReplaceOuter bit = 0, @CreateNew bit = 0, @Selector varchar(MAX) = NULL, @IncludeAllWhitespace bit = 0, @Tolerate bit = 1 AS BEGIN EXEC #spactDOMOpen @CreateNew = @CreateNew, @DocID = @DocID OUTPUT --local table to hold stack of tags DECLARE @tvTagStack TABLE ( TagStackID int identity PRIMARY KEY , Tag varchar(512), DEID int, ParentDEID int ); DECLARE @tvTargetList TABLE ( DEID int PRIMARY KEY ) DECLARE @TargetDEID int IF @ID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @DEID = dom.DEID FROM #tblDOM dom WHERE dom.DocID = @DocID AND dom.ID = @ID END ELSE IF @Selector IS NOT NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @tvTargetList (DEID) EXEC #spgetDOM @DocID = @DocID OUTPUT, @Selector = @Selector, @ReturnDEIDsOnly = 1 SELECT TOP 1 @DEID = DEID FROM @tvTargetList END DECLARE @i int DECLARE @c char DECLARE @IsSingleton bit DECLARE @InComment bit DECLARE @InQuote bit DECLARE @StartQuote char DECLARE @ParentDEID int DECLARE @LastDEID int DECLARE @TopStackID int DECLARE @StackTag varchar(8000) DECLARE @PopDone bit DECLARE @State varchar(40) DECLARE @OpenTagName varchar(512) DECLARE @CloseTagName varchar(512) DECLARE @Text varchar(MAX) DECLARE @AttribStr varchar(MAX) DECLARE @CommentStr varchar(MAX) DECLARE @TextChunk varchar(8000) DECLARE @AttribChunk varchar(8000) DECLARE @StartPos int DECLARE @EndPos int DECLARE @CommentStartPos int DECLARE @TextLen int DECLARE @TextChunkLen int DECLARE @DoOpenTag bit DECLARE @DoCloseTag bit DECLARE @ImmediateClose bit IF (@DEID IS NULL) AND (@Selector IS NULL) BEGIN EXEC #spactDOMClear @DocID = @DocID OUTPUT SET @DEID = -1 END WHILE @DEID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @Text = '' SET @CommentStr = '' SET @LastDEID = NULL SET @ParentDEID = NULL SET @OpenTagName = NULL SET @CloseTagName = NULL SET @ImmediateClose = 0 SET @IsSingleton = 0 SET @InComment = 0 SET @InQuote = 0 SET @StartQuote = NULL SET @StartPos = NULL SET @EndPos = NULL SET @CommentStartPos = NULL SET @TextChunk = '' SELECT @ParentDEID = CASE WHEN @ReplaceOuter = 1 THEN dom.ParentDEID ELSE dom.DEID END FROM #tblDOM dom WHERE dom.DocID = @DocID AND dom.DEID = @DEID --Note: we are replacing all child nodes. We might be replacing --the target node too--if @ReplaceOuter = 1 IF @HTML IS NOT NULL BEGIN DELETE FROM #tblDOM WHERE (((@ReplaceOuter = 1 ) AND (DEID = @DEID)) OR ((ParentDEID = @DEID) AND (LEFT(@HTML, 1) = '<'))) SET @i = 1 SET @OpenTagName = '' SET @CloseTagName = '' SET @State = 'Text' WHILE @i <= LEN(@HTML) BEGIN SET @c = SUBSTRING(@HTML, @i, 1) --IF @State = 'Comment' BEGIN IF @InComment = 1 BEGIN --special case: locked in processing text until --> SET @CommentStr = @CommentStr + @c IF PATINDEX('%-->%', @CommentStr) > 0 BEGIN --reached the end of the comment EXEC #spinsDOMNode @DocID = @DocID OUTPUT, @Tag = '!--', @Text = @CommentStr, @OpenTagStartPos = @CommentStartPos, @CloseTagEndPos = @i, @ParentDEID = @ParentDEID SET @CommentStr = '' SET @CommentStartPos = 0 SET @State = 'Text' SET @InComment = 0 --SET @i = @i + 1 END END ELSE BEGIN IF (@i = LEN(@HTML)) AND ((@IncludeAllWhitespace = 1) OR (@C NOT IN (CHAR(9), CHAR(10), CHAR(13), ' '))) BEGIN --at the last character of our @HTML IF @IncludeAllWhitespace = 1 BEGIN SET @TextLen = LEN(@Text + 'x') - 1 SET @TextChunkLen = LEN(@TextChunk + 'x') - 1 END ELSE BEGIN EXEC #spgetLenNTW @s = @Text, @Len = @TextLen OUTPUT EXEC #spgetLenNTW @s = @TextChunk, @Len = @TextChunkLen OUTPUT END IF (@TextLen > 0) OR (@TextChunkLen > 0) BEGIN --special case of text-only @HTML (no tags) SET @TextChunk = @TextChunk + @c IF @TextChunk <> '' BEGIN SET @Text = @Text + @TextChunk SET @TextChunk = '' END EXEC #spinsDOMNode @DocID = @DocID OUTPUT, @Tag = NULL, @Text = @Text, @ParentDEID = @ParentDEID, @DEID = @LastDEID OUTPUT END END --special occurrences of / Note that these could have been coded to --be handled below in each respective State, but seemed more clear to --keep together here. ELSE IF (@c = '/') AND (@State = 'StartTag') BEGIN SET @State = 'CloseTagName' END ELSE IF (@c = '/') AND (@State = 'OpenTagName') BEGIN --Immediate close of tag. Actual close will happen on > SET @ImmediateClose = 1 END ELSE IF (@c = '/') AND (@State = 'CloseTagName') BEGIN --NOOP: we want to drop the / SET @c = @c END ELSE IF (@c = '/') AND (@State = 'Attributes') AND (@InQuote = 0) BEGIN IF @Tolerate = 1 BEGIN IF SUBSTRING(@HTML, @i + 1, 1) <> '>' BEGIN --False alarm: HTML is missing quotes around attribute values. --This is not really an indication of the end of the tag. SET @AttribChunk = @AttribChunk + @c IF LEN(@AttribChunk) = 8000 BEGIN SET @AttribStr = @AttribStr + @AttribChunk SET @AttribChunk = '' END END ELSE BEGIN SET @State = 'OpenTagName' SET @ImmediateClose = 1 END END ELSE BEGIN SET @State = 'OpenTagName' SET @ImmediateClose = 1 END END ELSE IF (@c = '<') BEGIN SET @StartPos = @i IF @TextChunk <> '' BEGIN SET @Text = @Text + @TextChunk SET @TextChunk = '' END IF @Text <> '' BEGIN --reached the end of the text node EXEC #spgetLenNTW @s = @Text, @Len = @TextLen OUTPUT IF ((@IncludeAllWhitespace = 1) OR (@TextLen > 0)) BEGIN EXEC #spinsDOMNode @DocID = @DocID OUTPUT, @Tag = NULL, @Text = @Text, @ParentDEID = @ParentDEID, @DEID = @LastDEID OUTPUT END END --See if we are starting a comment IF SUBSTRING(@HTML, @i, LEN('', @IncludeStartTag bit = 1, @IncludeEndTag bit = 1, --Token to mark end of block to return in @ParsedText. NULL means return to end. @ParsedText nvarchar(MAX) = NULL OUTPUT, --Substring of @ResponseText delimeted by @StartTag and @EndTag @ErrorMsg varchar(MAX) = NULL OUTPUT, --NULL unless an error message was encountered @LastResultCode int = NULL OUTPUT, --0 unless an error code was returned by MSXML2.ServerXMLHttp @SuppressResponseText bit = 0, --If 0, actual content is not returned from remote server (just status code) @SuppressResultset bit = 1 --If 0, result set is is not returned (just parameters) AS BEGIN --Retrieves data via HTTP --http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa238861(v=sql.80).aspx SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @Debug bit SET @Debug = 0 DECLARE @CRLF char(5) SET @CRLF = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) DECLARE @XML xml DECLARE @Obj int DECLARE @PerformedInit bit SET @PerformedInit = 0 DECLARE @ErrSource varchar(512) DECLARE @ErrMsg varchar(512) DECLARE @tvResponse TABLE (Response nvarchar(MAX)) BEGIN TRY IF @Debug = 1 PRINT 'About to call sp_OACreate for MSXML2.ServerXMLHttp' EXEC @LastResultCode = sp_OACreate 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHttp', @Obj OUT IF @LastResultCode <> 0 BEGIN EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @obj, @ErrSource OUTPUT, @ErrMsg OUTPUT PRINT @ErrSource PRINT @ErrMsg END ELSE BEGIN SET @PerformedInit = 1 END IF @LastResultCode = 0 BEGIN IF @HTTPMethod = 'GET' BEGIN IF @Debug = 1 PRINT 'About to call sp_OAMethod for open (GET)' EXEC @LastResultCode = sp_OAMethod @Obj, 'open', NULL, 'GET', @URL, false IF @LastResultCode <> 0 BEGIN EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @obj, @ErrSource OUTPUT, @ErrMsg OUTPUT PRINT @ErrSource PRINT @ErrMsg END END ELSE BEGIN IF @Debug = 1 PRINT 'About to call sp_OAMethod for open (POST)' EXEC @LastResultCode = sp_OAMethod @Obj, 'open', NULL, 'POST', @URL, false IF @LastResultCode <> 0 BEGIN EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @obj, @ErrSource OUTPUT, @ErrMsg OUTPUT PRINT @ErrSource PRINT @ErrMsg END IF @Debug = 1 PRINT 'About to call sp_OAMethod for setRequestHeader' IF @LastResultCode = 0 EXEC @LastResultCode = sp_OAMethod @Obj, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'Content-Type', @ContentType IF @LastResultCode <> 0 BEGIN EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @obj, @ErrSource OUTPUT, @ErrMsg OUTPUT PRINT @ErrSource PRINT @ErrMsg END END END IF @Debug = 1 PRINT 'About to call sp_OAMethod for send' IF @LastResultCode = 0 EXEC @LastResultCode = sp_OAMethod @Obj, 'send', NULL, @DataToSend IF @LastResultCode <> 0 BEGIN EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @obj, @ErrSource OUTPUT, @ErrMsg OUTPUT PRINT @ErrSource PRINT @ErrMsg END IF @LastResultCode = 0 EXEC @LastResultCode = sp_OAGetProperty @Obj, 'status', @HTTPStatus OUT IF @LastResultCode <> 0 BEGIN EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @obj, @ErrSource OUTPUT, @ErrMsg OUTPUT PRINT @ErrSource PRINT @ErrMsg END IF (@LastResultCode = 0) AND (ISNULL(@SuppressResponseText, 0) = 0) BEGIN INSERT INTO @tvResponse (Response) EXEC @LastResultCode = sp_OAGetProperty @Obj, 'responseText' --, @Response OUT --Note: sp_OAGetProperty (or any extended stored procedure parameter) does not support --varchar(MAX), however returning as a resultset will return long results. END END TRY BEGIN CATCH SET @ErrorMsg = ERROR_MESSAGE() + ISNULL(@CRLF + @ErrMsg, '') END CATCH BEGIN TRY DECLARE @DestroyResultCode int EXEC @DestroyResultCode = sp_OADestroy @Obj END TRY BEGIN CATCH SET @ErrorMsg = ISNULL(@ErrorMsg + @CRLF, '') + ERROR_MESSAGE() + 'on call to sp_OADestroy.' END CATCH SELECT @ResponseText = Response FROM @tvResponse IF (@LastResultCode = 0) AND (@StartTag IS NOT NULL) BEGIN DECLARE @P1 int DECLARE @P2 int SET @P1 = PATINDEX('%' + @StartTag +'%', @ResponseText) IF @IncludeEndTag = 0 SET @P1 = @P1 + LEN(@EndTag + 'x') - 1 IF @EndTag IS NULL BEGIN SET @P2 = LEN(@ResponseText + 'x') - 1 END ELSE BEGIN SET @P2 = PATINDEX('%' + @EndTag + '%', @ResponseText) - 1 IF @IncludeEndTag = 1 SET @P2 = @P2 + LEN(@EndTag + 'x') - 1 END --SET @ParsedText = REPLACE(tempdb.dbo.RTRIMWhitespace(tempdb.dbo.LTRIMWhitespace(SUBSTRING(@ResponseText, @P1, @P2 - @P1 + 1))), CHAR(9), '') SET @ParsedText = SUBSTRING(@ResponseText, @P1, @P2 - @P1 + 1) EXEC #spactTrimWhitespace @S = @ParsedText OUTPUT, @DoLeft = 1, @DoRight = 1, @TrimTabs = 1 END IF ISNULL(@SuppressResultset, 0) = 0 BEGIN SELECT @URL AS URL, @ResponseText AS ResponseText, @ParsedText AS ParsedText, @HTTPStatus AS HTTPStatus, @LastResultCode AS LastResultCode, @ErrorMsg AS ErrorMsg END IF ((ISNULL(@LastResultCode, -1) <> 0) OR (ISNULL(@DestroyResultCode, -1) <> 0) OR (@ErrorMsg IS NOT NULL)) BEGIN SET @ErrorMsg = 'Error in #sputlGetHTTP: ' + @CRLF + ISNULL(NULLIF(RTRIM(@ErrMsg), '') + @CRLF, '') + -- ISNULL(NULLIF(RTRIM(@ErrSource), '') + @CRLF, '') + ISNULL(NULLIF(RTRIM(@ErrorMsg), '') + @CRLF, '') + CASE WHEN @PerformedInit = 0 THEN @CRLF + 'Remember that this stored procedure uses OLE. To work properly you may need to configure ' + 'your database to allow OLE, as follows: ' + @CRLF + ' EXEC sp_configure ''show advanced options'', 1;' + @CRLF + ' RECONFIGURE;' + @CRLF + ' EXEC sp_configure ''Ole Automation Procedures'', 1;' + @CRLF + ' RECONFIGURE;' + @CRLF + 'Also, your SQL user must have execute rights to the following stored procedures in master:' + @CRLF + ' sp_OACreate' + @CRLF + ' sp_OAGetProperty' + @CRLF + ' sp_OASetProperty' + @CRLF + ' sp_OAMethod' + @CRLF + ' sp_OAGetErrorInfo' + @CRLF + ' sp_OADestroy' + @CRLF + 'You can grant rights for each of these as follows:' + @CRLF + ' USE master' + @CRLF + ' GRANT EXEC ON sp_OACreate TO myuser' + @CRLF + ' GRANT EXEC etc. ...' ELSE '' END RAISERROR(@ErrorMsg, 16, 1) END END GO -------------------- CREATE PROCEDURE #sputilConvertJSONToXML @JSON nvarchar(MAX), @XML xml OUTPUT AS BEGIN DECLARE @tvStack TABLE ( StackID int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, Tag varchar(8000), IsArrayElem bit ) DECLARE @I int DECLARE @C char DECLARE @LastChar char DECLARE @Buf varchar(8000) DECLARE @XMLStr varchar(MAX) DECLARE @Tag varchar(8000) DECLARE @StackID int DECLARE @InQuote bit DECLARE @EndedQuote bit DECLARE @IsArrayElem bit SET @I = 1 SET @InQuote = 0 SET @XMLStr = '' SET @Buf = '' WHILE @I < LEN(@JSON + 'x') - 1 BEGIN IF @C NOT IN (CHAR(9), CHAR(10), CHAR(13), ' ') SET @LastChar = @C SET @C = SUBSTRING(@JSON, @I, 1) IF @C = '"' BEGIN --Found Quote IF @EndedQuote = 1 BEGIN --Just exited a quote: special case for embedded "" SET @Buf = @Buf + @C SET @InQuote = 1 SET @EndedQuote = 0 END ELSE IF @InQuote = 1 BEGIN --We were already in a quote, so we must be exiting SET @InQuote = 0 SET @EndedQuote = 1 END ELSE BEGIN SET @InQuote = 1 END END ELSE BEGIN --not a quote character SET @EndedQuote = 0 IF (@InQuote = 1) BEGIN --just append character IF @C NOT IN (CHAR(9), CHAR(10), CHAR(13)) BEGIN SET @Buf = @Buf + CASE @C WHEN '<' THEN '<' WHEN '>' THEN '>' WHEN '&' THEN '&' ELSE @C END END END ELSE BEGIN --inspect character to determine state IF @C = ':' BEGIN --@Buf contains VarName SET @XMLStr = @XMLStr + '<' + @Buf + '>' INSERT INTO @tvStack (Tag) VALUES (@Buf) SET @Buf = '' END ELSE IF @C = ',' BEGIN --@Buf contains VarValue IF @Buf <> '' BEGIN SET @XMLStr = @XMLStr + @Buf SET @Buf = '' --pop tag from stack and write closing tag to XML SET @Tag = '' SELECT TOP 1 @Tag = Tag, @StackID = StackID FROM @tvStack ORDER BY StackID DESC DELETE FROM @tvStack WHERE StackID = @StackID IF @Tag <> '' BEGIN SET @XMLStr = @XMLStr + '' END END --We are on a comma. If the top element is an array element, peek and write --a close tag and a re-open tag to XML SET @IsArrayElem = 0 SELECT TOP 1 @IsArrayElem = IsArrayElem, @Tag = Tag FROM @tvStack ORDER BY StackID DESC IF @LastChar = '}' AND @IsArrayElem = 1 BEGIN SET @XMLStr = @XMLStr + '' + '<' + @Tag + '>' END END ELSE IF @C = '[' BEGIN --Start of array. --peek at stack and add first array element tag SET @Tag = '' SELECT TOP 1 @Tag = Tag, @StackID = StackID FROM @tvStack ORDER BY StackID DESC IF @Tag <> '' BEGIN SET @Tag = @Tag + '_' --push array element tag to stack and write closing tag to XML INSERT INTO @tvStack (Tag, IsArrayElem) VALUES (@Tag, 1) SET @XMLStr = @XMLStr + '<' + @Tag + '>' END END ELSE IF @C = '}' BEGIN --at end of object --pop tag from stack and write closing tag to XML SELECT TOP 1 @Tag = Tag, @StackID = StackID FROM @tvStack ORDER BY StackID DESC DELETE FROM @tvStack WHERE StackID = @StackID IF @Tag <> '' BEGIN SET @XMLStr = @XMLStr + @Buf + '' END SET @Buf = '' END ELSE IF @C = ']' BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @Tag = Tag, @StackID = StackID FROM @tvStack ORDER BY StackID DESC DELETE FROM @tvStack WHERE StackID = @StackID IF @Tag <> '' BEGIN SET @XMLStr = @XMLStr + @Buf + '' END SET @Buf = '' END ELSE BEGIN IF @C NOT IN (CHAR(9), CHAR(10), CHAR(13), '{') BEGIN SET @Buf = @Buf + CASE @C WHEN '<' THEN '<' WHEN '>' THEN '>' WHEN '&' THEN '&' WHEN ' ' THEN '' ELSE @C END END END END END SET @I = @I + 1 END --pop any remaining tags from stack WHILE EXISTS(SELECT StackID FROM @tvStack) BEGIN SET @Tag = '' SELECT TOP 1 @Tag = Tag, @StackID = StackID FROM @tvStack ORDER BY StackID DESC DELETE FROM @tvStack WHERE StackID = @StackID IF @Tag <> '' BEGIN SET @XMLStr = @XMLStr + '' END END SET @XML = NULLIF(RTRIM(@XMLStr), '') END GO -------------------- PRINT ' SQLDOM has been successfully loaded and is ready for use. Things to try: --Example 1: Simple parse of string EXEC #spactDOMLoad @HTML = ''Hello World.


'' EXEC #spgetDOM --Example 2: Render HTML from DOM (that we parsed in Example 1 above) EXEC #spgetDOMHTML @PrettyWhitespace=1, @PrintHTML = 1 --Example 3: Parse and re-render from a URL DECLARE @HTML varchar(MAX) EXEC #sputilGetHTTP @URL = ''http://www.google.com'', @ResponseText = @HTML OUTPUT, @SuppressResultset = 1 EXEC #spactDOMLoad @HTML=@HTML EXEC #spgetDOM EXEC #spgetDOMHTML @PrettyWhitespace=1, @PrintHTML = 1 --Example 4: Parse from a string, modify the DOM, render resulting HTML EXEC #spactDOMLoad @HTML = ''Hello World.
Future content goes here
'' EXEC #spactDOMLoad @HTML = ''
Here is some neat stuff about SQLDOM
'', @Selector = ''.myContent'' EXEC #spgetDOM EXEC #spgetDOMHTML @PrettyWhitespace=1, @PrintHTML = 1 '