lag.plot1=function(series,max.lag=1,corr=TRUE,smooth=FALSE){ name1=paste(deparse(substitute(series)),"(t-",sep="") name2=paste(deparse(substitute(series)),"(t)",sep="") data1=as.ts(series) max.lag=as.integer(max.lag) prow=ceiling(sqrt(max.lag)) pcol=ceiling(max.lag/prow) a=acf(series,max.lag,plot=FALSE)$acf[-1] old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(prow,pcol), mar=c(2.5, 4, 2.5, 1), cex.main=1.1, font.main=1) for(h in 1:max.lag){ plot(lag(series,-h), data1, xy.labels=FALSE, main=paste(name1,h,")",sep=""), ylab=name2, xlab="") if (smooth==TRUE) lines(lowess(ts.intersect(lag(series,-h),series)[,1], ts.intersect(lag(series,-h),series)[,2]), col="red") if (corr==TRUE) legend("topright", legend=round(a[h], digits=2), text.col ="blue", bg="white", x.intersp=0) on.exit(par(old.par)) } } lag.plot2=function(series1,series2,max.lag=0,corr=TRUE,smooth=FALSE){ name1=paste(deparse(substitute(series1)),"(t-",sep="") name2=paste(deparse(substitute(series2)),"(t)",sep="") data1=as.ts(series1) data2=as.ts(series2) max.lag=as.integer(max.lag) m1=max.lag+1 prow=ceiling(sqrt(m1)) pcol=ceiling(m1/prow) a=ccf(series1,series2,max.lag,plot=FALSE)$acf old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(prow,pcol), mar=c(2.5, 4, 2.5, 1), cex.main=1.1, font.main=1) for(h in 0:max.lag){ plot(lag(series1,-h), series2, xy.labels=FALSE, main=paste(name1,h,")",sep=""), ylab=name2, xlab="") if (smooth==TRUE) lines(lowess(ts.intersect(lag(series1,-h),series2)[,1], ts.intersect(lag(series1,-h),series2)[,2]), col="red") if (corr==TRUE) legend("topright", legend=round(a[m1-h], digits=2), text.col ="blue", bg="white", x.intersp=0) on.exit(par(old.par)) } } acf2=function(series,max.lag=NULL){ num=length(series) if (is.null(max.lag)) max.lag=ceiling(10+sqrt(num)) if (max.lag > (num-1)) stop("Number of lags exceeds number of observations") ACF=acf(series, max.lag, plot=FALSE)$acf[-1] PACF=pacf(series, max.lag, plot=FALSE)$acf LAG=1:max.lag/frequency(series) minA=min(ACF) minP=min(PACF) U=2/sqrt(num) L=-U minu=min(minA,minP,L)-.01 old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar = c(3,3,2,0.8), oma = c(1,1.2,1,1), mgp = c(1.5,0.6,0)) plot(LAG, ACF, type="h",ylim=c(minu,1), main=paste("Series: ",deparse(substitute(series)))) abline(h=c(0,L,U), lty=c(1,2,2), col=c(1,4,4)) plot(LAG, PACF, type="h",ylim=c(minu,1)) abline(h=c(0,L,U), lty=c(1,2,2), col=c(1,4,4)) on.exit(par(old.par)) ACF<-round(ACF,2); PACF<-round(PACF,2) return(cbind(ACF, PACF)) } sarima = function(xdata,p,d,q,P=0,D=0,Q=0,S=-1,details=TRUE,tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),no.constant=FALSE) { n = length(xdata) constant = 1:n xmean = rep(1,n) trc = ifelse(details==TRUE, 1, 0) if (d==0 & D==0) { fitit = arima(xdata, order=c(p,d,q), seasonal=list(order=c(P,D,Q), period=S), xreg=xmean,include.mean=FALSE, optim.control=list(trace=trc,REPORT=1,reltol=tol)) } else if (xor(d==1, D==1) & no.constant==FALSE) { fitit = arima(xdata, order=c(p,d,q), seasonal=list(order=c(P,D,Q), period=S), xreg=constant,optim.control=list(trace=trc,REPORT=1,reltol=tol)) } else fitit = arima(xdata, order=c(p,d,q), seasonal=list(order=c(P,D,Q), period=S), optim.control=list(trace=trc,REPORT=1,reltol=tol)) # # replace tsdiag with a better version old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) layout(matrix(c(1,2,4, 1,3,4), nc=2)) rs <- fitit$residuals stdres <- rs/sqrt(fitit$sigma2) num <- sum(! plot.ts(stdres, main = "Standardized Residuals", ylab = "") alag <- 10+sqrt(num) ACF = acf(rs, alag, plot=FALSE, na.action = na.pass)$acf[-1] LAG = 1:alag/frequency(xdata) L=2/sqrt(num) plot(LAG, ACF, type="h", ylim=c(min(ACF)-.1,min(1,max(ACF+.4))), main = "ACF of Residuals") abline(h=c(0,-L,L), lty=c(1,2,2), col=c(1,4,4)) qqnorm(stdres, main="Normal Q-Q Plot of Std Residuals"); qqline(stdres, col=4) nlag <- ifelse(S<4, 20, 3*S) ppq <- p+q+P+Q pval <- numeric(nlag) for (i in (ppq+1):nlag) {u <- Box.test(rs, i, type = "Ljung-Box")$statistic pval[i] <- pchisq(u, i-ppq, lower=FALSE)} plot( (ppq+1):nlag, pval[(ppq+1):nlag], xlab = "lag", ylab = "p value", ylim = c(0, 1), main = "p values for Ljung-Box statistic") abline(h = 0.05, lty = 2, col = "blue") on.exit(par(old.par)) # end new tsdiag # k = length(fitit$coef) BIC = log(fitit$sigma2)+(k*log(n)/n) AICc = log(fitit$sigma2)+((n+k)/(n-k-2)) AIC = log(fitit$sigma2)+((n+2*k)/n) innov<<-fitit$resid list(fit=fitit, AIC=AIC, AICc=AICc, BIC=BIC) } sarima.for=function(xdata,n.ahead,p,d,q,P=0,D=0,Q=0,S=-1,tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),no.constant=FALSE){ xname=deparse(substitute(xdata)) xdata=as.ts(xdata) n=length(xdata) constant=1:n xmean=rep(1,n) if (d==0 & D==0) { fitit=arima(xdata, order=c(p,d,q), seasonal=list(order=c(P,D,Q), period=S), xreg=xmean,include.mean=FALSE, optim.control=list(reltol=tol)); nureg=matrix(1,n.ahead,1) } else if (xor(d==1, D==1) & no.constant==FALSE) { fitit=arima(xdata, order=c(p,d,q), seasonal=list(order=c(P,D,Q), period=S), xreg=constant,optim.control=list(reltol=tol)); nureg=(n+1):(n+n.ahead) } else { fitit=arima(xdata, order=c(p,d,q), seasonal=list(order=c(P,D,Q), period=S), optim.control=list(reltol=tol)); nureg=NULL } #-- fore=predict(fitit, n.ahead, newxreg=nureg) #-- graph: U = fore$pred + 2*fore$se L = fore$pred - 2*fore$se a=max(1,n-100) minx=min(xdata[a:n],L) maxx=max(xdata[a:n],U) t1=xy.coords(xdata, y = NULL)$x if(length(t1)<101) strt=t1[1] else strt=t1[length(t1)-100] t2=xy.coords(fore$pred, y = NULL)$x endd=t2[length(t2)] xllim=c(strt,endd) ts.plot(xdata,fore$pred,col=1:2, xlim=xllim, ylim=c(minx,maxx), ylab=xname) lines(fore$pred, col="red", type="p") lines(U, col="blue", lty="dashed") lines(L, col="blue", lty="dashed") # return(fore) } spec.arma <- function(ar=0,ma=0,var.noise=1,n.freq=500, ...) { # check causality ar.poly <- c(1, -ar) <- polyroot(ar.poly) if(any(abs( <= 1)) cat("WARNING: Model Not Causal", "\n") # check invertibility ma.poly <- c(1, ma) <- polyroot(ma.poly) if(any(abs( <= 1)) cat("WARNING: Model Not Invertible", "\n") if(any(abs( <= 1) || any(abs( <= 1) ) stop("Try Again") # ar.order <- length(ar) ma.order <- length(ma) # check (near) parameter redundancy [i.e. are any roots (approximately) equal] for (i in 1:ar.order) { if ( (ar == 0 & ar.order == 1) || (ma == 0 & ma.order ==1) ) break if(any(abs([i][1:ma.order]) < 1e-03)) {cat("WARNING: Parameter Redundancy", "\n"); break} } # freq <-, 0.5, length.out = n.freq) <- outer(freq, 1:ar.order, function(x, y) cos(2 * pi * x * y)) %*% ar <- outer(freq, 1:ar.order, function(x, y) sin(2 * pi * x * y)) %*% ar <- outer(freq, 1:ma.order, function(x, y) cos(2 * pi * x * y)) %*% -ma <- outer(freq, 1:ma.order, function(x, y) sin(2 * pi * x * y)) %*% -ma spec <- var.noise*((1 -^2 +^2)/((1 -^2 +^2) spg.out <- list(freq=freq, spec=spec) class(spg.out) <- "spec" plot(spg.out, ci=0, main="", ...) return(invisible(spg.out)) } cat(" itall has been installed", "\n")