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1 螳 #れ螻 螳 企 ikey覲 a, b, c 譴 螳 螳 谿城 蟆 覓語. , 螳 0覲企 貉れ . ikey 螻讌 朱, 螳 磯殊 1蟇伎 螻, 1襷 蟇伎 .
ikey a b c ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 244 382 961 368 275 623 372 947 212 148 744 466 783 75 479 678 301 931 631 998 569 872 154 435 363 654 257 388 437 655 109 327 382 149 534 725 846 471 106 187 [edit]
2 ろ 一危 #-- 一危 ろ襴渚 set nocount on set statistics io on if object_id('temp..#temp') is not null drop table #temp create table #temp( ikey int , a int , b int , c int ) go declare @i int , @i_key int , @a int , @b int , @c int set @i = 1 while(@i <= 100000) begin set @i_key = replace(right(cast(rand() as varchar), 3) , '.', '') set @a = replace(right(cast(rand() as varchar), 3), '.', '') set @b = replace(right(cast(rand() as varchar), 3), '.', '') set @c = replace(right(cast(rand() as varchar), 3), '.', '') insert #temp values(@i_key, @a, @b, @c) set @i = @i + 1 end create index idx on #temp(ikey) go [edit]
3 蠏 覦覯1 # 一危 ろ襴渚碁ゼ ろ螻, ikey 豺企襴郁 螳 襷 蟆 覲伎.
select top 100 ikey, count(*) cnt from #temp group by ikey order by 2 desc /* ikey cnt ----------- ----------- 804 145 935 141 687 140 918 140 754 138 207 137 588 137 */ ikey = 804螳 145蟇伎朱 螳 襷. 所 螳覃 れ螻 螳 SQL 燕 蟆企. 蠏碁 螳 SQL 螳 一危磯ゼ 3覯企 曙伎 .
set statistics profile on --SQL1: UNION ALL伎 select ikey, min(val) as min_val from( select ikey, min(a) as val from #temp where a > 0 and ikey = 804 group by ikey union all select ikey, min(b) from #temp where b > 0 and ikey = 804 group by ikey union all select ikey,min(c) from #temp where c > 0 and ikey = 804 group by ikey ) a group by ikey --蟆3, 朱Μ所鍵444, 覓朱Μ所鍵0 [edit]
4 蠏 覦覯2 #--SQL2: Cross Join伎 select ikey , min( case when id = 1 and a > 0 then a when id = 2 and b > 0 then b when id = 3 and c > 0 then c end) min_val from ( select * from #temp where ikey = 804 ) a cross join (select 1 id union all select 2 union all select 3) b group by ikey --蟆1, 朱Μ所鍵148
れ螻 讌朱 襷 語 轟 螻 蟆渚螻 螳 視. 轟 轟 り 螳 殊 伎朱 . (襴語 襭讀覯) |