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create table t (c1 varchar(50))
select * from t where lower(c1) = '00'

create table t (c1 varchar(50), c2 as lower(c1))
create table t (c1 varchar(50), c2 as lower(c1), c3 as lower(c1) persisted)

alter table #temp3
add avt_ctgr_lv5 as 
		when src_avt_key in(3,6,8) then '覦'
		else '蠍壱' end

alter table #temp3
drop column avt_ctgr_lv5

alter table #temp3
add avt_ctgr_lv5 as 
		when src_avt_key in(3,6,8) then '覦'
		when src_avt_key in(1,2,4) then 'ろ'
		else '蠍壱' end

alter table ods.poker.tournament
add std_dt as convert(date, begin_dt) persisted not null 
蠍 蠍郁鍵..
企: : るジ讓曙 襦螻豺 企Ν 譯殊語. 襦螻豺
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Youth is not a time of life but it is a state of mind. (覓伎碁)