--蟯螻 襦 CREATE PROC 襦覈 AS IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U' AND name LIKE '%#企覈%') DROP TABLE #企覈 CREATE TABLE #企覈 ( 貉 一危壱 .... ) DECLARE @i AS INT, @path AS VARCHAR(50) SET @i = 0 SET @path = ',' INSERT INTO #企覈 SELECT 貉朱Μろ, @i, ',' + 貉朱 + ',' FROM れ企覈 WHERE 覿覈貉朱 IS NULL -- 覿覈貉 = 覿覈貉手 WHILE @@ROWCOUNT > 0 BEGIN SET @i = @i + 1 INSERT INTO #企覈 SELECT れ企.貉朱 ..... , @i, #企.path + れ企.貉 + ',' FROM れ企 INNER JOIN #企 ON れ企.覿覈貉 = #企.貉 AND #企.i = @i - 1 END SELECT REPLICATE(' ', i) + CAST(i + 1 AS VARCHAR) AS 'LEVEL' , REPLICATE('->', i) + 貉手 AS 'LEVEL_NAME' , i , path , 貉 , 覿覈貉 FROM #企 ORDER BY path
--DROP TABLE employees CREATE TABLE employees (empid nchar(5) PRIMARY KEY, empname nvarchar(50), mgrid nchar(5) REFERENCES employees(empid) ) GO INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('*', '覩', null) INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('1', '', '*') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('2', '伎', '1') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('3', '伎', '1') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('4', '伎', '1') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('5', '覿', '2') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('6', '覿', '2') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('7', '覿', '2') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('8', '螻殊', '3') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('9', '螻殊', '3') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('10', '覿', '4') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('11', '', '7') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('12', '', '7') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('13', '', '7') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('14', '', '7') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('111', '', '*') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('222', '伎', '111') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('333', '覿', '222') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('444', '螻殊', '333') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('555', '襴', '444') INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('666', '', '555') SELECT * FROM employees GO --drop index employees.idx_emp_mgr create index idx_emp_mgr on employees(mgrid) GO ALTER PROC proc_test AS IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U' AND name LIKE '%#emp%') DROP TABLE #emp CREATE TABLE #emp (empid nchar(5) PRIMARY KEY, empname nvarchar(50), mgrid nchar(5) REFERENCES employees(empid), i int, path varchar(50) ) DECLARE @i AS INT, @path AS VARCHAR(50) SET @i = 0 SET @path = ',' INSERT INTO #emp SELECT empid, empname, mgrid, @i, ',' + empid + ',' FROM employees WHERE mgrid = '*' -- 覿覈貉 = 覿覈貉手 WHILE @@ROWCOUNT > 0 BEGIN SET @i = @i + 1 INSERT INTO #emp SELECT a.empid, a.empname, a.mgrid , @i, b.path + a.empid + ',' FROM employees a INNER JOIN #emp b ON a.mgrid = b.empid AND b.i = @i - 1 END SELECT REPLICATE(' ', i) + CAST(i + 1 AS VARCHAR) 'LEVEL', REPLICATE('->', i) + empname 'LEVEL_NAME', i, path, empid, mgrid FROM #emp ORDER BY path GO exec proc_test
CREATE TABLE employees (empid nchar(5) PRIMARY KEY, empname nvarchar(50), mgrid nchar(5) REFERENCES employees(empid), title nvarchar(30) ) GO CREATE FUNCTION fn_FindReports (@InEmpId nchar(5)) RETURNS @retFindReports TABLE (empid nchar(5) primary key, empname nvarchar(50) NOT NULL, mgrid nchar(5), title nvarchar(30)) /*Returns a result set that lists all the employees who report to given employee directly or indirectly.*/ AS BEGIN DECLARE @RowsAdded int -- table variable to hold accumulated results DECLARE @reports TABLE (empid nchar(5) primary key, empname nvarchar(50) NOT NULL, mgrid nchar(5), title nvarchar(30), processed tinyint default 0) -- initialize @Reports with direct reports of the given employee INSERT @reports SELECT empid, empname, mgrid, title, 0 FROM employees WHERE empid = @InEmpId SET @RowsAdded = @@rowcount -- While new employees were added in the previous iteration WHILE @RowsAdded > 0 BEGIN /*Mark all employee records whose direct reports are going to be found in this iteration with processed=1.*/ UPDATE @reports SET processed = 1 WHERE processed = 0 -- Insert employees who report to employees marked 1. INSERT @reports SELECT e.empid, e.empname, e.mgrid, e.title, 0 FROM employees e, @reports r WHERE e.mgrid=r.empid and e.mgrid <> e.empid and r.processed = 1 SET @RowsAdded = @@rowcount /*Mark all employee records whose direct reports have been found in this iteration.*/ UPDATE @reports SET processed = 2 WHERE processed = 1 END -- copy to the result of the function the required columns INSERT @retFindReports SELECT empid, empname, mgrid, title FROM @reports RETURN END GO -- Example invocation SELECT * FROM fn_FindReports('11234') GO
USE AdventureWorks GO WITH T_Recursive(ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, Level) AS ( --Root.. SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, 0 AS Level FROM HumanResources.Employee WHERE ManagerID IS NULL --Root 譟郁唄 UNION ALL SELECT A.ManagerID, A.EmployeeID, A.Title, B.Level + 1 AS Level FROM HumanResources.Employee A INNER JOIN T_Recursive B --蠏貎朱Μ ON A.ManagerID = B.EmployeeID ) SELECT ManagerID , CAST(REPLICATE(' --> ', Level) + CAST(EmployeeID AS VARCHAR) AS CHAR(25)) AS EmployeeID , Title , Level FROM T_Recursive A ORDER BY Level --蟆郁骸 ManagerID EmployeeID Title Level ----------- ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- NULL 109 Chief Executive Officer 0 109 --> 6 Marketing Manager 1 109 --> 12 Vice President of Engineering 1 109 --> 42 Information Services Manager 1 109 --> 140 Chief Financial Officer 1 109 --> 148 Vice President of Production 1 109 --> 273 Vice President of Sales 1 273 --> --> 268 North American Sales Manager 2 273 --> --> 284 European Sales Manager 2 273 --> --> 288 Pacific Sales Manager 2 148 --> --> 21 Production Control Manager 2 148 --> --> 44 Master Scheduler 2 148 --> --> 200 Quality Assurance Manager 2 148 --> --> 218 Facilities Manager 2 140 --> --> 30 Human Resources Manager 2 140 --> --> 71 Finance Manager 2 140 --> --> 103 Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer 2 140 --> --> 139 Accounts Manager 2 . . . 274 --> --> --> --> 261 Buyer 4 274 --> --> --> --> 264 Purchasing Assistant 4 274 --> --> --> --> 266 Purchasing Assistant 4 263 --> --> --> --> 5 Tool Designer 4 263 --> --> --> --> 265 Tool Designer 4 158 --> --> --> --> 79 Research and Development Engineer 4 158 --> --> --> --> 114 Research and Development Engineer 4 158 --> --> --> --> 217 Research and Development Manager 4 (290 row(s) affected) (1 row(s) affected)
CREATE View [Common].[vDim_Item] AS WITH vRecursive(ItemKey, ItemNM, FullPath, OrderPath, ParentKey, ParentNM, Price, ContentsNo, ContentsNM, MenuNo, MenuNM, MixBillNo, VerNo, SiteCD, Level, LeafLevelYN) AS ( SELECT ItemKey , ItemNM , CONVERT(varchar(500), ItemNM) FullPath , CONVERT(varchar(500), ItemKey) OrderPath , ParentKey , CONVERT(varchar(50), NULL) ParentNM , Price , ContentsNo , ContentsNM , MenuNo , MenuNM , MixBillNo , VerNo , SiteCD , 0 Level , LeafLevelYN FROM Common.Dim_Item WHERE ParentKey IS NULL --WHERE ItemKey = 1 UNION ALL SELECT A.ItemKey , A.ItemNM , CONVERT(varchar(500), B.FullPath + '/' + A.ItemNM) FullPath , CONVERT(varchar(500), CONVERT(varchar, B.OrderPath) + CONVERT(varchar, A.ItemKey)) OrderPath , A.ParentKey , B.ItemNM ParentNM , A.Price , A.ContentsNo , A.ContentsNM , A.MenuNo , A.MenuNM , A.MixBillNo , A.VerNo , A.SiteCD , B.Level + 1 Level , A.LeafLevelYN FROM Common.Dim_Item A INNER JOIN vRecursive B ON A.ParentKey = B.ItemKey where Level < 10 ) SELECT ParentKey , ParentNM , ItemKey , ISNULL(REPLICATE(' ', Level-1), '') + CASE WHEN ParentKey IS NOT NULL THEN '' ELSE '' END + CAST(ItemKey AS VARCHAR) AS Level_Tree , ISNULL(REPLICATE(' ', Level-1), '') + CASE WHEN ParentKey IS NOT NULL THEN '' ELSE '' END + ItemNM ItemNM_Tree , ItemNM , FullPath , OrderPath , Price , ContentsNo , ContentsNM , MenuNo , MenuNM , MixBillNo , VerNo , SiteCD , Level , LeafLevelYN FROM vRecursive A --OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0);
USE AdventureWorks GO --企 CREATE TABLE HumanResources.EmployeeOrg ( OrgNode hierarchyid PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, --蠍一朱! OrgLevel AS OrgNode.GetLevel(), --蠍一朱! EmployeeID int UNIQUE NOT NULL, EmpName varchar(20) NOT NULL, Title varchar(20) NULL ) ; GO --碁煙れ(願鍵覦碁煙れ) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX EmployeeOrgNc1 ON HumanResources.EmployeeOrg(OrgLevel, OrgNode) ; GO --襭語曙 INSERT HumanResources.EmployeeOrg (OrgNode, EmployeeID, EmpName, Title) VALUES (hierarchyid::GetRoot(), 6, 'David', 'Marketing Manager') ; GO --蟆1 SELECT * FROM HumanResources.EmployeeOrg
--蠏谿朱襦燕曙 CREATE PROC AddEmp(@mgrid int, @empid int, @e_name varchar(20), @title varchar(20)) AS BEGIN DECLARE @mOrgNode hierarchyid, @lc hierarchyid SELECT @mOrgNode = OrgNode FROM HumanResources.EmployeeOrg WHERE EmployeeID = @mgrid SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE BEGIN TRANSACTION SELECT @lc = max(OrgNode) FROM HumanResources.EmployeeOrg WHERE OrgNode.GetAncestor(1) =@mOrgNode ; INSERT HumanResources.EmployeeOrg (OrgNode, EmployeeID, EmpName, Title) VALUES(@mOrgNode.GetDescendant(@lc, NULL), @empid, @e_name, @title) COMMIT END ; GO EXEC AddEmp 6, 271, 'John', 'Marketing Specialist' ; EXEC AddEmp 6, 119, 'Jill', 'Marketing Specialist' ; EXEC AddEmp 46, 269, 'Wanida', 'Marketing Assistant' ; EXEC AddEmp 271, 272, 'Mary', 'Marketing Assistant' ; EXEC AddEmp 6, 120, 'yasi', 'Marketing Specialist' ; --蟆 SELECT OrgNode.ToString() AS Text_OrgNode , OrgNode , OrgLevel , EmployeeID , EmpName , Title FROM HumanResources.EmployeeOrg
SELECT OrgNode.ToString() AS Text_OrgNode , hierarchyid::GetRoot() AS Text_Root , OrgNode.GetAncestor(1) AS Text_Ancestor , (SELECT EmpName FROM HumanResources.EmployeeOrg B WHERE B.OrgNode = A.OrgNode.GetDescendant(0x78, NULL)) FROM HumanResources.EmployeeOrg A WHERE EmpName = 'David'