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1 螳 #蟯螻襯 襷崎 螳覦 truncate襯 蠍 企給る 覿ク . 蠏碁 ろ襴渚碁ゼ 襷れ. れ螻 螳 覈語 .
![]() 襷 企 c襯 truncate 螻 矩る
exec mng.relation_drop_add 'dbo.c'
襯 ろ覃 螻, 企 a襯 truncate 螻 矩るexec mng.relation_drop_add 'dbo.a' alter table dbo.b drop constraint FK_b_a alter table dbo.c drop constraint FK_c_a alter table dbo.d drop constraint FK_d_c alter table dbo.e drop constraint FK_e_d alter table dbo.fd drop constraint FK_fd_d alter table dbo.g drop constraint FK_g_fd truncate table dbo.a truncate table dbo.b truncate table dbo.c truncate table dbo.d truncate table dbo.e truncate table dbo.fd truncate table dbo.g alter table dbo.b with nocheck add constraint FK_b_a foreign key(akey) references dbo.a(akey) alter table dbo.c with nocheck add constraint FK_c_a foreign key(akey) references dbo.a(akey) alter table dbo.d with nocheck add constraint FK_d_c foreign key(ckey_r,akey_r) references dbo.c(ckey,akey) alter table dbo.e with nocheck add constraint FK_e_d foreign key(dkey) references dbo.d(dkey) alter table dbo.fd with nocheck add constraint FK_fd_d foreign key(dkey) references dbo.d(dkey) alter table dbo.g with nocheck add constraint FK_g_fd foreign key(dkey,fkey) references dbo.fd(dkey,fkey) [edit]
2 ろ襴渚 #豢 襷れ 覺る.
if schema_id('mng') is null create schema mng go create proc mng.relationship_drop_add @tname varchar(500) as --exec mng.relationship_drop_add 'dbo.a' set statistics io off set nocount on /* declare @tname varchar(255) set @tname = 'cust.account' */ declare @lv int , @db varchar(255) , @sql varchar(8000) set @db = db_name() set @lv = 1 if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#temp') is not null drop table #temp create table #temp( lv int , parent_table varchar(500) , child_table varchar(500) , const_name varchar(500) , child_col varchar(255) , parent_col varchar(255) ) if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#const') is not null drop table #const select d.sch_nm + '.' + object_name(rkeyid) parent_table , e.sch_nm + '.' + object_name(fkeyid) child_table , object_name(constid) const_name , b.name child_col , c.name parent_col into #const from sys.sysforeignkeys a inner join sys.syscolumns b on a.fkeyid = b.id and a.fkey = b.colid inner join sys.syscolumns c on a.rkeyid = c.id and a.rkey = c.colid inner join ( select a.id obj_id --, object_name(a.id) , b.name sch_nm from sys.sysobjects a inner join sys.schemas b on a.uid = b.schema_id ) d on a.rkeyid = d.obj_id inner join ( select a.id obj_id , b.name sch_nm from sys.sysobjects a inner join sys.schemas b on a.uid = b.schema_id ) e on a.fkeyid = e.obj_id order by parent_table,child_table insert #temp select @lv , parent_table , child_table , const_name , child_col , parent_col from #const where parent_table = @tname while(1=1) begin insert #temp select @lv + 1 , parent_table , child_table , const_name , child_col , parent_col from #const where parent_table in (select child_table from #temp where lv = @lv) if @@rowcount = 0 break; set @lv = @lv + 1 end if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#rs') is not null drop table #rs ;with rs as ( select a.lv , a.parent_table , a.child_table , a.const_name , stuff((select ',' + child_col as 'text()' from #temp where lv = a.lv and parent_table = a.parent_table and child_table = a.child_table and const_name = a.const_name for xml path('')),1,1,'') child_col , stuff((select ',' + parent_col as 'text()' from #temp where lv = a.lv and parent_table = a.parent_table and child_table = a.child_table and const_name = a.const_name for xml path('')),1,1,'') parent_col from ( select distinct lv , parent_table , child_table , const_name from #temp) a ) select lv , 'alter table ' + child_table + ' drop constraint ' + const_name drop_const , 'alter table ' + child_table + ' with nocheck add constraint ' + const_name + ' foreign key(' + child_col + ') references ' + parent_table + '(' + parent_col + ')' add_const into #rs from rs --蟯螻襯 declare @drop varchar(8000) , @add varchar(8000) , @trunc varchar(8000) declare cur1 cursor for select drop_const from #rs open cur1; fetch next from cur1 into @drop; while @@FETCH_STATUS not in (-1, -2) begin --exec(@drop); print @drop; fetch next from cur1 into @drop; end close cur1; deallocate cur1; --truncate declare cur2 cursor for select 'truncate table ' + parent_table from ( select parent_table from #temp union select child_table from #temp ) t open cur2; fetch next from cur2 into @trunc; while @@FETCH_STATUS not in (-1, -2) begin --exec(@trunc); print @trunc; fetch next from cur2 into @trunc; end close cur2; deallocate cur2; --蟯螻襯 れ 襷碕伎殊 --declare -- @drop varchar(8000) --, @add varchar(8000) --, @trunc varchar(8000) declare cur3 cursor for select add_const from #rs open cur3; fetch next from cur3 into @add; while @@FETCH_STATUS not in (-1, -2) begin --exec(@add); print @add fetch next from cur3 into @add; end close cur3; deallocate cur3; select a.lv , a.parent_table , a.child_table , a.const_name , stuff((select ',' + parent_col as 'text()' from #temp where lv = a.lv and parent_table = a.parent_table and child_table = a.child_table and const_name = a.const_name for xml path('')),1,1,'') parent_col , stuff((select ',' + child_col as 'text()' from #temp where lv = a.lv and parent_table = a.parent_table and child_table = a.child_table and const_name = a.const_name for xml path('')),1,1,'') child_col from ( select distinct lv , parent_table , child_table , const_name from #temp) a order by 1,2,3
覓企Μ 豺 企朱 企ゼ 蟯危螻 苦 朱 蠏碁Μ螻 る 讌り 苦朱 企 覯企. (襴 豌伎ろ壱 れ 語 企蟆 伎錫 譴) |