Describe 락모니터링 here {{{ --------------------- --락 걸린 객체 조회-- --------------------- col object_name format a30 col subobject_name format a10 col oracle_username format a20 select a.object_name, a.subobject_name, b.process, b.session_id, b.oracle_username, b.locked_mode from dba_objects a, v$locked_object b where a.object_id = b.object_id; ------------------------ --블록킹 세션 모니터링-- ------------------------ column username for a10 column sid for 999 column lock_type for a25 column mode_held for a11 column mod_requested for a10 column lock_id1 for a8 column lock_id2 format a8 select a.sid, decode(a.type, 'MR', 'Media Recovery', 'RT', 'Redo Thread', 'UN', 'User Name', 'TX', 'Transaction', 'TM', 'DML', 'UL', 'PL/SQL User Lock', 'DX', 'Distributed Xaction', 'CF', 'Control File', 'IS', 'Instance State', 'FS', 'File Set', 'IR', 'Instance Recovery', 'ST', 'Disk Space Transaction', 'TS', 'Temp Segment', 'IV', 'Library Cache Invaildation', 'LS', 'Log Start or Switch', 'RW', 'Row Wait', 'SQ', 'Sequence Number', 'TE', 'Extend Table', 'TT', 'Temp Table', a.type) lock_type, decode(a.lmode, 0, 'None', /*Non Lock equivalent*/ 1, 'Null', /*N*/ 2, 'Row-S(SS)', /*L*/ 3, 'Row-X(SX)', /*R*/ 4, 'Share', /*S*/ 5, 'S/Row-X(SSX)',/*C*/ 6, 'Exclusive', /*X*/ to_char(a.lmode)) mode_held, decode(a.request, 0, 'None', /*Non Lock equivalent*/ 1, 'Null', /*N*/ 2, 'Row-S(SS)', /*L*/ 3, 'Row-X(SX)', /*R*/ 4, 'Share', /*S*/ 5, 'S/Row-X(SSX)',/*C*/ 6, 'Exclusive', /*X*/ to_char(a.request)) mode_requested, to_char(a.id1) lock_id1, to_char(a.id2) lock_id2 from v$lock a where a.type not in ('MR', 'DM', 'RT') and (id1, id2) in (select b.id1, b.id2 from v$lock b where b.id1 = a.id1 and b.id2=a.id2 and b.request > 0) order by 5,6; ------------------------- --락으로 인한 wait 조회-- ------------------------- select s.sid, s.username, s.machine, decode(s.status, 'INACTIVE', '락을 걸고 있는 세션(INACTIVE)', s.status) status, e.event from v$session s, v$session_wait e where s.sid = e.sid }}}