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殊伎 蟯螻
R 蟯覿 cor.test 襯 . 覯 螳. 覲 x y 殊伎 蟯螻襯 蟲る れ螻 螳 覃 . cor.test(x,y) 蟆郁骸 れ螻 螳.
Pearson's product-moment correlation data: x and y t = 12.3142, df = 48, p-value = 2.220e-16 alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: 0.7831722 0.9253898 sample estimates: cor 0.8715312 襴所
螳れ p=0, 襴所れ p0朱 . 願 覦蠑瑚 苦朱 alternative 旧 . 襴所れ p<0企 alternative="less", p>0企 alternative="greater"手 企. cor.test(x, y,alternative="less") cor.test(x, y,alternative="greater") 襤郁規螳
襤郁規螳 蠍磯蓋 95%企. 覦蠑瑚 矩る conf.level 旧 . れ 襤郁規螳 99%襦 れ 蟆曙磯. cor.test(x,y,conf.level=0.99) ろ殊企 蟯螻 貅 蟯螻
殊伎 蟯螻 ろ殊企 蟯螻 貅 蟯螻 襯 蟲螻 苦朱 method 旧 . cor.test(x,y,method="spearman") # ろ殊企 蟯螻 cor.test(x,y,method="kendall") # 貅 蟯螻 蟯螻
るジ 覈螻 襷谿螳讌襦 蟯覿 蟯螻 . 譬覲 襴 觜螻 覿 覲れ 襴暑襦 譴. cor.test(~ x + y)
螳讌襷 . (W. 觚危) |