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碁 譬襯螳 襷れ 襷蠍 覓語 R れ 碁 れ れ . 蠍磯蓋朱 豕 磯(Maximum Likelihood) 覿 讌 factanal() 螳 . swiss 襭 れれ れ 讌 豢螻 蟯 覲襯 豸′ 蟆企.
> fv = factanal(swiss, factors=2)

factanal 螳 旧 朱 豕 襭 譯殊伎 . varimax襯 蠍磯蓋朱 . 蠏 語 promax襯 讌覃, oblimin企 quartimin 觜襦 るジ GPArotation れ襯 れ覃 .
> fp = factanal(swiss, factors=2, rotation="promax")

蟆郁骸 覲願鍵
碁 蟆郁骸 print 襯 伎伎 詞 .
> print(fv)

                 Factor1 Factor2
Fertility        -0.652   0.393 
Agriculture      -0.631   0.333 
Examination       0.685  -0.510 
Education         0.997         
Catholic         -0.124   0.961 
Infant.Mortality          0.175 

               Factor1 Factor2
SS loadings      2.311   1.481
Proportion Var   0.385   0.247
Cumulative Var   0.385   0.632

              [,1]         [,2]
[1,]  0.9999999703 0.0002438829
[2,] -0.0002438829 0.9999999703

蟆郁骸 (factor loading matrix)襷 詞朱る loadings 襯 伎.
> loadings(fv)

れ 蠍
R 覦覯れ 覈 覲 襦 螻牛. factanal rotation 旧 れ 企 伎 蟆企. 覲 螻 矩る 覃 . 貊 varimax れ promax 蟆企. 豌 promax 蟆螻 狩.
> promax(loadings(fv))

蟯 れ
碁 覦覯 れ讌襷 覯 覈 觜訣蟾 碁 覦覯 企 れ 企 語襷 覃 襾語 襷 譟郁襷 覺 所 . 碁 蟯 れれ企.

  • MCMCpack:覯伎 碁
  • GPArotation: GPA 誤
  • ifa: 觜蠏覿 覲 碁
  • sem: 語 碁 蟲譟磯逢
  • ltm: 覓誤覦企(IRT) 轟焔
  • FactoMineR:れ 碁 讌
  • tsfa: 螻 碁
蠍 蠍郁鍵..
企: : るジ讓曙 襦螻豺 企Ν 譯殊語. 襦螻豺
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Youth is not a time of life but it is a state of mind. (覓伎碁)