_覓 | 覦覈襦 | 豕蠏手 | 殊螳 | 譯殊碁 |
FrontPage › LOB一危壱螻殊る狩願蠍螳豌 › 覲豌襴覓語
れ螻 螳 襯 襷り..
create function dbo.ufn_game_weekly (@bdt date, @edt date) returns table as return ( select 蟆 , sum(蟆襾碁) 蟆襾碁 from 誤企 where 讌 between @bdt and @edt group by 蟆 ) go select dbo.ufn_game_weekly ('20120801', '20120807') --願唄 覲豌襴. 襯 伎 れ螻 螳 譯殊姶覲襦 cross apply , 覲豌襴螳 蟆曙郁 . 企蟆 襯 伎 伎 group by 貉朱朱 group 朱 覓玖鍵 伎. 覿 貉殊 group by 蠍 企.
select a.begin_dt , a.end_dt , b.蟆 , b.蟆襾碁 from ( select distinct convert(date, DATEADD(dd, CONVERT(int, convert(datetime, date_key), 112) % 7 * -1, date_key)) begin_dt , convert(date, DATEADD(dd, 7 - (CONVERT(int, convert(datetime, date_key), 112) % 7 + 1 ), date_key)) end_dt from dm.dim.date a --願唄 讌 企 where 1=1 and date_key between convert(char(8), DATEADD(dd, CONVERT(int, convert(datetime, '20120801'), 112) % 7 * -1, '20120801'), 112) and convert(char(8), DATEADD(dd, (CONVERT(int, convert(datetime, '20120904'), 112) % 7 + 1) * -1, '20120904'), 112) ) a cross apply reader.dbo.ufn_game_weekly(begin_dt, end_dt) b go 企 蟆曙一 れ螻 螳 企 xml襦 蟆郁骸襯 襷り 襴危. 蠏碁 覲豌襴 . 企 糾螳 豕語 讌 誤讌 .
--drop function dbo.ufn_game_weekly create function dbo.ufn_game_weekly (@bdt date, @edt date) returns @rs table ( 蟆 int , 蟆襾碁 bigint ) as declare @x xml set @x = ( select 蟆 , sum(蟆襾碁) 蟆襾碁 from 誤企 where 讌 between @bdt and @edt group by 蟆 for xml path('row') ) insert @rs select y.item.value('(蟆)[1]', 'smallint') , y.item.value('(蟆襾碁)[1]', 'bigint') from (select @x xitem) x cross apply x.xitem.nodes('/row') as y(item) return; go 覦 覦 覃伎 瑚る 谿場 襭企.
襷 蟲 襷 覦 蟲覃 豌 蟲企 . (覿豌) |