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2 一危 #蟆郁骸
> head(hlm) schid minority female ses mathach size schtype meanses 1 1224 0 1 -1.528 5.876 842 0 -0.428 2 1224 0 1 -0.588 19.708 842 0 -0.428 3 1224 0 0 -0.528 20.349 842 0 -0.428 4 1224 0 0 -0.668 8.781 842 0 -0.428 5 1224 0 0 -0.158 17.898 842 0 -0.428 6 1224 0 0 0.022 4.583 842 0 -0.428
3 螻 覈(Hierarchical Linear Model) #library("nlme") #run the intercepts-and slope-as-outcomes model ctrl <- lmeControl(opt='optim'); model2 <- lme(mathach~meanses*ses + schtype*ses, random=~ses | schid, data=hlm, control=ctrl) summary(model2) VarCorr(model2) 谿瑚: lme() 螳 覃讌螳 蟆曙 lmeControl(opt='optim')襯 伎 危伎.
Error in lme.formula(mathach ~ meanses * ses + schtype * ses, random = ~ses | : nlminb problem, convergence error code = 1 message = iteration limit reached without convergence (10) 蟆郁骸
> summary(model2) Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML Data: hlm AIC BIC logLik 46526.21 46595 -23253.11 Random effects: Formula: ~ses | schid Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization StdDev Corr (Intercept) 1.545996356 (Intr) ses 0.007858279 0.004 Residual 6.063711572 Fixed effects: mathach ~ meanses * ses + schtype * ses Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value (Intercept) 12.093477 0.2023257 7022 59.77232 0.0000 meanses 3.304206 0.3871145 157 8.53548 0.0000 ses 2.902136 0.1479089 7022 19.62110 0.0000 schtype 1.199009 0.3072555 157 3.90232 0.0001 meanses:ses 0.835240 0.2714756 7022 3.07667 0.0021 ses:schtype -1.576624 0.2241463 7022 -7.03391 0.0000 Correlation: (Intr) meanss ses schtyp mnss:s meanses 0.216 ses -0.002 -0.167 schtype -0.676 -0.344 -0.007 meanses:ses -0.165 0.093 0.281 -0.051 ses:schtype -0.004 -0.051 -0.680 0.007 -0.357 Standardized Within-Group Residuals: Min Q1 Med Q3 Max -3.15472213 -0.72530262 0.01492044 0.75492174 2.99227664 Number of Observations: 7185 Number of Groups: 160 > VarCorr(model2) schid = pdLogChol(ses) Variance StdDev Corr (Intercept) 2.390105e+00 1.545996356 (Intr) ses 6.175254e-05 0.007858279 0.004 Residual 3.676860e+01 6.063711572 >
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