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れ螻 螳 讌螻 譟一 貅磯. 豌襴覯 企 覈 6覦 襷 蟇.
select a.std_dt , a.hh , a.uu , b.up from ( select convert(date, InTime) std_dt , datepart(hh, InTime) hh , count(distinct no) uu from stg.svc.T_GameLogin where 1=1 and InTime >= '20120905' and InTime < convert(char(8), dateadd(dd,1, '20120912'), 112) group by convert(date, InTime) , datepart(hh, InTime) ) a inner join ( select std_dt , datepart(hh, p_end_dt) hh , count(distinct acnt_key) up from ods.moma.play_end where 1=1 and Std_dt between '20120905' and '20120912' group by std_dt , datepart(hh, p_end_dt) ) b on a.std_dt = b.std_dt and a.hh = b.hh 蠏碁磯, 觚螳 SQL Server螳 star join豌 bitmap 豌襷り . れ螻 螳 ろ螻. ろ企慨覃 語 讌 覈磯殊 蠏碁 ろ 豬.
![]() 蠏碁 れ螻 螳 join hint襯 譴 豌 襦 螳 譴螳蟆郁骸 讌 襷 merge join 豌襴蟆 . 3豐 豌襴.
select a.std_dt , a.hh , a.uu , b.up from ( select convert(date, InTime) std_dt , datepart(hh, InTime) hh , count(distinct no) uu from stg.svc.T_GameLogin where 1=1 and InTime >= '20120905' and InTime < convert(char(8), dateadd(dd,1, '20120912'), 112) group by convert(date, InTime) , datepart(hh, InTime) ) a inner merge join ( --蠍磯ゼ 覦蠖. select std_dt , datepart(hh, p_end_dt) hh , count(distinct acnt_key) up from ods.moma.play_end where 1=1 and Std_dt between '20120905' and '20120912' group by std_dt , datepart(hh, p_end_dt) ) b on a.std_dt = b.std_dt and a.hh = b.hh ![]()
伎 企ゼ 覲企 蟆 讌() 伎 企ゼ 豢豌 蟆 (篁)企 伎 企ゼ 企れ企 蟆 (臂)企. (螻旧) |