#title 통계정보 갱신 데이터베이스의 테이블 중 21% 이상 row가 늘어났는데도 통계 정보가 업데이트 안된 것들... {{{ set nocount on set statistics io off declare @tname varchar(255) , @sql varchar(2000); declare cur cursor for select distinct c.name + '.' + object_name(b.object_id) from sys.sysindexes a inner join sys.objects b on a.id = b.object_id inner join sys.schemas c on b.schema_id = c.schema_id where a.rowcnt / a.rowmodctr * 100 >= 21 and a.rowmodctr > 0 and a.id > 100 and a.rowcnt > 1000000 and c.name not in ('temp') and b.type = 'U' open cur; fetch next from cur into @tname; while @@FETCH_STATUS not in (-1, -2) begin set @sql = 'update statistics ' + @tname exec(@sql) print @sql fetch next from cur into @tname; end close cur; deallocate cur; }}}