_ | 覦覈襦 | 豕蠏手 | 殊螳 | 譯殊碁
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-- 豢豌: endlessdb.com
-- 1.ロ襦碁 ろ 觸蠍 
select db_name(st.dbid) DBName
 ,object_schema_name(st.objectid,dbid) SchemaName
 ,object_name(st.objectid,dbid) StoredProcedure
 ,sum(qs.execution_count) Execution_count
from sys.dm_exec_cached_plans cp
join sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs on cp.plan_handle=qs.plan_handle
 cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(cp.plan_handle)st
where DB_Name(st.dbid) is not null and cp.objtype = 'proc'
group by DB_Name(st.dbid),object_schema_name(objectid,st.dbid),object_name(objectid,st.dbid)
order by sum(qs.execution_count) desc


--2. CPU覈 襷 ロ襦 觸蠍
select db_name(st.dbid) DBName
 ,object_schema_name(st.objectid,dbid) SchemaName
 ,object_name(st.objectid,dbid) StoredProcedure
 ,sum(qs.execution_count) Execution_count
 ,sum(qs.total_worker_time) total_cpu_time
 ,sum(qs.total_worker_time) / (sum(qs.execution_count) * 1.0) avg_cpu_time
from sys.dm_exec_cached_plans cp join sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs on cp.plan_handle=qs.plan_handle
 cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(cp.plan_handle) st
where db_name(st.dbid) is not null and cp.objtype='proc'
group by db_name(st.dbid), object_schema_name(objectid,st.dbid), object_name(objectid,st.dbid)
order by sum(qs.total_worker_time) desc


--3. IO 襷 ロ襦 觸蠍
select db_name(st.dbid) DBName
 ,object_schema_name(objectid,st.dbid) SchemaName
 ,object_name(objectid,st.dbid) StoredProcedure
 ,sum(execution_count) execution_count
 ,sum(qs.total_physical_reads+qs.total_logical_reads+qs.total_logical_writes) total_IO
 ,sum(qs.total_physical_reads+qs.total_logical_reads+qs.total_logical_writes) / sum
(execution_count) avg_total_IO
 ,sum(qs.total_physical_reads) total_physical_reads
 ,sum(qs.total_physical_reads) / (sum(execution_count) * 1.0) avg_physical_read
 ,sum(qs.total_logical_reads) total_logical_reads
 ,sum(qs.total_logical_reads) / (sum(execution_count) * 1.0) avg_logical_read
 ,sum(qs.total_logical_writes) total_logical_writes
 ,sum(qs.total_logical_writes) / (sum(execution_count) * 1.0) avg_logical_writes
from sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.plan_handle) st
join sys.dm_exec_cached_plans cp on qs.plan_handle = cp.plan_handle
where db_name(st.dbid) is not null and cp.objtype = 'proc'
group by db_name(st.dbid),object_schema_name(objectid,st.dbid), object_name(objectid,st.dbid)
order by sum(qs.total_physical_reads+qs.total_logical_reads+qs.total_logical_writes) desc

--4. 豌襴螳 蠍 ロ襦 觸蠍
select db_name(st.dbid) DBName
 ,object_schema_name(objectid,st.dbid) SchemaName
 ,object_name(objectid,st.dbid) StoredProcedure
 ,sum(execution_count) execution_count
 ,sum(qs.total_elapsed_time) total_elapsed_time
 ,sum(qs.total_elapsed_time) / sum(execution_count) avg_elapsed_time
from sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.plan_handle)st
join sys.dm_exec_cached_plans cp on qs.plan_handle = cp.plan_handle
where db_name(st.dbid) is not null and cp.objtype = 'proc'
group by db_name(st.dbid),object_schema_name(objectid,st.dbid),object_name(objectid,st.dbid)
order by sum(qs.total_elapsed_time) desc

蠍 蠍郁鍵..
企: : るジ讓曙 襦螻豺 企Ν 譯殊語. 襦螻豺
EditText : Print : Mobile : FindPage : DeletePage : LikePages : Powered by MoniWiki : Last modified 2018-04-13 23:12:52

讌蠍 覦襦 豢覦. 語企 襭襭螳 企. 磯Μ 一企. ろ レ企. 伎 リ襖 レ企. 讌蠍 覲旧 蠍磯讌 螻 語 企 覲牛伎. 蠍一 覦殊 朱 螳. 覩碁 讌蠍 螳 螻褐 . 讌蠍 蠍一 碁ロ讌 螻 語 企 碁ロ. (ろ 覩語一 <蠏碁蟾 轟 伎> 譴)