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1 螳 #'覦貎朱Μ'朱 蟆 れ 覺る螳? 襷 DB覦 譬 襾轟る れ企瓦 蟆企. 襷 襷 'xx 貉ろ' 襷 . 蠏 覿れ 覿覈 讌 蠍磯 襭 蠍磯 襭(貉れ)覲企 覿覿 襴一 蠍一誤 蟆狩. 譴 蟆 '覿覿 襴讌 覈 蟆曙一 襴 蟆 '朱 襷 蠏 覿れ 讌 [1] 蟆企. DBMS襷 螳 蟆郁骸朱 焔ル覿 るゼ . 覯 螳 朱襦 企 襭 襴讌 100% 蟆 襷 .
Oracle Server 螳 譬 襷 蟇一 覿覿 讌 蠍磯 襭 襴. 讌襷 MS-SQL Server 蟆曙 讌 Oracle Server 覲企 讌 覩誤″. 蠏碁蠍 覓語 MS-SQL Server 螳覲企 襷 蟆曙 蠍磯 襭 襴 蟆曙郁 襷 . 覯 蟆曙 豌襴襯 伎 蠍磯 襭螻 觜訣蟆 豌襴襯 蟆 襴 蟆曙郁 .
蠍磯 豌襴襯 ろ れ螻讌 讌 襷. 一碁慨螻 壱 谿企ゼ 企 蠏碁 '願碓 企蟆 覦蠑碁 蟆 企至 螳語?'手 覓殊企.
2 Oracle vs MS-SQL # 蠍一旧朱 Oracle 8.1.6覿 覿 襯 . 蠏碁 螳ロ 襯 襷 讌伎 Query 讌蠍郁 覿 豢朱 螳覦 覓企 譟. 蠏碁
![]() with temp as ( select 1 num union all select 2 union all select 3 ) select b.num , sum(a.num) from temp a inner join temp b on a.num <= b.num group by b.num [edit]
3 螳 螻 覦貎朱Μ #覦貎朱Μ 豢覿 螳 襴. 襯 れ, 2008 覲 襷れ♀骸 蠏螳螻螳 炎骸 螳 讌螻 貎朱Μ襯 燕り 螳 覲伎. 貎朱Μ螳 覃覈襴 1GB. 讌襷 覯 伎 譴 覃覈襴 500MB. 蠏碁覃 DBMS 企至 伎 螳? 蠏碁Μ螻 OS? 覃覈襴螳 覿譟燕り 豌 貎朱Μ襯 伎 碁企. 蠏碁 伎 殊企螻 ろ 覃覈襴襯 螳ろ覃伎 貎朱Μ 焔レ 觜讌螻 一危磯ゼ ろ 覃覈襴襦 襴蠍 伎 ろ襯 蟆 ろ 覲覈 覦 讌螳 . (覓朱 伎 殊企 ろ 一危磯伎 ろ 一危壱 磯 覿襴 蟆 蠍磯蓋企.) 伎 覦貎朱Μ 豢覿 螳 豢覿 焔レ . 蠎 覦貎朱Μ螳 譬 蟆襷 . 螳 襷 覦貎朱Μ螳 讌 覦貎朱Μ.
4 覦貎朱Μ vs 貉れ #覦貎朱Μ
DECLARE @DateUnit char(1) --D, W, M , @CurrDT char(8) , @BeginDT char(8) , @EndDT char(8); SET @DateUnit = 'D'; SET @CurrDT = '20091101'; DECLARE @BeginDT char(8) , @EndDT char(8); SET @BeginDT = CASE WHEN @DateUnit = 'D' THEN @CurrDT WHEN @DateUnit = 'W' THEN CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, -(DATEPART(weekday, @CurrDT) - 1) , @CurrDT), 112)) WHEN @DateUnit = 'M' THEN CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(6), @CurrDT, 112) + '01') END SET @EndDT = CASE WHEN @DateUnit = 'D' THEN @CurrDT WHEN @DateUnit = 'W' THEN CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, 7- DATEPART(weekday, @CurrDT), @CurrDT), 112)) WHEN @DateUnit = 'M' THEN CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(mm, 1, CONVERT(char(6), @CurrDT, 112) + '01') - 1, 112)) END; --SELECT @BeginDT, @EndDT; INSERT Common.Agg_ReiterationUU_ConnectHistory (DateKey, BasisServiceKey, ReiterationServiceKey, UU, AggUnit) SELECT @BeginDT DateKey , B.BasisServiceKey , B.ReiterationServiceKey , B.UU , @DateUnit AggUnit FROM Common.Dim_Service OutTable CROSS APPLY ( SELECT A.ServiceKey BasisServiceKey , B.ServiceKey ReiterationServiceKey , COUNT(DISTINCT B.AccountKey) UU FROM ( SELECT AccountKey , OutTable.Service_CD ServiceKey FROM Common.Fact_ConnectHistory WHERE DateKey BETWEEN @BeginDT AND @EndDT AND ServiceKey = OutTable.Service_CD GROUP BY AccountKey ) A INNER JOIN Common.Fact_ConnectHistory B ON A.AccountKey = B.AccountKey WHERE B.DateKey BETWEEN @BeginDT AND @EndDT GROUP BY A.ServiceKey , B.ServiceKey ) B WHERE Service_CD > 0 AND Site_CD = 1 AND @DateUnit IN ('D', 'W', 'M') 貉れ
/* DECLARE @DateUnit char(1) --D, W, M , @CurrDT char(8) , @BeginDT char(8) , @EndDT char(8); SET @DateUnit = 'D'; SET @CurrDT = '20091101'; */ DECLARE @BeginDT char(8) , @EndDT char(8); SET @BeginDT = CASE WHEN @DateUnit = 'D' THEN @CurrDT WHEN @DateUnit = 'W' THEN CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, -(DATEPART(weekday, @CurrDT) - 1) , @CurrDT), 112)) WHEN @DateUnit = 'M' THEN CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(6), @CurrDT, 112) + '01') END SET @EndDT = CASE WHEN @DateUnit = 'D' THEN @CurrDT WHEN @DateUnit = 'W' THEN CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, 7- DATEPART(weekday, @CurrDT), @CurrDT), 112)) WHEN @DateUnit = 'M' THEN CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(mm, 1, CONVERT(char(6), @CurrDT, 112) + '01') - 1, 112)) END; --SELECT @BeginDT, @EndDT; DECLARE @ServiceKey int; DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT Service_CD ServiceKey FROM Common.Dim_Service WHERE Service_CD > 0 AND Site_CD = 1 AND @DateUnit IN ('D', 'W', 'M'); CREATE TABLE #AccountKey(AccountKey bigint); OPEN Cur; FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @ServiceKey; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS not in (-1, -2) BEGIN INSERT #AccountKey SELECT AccountKey FROM Common.Fact_ConnectHistory WHERE DateKey BETWEEN @BeginDT AND @EndDT AND ServiceKey = @ServiceKey GROUP BY AccountKey; INSERT Common.Agg_ReiterationUU_ConnectHistory (DateKey, BasisServiceKey, ReiterationServiceKey, UU, AggUnit) SELECT @BeginDT DateKey , @ServiceKey BasisServiceKey , A.ServiceKey ReiterationServiceKey , COUNT(DISTINCT A.AccountKey) UU , @DateUnit AggUnit FROM Common.Fact_ConnectHistory A INNER JOIN #AccountKey B ON A.AccountKey = B.AccountKey WHERE A.DateKey BETWEEN @BeginDT AND @EndDT GROUP BY A.ServiceKey TRUNCATE TABLE #AccountKey FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @ServiceKey END CLOSE cur; DEALLOCATE cur; 蟆曙 貉れ襯 伎 覿襴 豌襴 蟆 觜 覦貎朱Μ螳 碁. 螳 覃覈襴螳 企 覓伎 伎 殊企 蟆企. れ 朱襦 豌襴 譯朱襦 豌襴 谿伎企.
豌襴覯螳 伎襦 覦貎朱Μ 豌襴螳 蠍壱蠍朱 企 蟆企. 覲覈蟆 覦貎朱Μ襯 讌 蟆 焔レ 譴 蟆.
蠍磯るΥ 蟆 覈 殊 . (F.朱) |