#title Data Analysis [[TableOfContents]] 통계 패키지는 R을 사용한다. ==== 기본 ==== * [분석] ==== 데이터 준비 ==== * [Vector] * [Data Frame] * [데이터 수집] * [JDBC 연동](Hive, Tajo) * [String 처리] * [병렬 처리] * [파일 처리] * [Sampling] * [Encoding] * [R의 기능들] * [sqldf] * [dplyr] * [R Tips] * [Regular Expressions] * [RHive] * [http://www.r-bloggers.com/complex-tables-exercises/ Complex Tables – Exercises] * [https://www.r-bloggers.com/image-convolution-in-r-using-magick/ Image Convolution] * [https://spark.rstudio.com sparklyr R interface to Apache Spark] * [DataExplorer package] ==== 탐색 ==== * [4-plot] * [Outlier Detection] * [변수 변환] * [푸리에 변환] * [변곡점(inflection point)] * [기술통계량] * [Histogram] * [지니계수] * [runFun] * [변수의 중요도 탐색] * [주성분분석] * [변수간의 상관정도에 대한 분석] -> 상관분석 * [공분산과 상관계수], [상관분석] * [관리도] * [고유벡터인지 판별하는 함수] * [라플라스 보정] * [확률분포 적합성] * [https://real-statistics.com REAL STATISTICS USING EXCEL] * [http://www.r-bloggers.com/exploring-recursive-ctes-with-sqldf/ Exploring Recursive CTEs with sqldf] * [dbplyr] * [변수선택] ==== 가설 검정 ==== * [비율에 대한 검정] * [카이제곱 검정] * [평균의 차이에 대한 검정](t검정, 분산분석) * [중앙값 차이에 대한 검정] * [분산의 차이에 대한 검정] * [런검정] * [분포 동일성 검정] * [경향(Trend) 검정] * [Bonferroni correction] * [Error propagation] * [검정력] * [표본크기] * [효과크기] ==== 회귀 ==== * [회귀분석] --> 시간에 따라 변화하는 데이터나 가설적 실험, 어떤 영향, 인과관계의 모델링 등의 통계적 예측에 사용 * [비선형 회귀분석] * [로지스틱 회귀분석] -> 사망/생존과 같은 0 또는 1의 값을 종속변수 예측에 사용 * [Beta regression] * [Poisson regression] * [로버스트 회귀분석] * [Quantile regression] * [Piecewise linear regression] * [http://www.uni-kiel.de/psychologie/rexrepos/posts/regressionOrdinal.html Ordinal regression] * [위계선형모델] * [일반화 가법 모형] * [생존분석] * [Error] * [평균의 구간추정]([구간추정]) * [Curve Fitting] * [http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~kulich/vyuka/pokreg/index.html Advanced Regression Models] ==== 군집 ==== * [K-Medoids Clustering] * [K-Means Clustering] * [Sequence Clustering] * [Hierarchical Clustering] * [SOM] * [http://manuals.bioinformatics.ucr.edu/home/R_BioCondManual#TOC-Clustering-and-Data-Mining-in-R Clustering and Data Mining in R] * [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15376075/cluster-analysis-in-r-determine-the-optimal-number-of-clusters Cluster analysis in R: determine the optimal number of clusters] * [Similarity] * [Burstiness] * [https://www.r-bloggers.com/clustering-mixed-data-types-in-r/ Clustering Mixed Data Types in R] * [https://dabblingwithdata.wordpress.com/2016/10/10/clustering-categorical-data-with-r/ Clustering categorical data with R] * [DBSCAN - R버전] ==== 분류 ==== * [분류기 예제] --> 분류 알고리즘에 대한 개념만 있으면, 이 문서만 봐도 된다. * [Decision Tree] * [http://www.r-bloggers.com/comparing-tree-based-classification-methods-via-the-kaggle-otto-competition/ Comparing Tree-Based Classification Methods via the Kaggle Otto Competition] * [랜덤포레스트] * [조건트리] * [판별분석] * [CART] * [Naive Bayes] * [Neural Network] * [Support Vector Machines] * [k-Nearest Neighbors] * [AUC] * [Confusion Matrix] * [http://www.r-bloggers.com/learning-kernels-svm/ Learning Kernels SVM] * [https://www.r-bloggers.com/r-tensorflow-deep-neural-network/ R TensorFlow Deep Neural Network] ==== 시퀀스 패턴 ==== * [연관성 분석] * [Markov Chains] * [http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rEMM/vignettes/rEMM.pdf Extensible Markov Model for Data Stream Clustering in R] * [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/TraMineR/TraMineR.pdf TraMineR] --> {{{Trajectory Miner: a Toolbox for Exploring and Rendering Sequences}}} * http://traminer.unige.ch/doc/seqdist.html * [Parallel Coordinates Plot] * [https://velog.io/@emplam27/%EC%95%8C%EA%B3%A0%EB%A6%AC%EC%A6%98-%EA%B7%B8%EB%A6%BC%EC%9C%BC%EB%A1%9C-%EC%95%8C%EC%95%84%EB%B3%B4%EB%8A%94-LCS-%EC%95%8C%EA%B3%A0%EB%A6%AC%EC%A6%98-Longest-Common-Substring%EC%99%80-Longest-Common-Subsequence 그림으로 알아보는 LCS 알고리즘 - Longest Common Substring와 Longest Common Subsequence] ==== 최적화 ==== * [Linear Regression] * [선형 계획법] * [http://zoonek.free.fr/blosxom/R/2012-06-01_Optimization.html Optimization] * [구조방정식] * [요인분석] * [정준상관분석] -> 변수집단간의 상관분석 * [Conjoint Analysis] * [http://www.r-bloggers.com/on-nested-models/ On Nested Models] * [https://mattmazur.com/2015/03/17/a-step-by-step-backpropagation-example/ A Step by Step Backpropagation Example] ==== 시각화 ==== * [https://bookdown.org/content/b298e479-b1ab-49fa-b83d-a57c2b034d49/ R Gallery Book] * [https://visjs.github.io/vis-network/examples/ visNetwork Example] * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45722206/r-visnetwork-node-position-issue * [https://help.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/ko-kr/story_best_practices.htm 좋은 스토리를 만드는 최상의 방법] * [https://www.makeovermonday.co.uk/gallery/ Makeover Monday] --> 태블로, 시각화 관련 볼거리가 많다. * [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ggparty/vignettes/ggparty-graphic-partying.html ggparty: Graphic Partying] * [https://www.datisticsblog.com/2018/10/intro_easyalluvial/#introduction Data exploration with alluvial plots - An introduction to easyalluvial] * [http://rosuda.org/software/iPlots/ iPlots] * [https://www.r-bloggers.com/easyalluvial-0-2-0-released/ easyalluvial] * https://www.data-to-viz.com/ * [https://www.r-bloggers.com/ggpubr-create-easily-publication-ready-plots/ ggpubr: Create Easily Publication Ready Plots] --> 좋구나~ * [4-plot] * [Boxplot] * [Histogram] * [Scatter Plot] * [multiplot.R] * [R그래픽스-유용한 예제들] * [Plot Structure] * [R그래픽스] * [ggtree] * [R그래픽스-매개변수 참고] * [하나의 차트에 여러 그림 그리기] * [lattice] * [http://rgm3.lab.nig.ac.jp/RGM/R_image_list?page=1600&init=true R Graphical Manual] * [http://www.statmethods.net/advgraphs/parameters.html Graphical Parameters] * [https://code.google.com/p/google-motion-charts-with-r/wiki/GadgetExamples#googleVis_Examples googleVis 예제(익스플로러에서 봐라)] * [MotionChart] * [Google Sankey Chart with R] --> 시퀀스 * [트리형태의 그래프] * [gif로 여러 그림 합치기] * [error bar] * [시각화 관련 링크들] * locator() --> plot에다가 마우스 클릭 후 esc 키 누르면 x,y 포인트 값이 반환된다. * diagram package * [http://www.r-bloggers.com/adding-a-subtitle-to-ggplot2/ Adding a subtitle to ggplot2] * [http://www.r-bloggers.com/candlestick-charts-using-plotly-and-quantmod/ Candlestick charts using Plotly and Quantmod] * [https://www.r-bloggers.com/can-we-predict-flu-deaths-with-machine-learning-and-r/ Can we predict flu deaths with Machine Learning and R?] --> ggplot의 좋은 예제들이 많다. * [Colors] * [http://students.brown.edu/seeing-theory/ 시각화 가이드] * [자료 포락 분석(DEA)] * [팔레트] * [http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/R+Services/156107/ View R Plots from within SQL Server Management Studio] * [plot 파일로 내리기] ==== Bayesian, SNA, Time Series ==== * [Bayesian Statistic] * [Social Network Analysis] * [Time Series] * [https://www.r-bloggers.com/predictability-in-network-models/ Predictability in Network Models] ==== 라이브러리 & etc ==== * [한글깨짐] * [Angle] * [https://www.r-bloggers.com/shiny-crud/ Shiny CRUD] * [https://www.r-bloggers.com/september-2017-new-package-picks/ September 2017 New Package Picks] * [https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2017/02/top-28-cheat-sheets-for-machine-learning-data-science-probability-sql-big-data/ Top 28 Cheat Sheets for Machine Learning, Data Science, Probability, SQL & Big Data] * [https://www.r-bloggers.com/july-2017-new-package-picks/ July 2017 New Package Picks] * [Convolution] * [R Lib] * [http://www.r-bloggers.com/introducing-distributed-data-structures-in-r/ Introducing Distributed Data-structures in R] * [http://www.r-bloggers.com/a-first-look-at-distributed-r/ A first look at Distributed R] * [http://www.r-bloggers.com/5-new-r-packages-for-data-scientists/ 5 New R Packages for Data Scientists] * [https://www.rstudio.com/resources/cheatsheets/ Cheatsheets] * [Levenshtein Distance] * [몬테카를로법으로 원주율 구하기] * [유의확률] * [기준치와 편차치] * [체비셰프 정리] * [분위수 구간] * [이상치 제거 방법] * [모평균 검정] * [행렬의 분해] * [비/비율/율] * [Odds Ratio] * [Entropy] * [Binning] * [수량화법] * [고객 세분화 사례1] * [비모수통계] * [House of Quality] * [고객이탈] * [RFM Analysis] * [통계용어] * [LinkComm] * [R2HTML] * [RODBC] * [자료불러오기] * [자료다루기] * [출력내용 저장하기] * [문자열 찾기와 바꾸기] * [메타 프로그래밍] * [날짜 및 날짜의 loop] * [문자열로 데이터 프레임만들기] * [변수의 메타] * [R의 설치] * [Vector] * [Matrix] * [Simple manipulations(numbers and vectors)] * [Objects - their modes and attributes] * [Ordered and unordered factors] * [함수정리] * [패키지 인스톨] * [attachment:DataAnalysis/R_forSAS_SPSSproducts.pdf SAS, SPSS, R 함수 비교자료] * [R Graphic User Interface] * [t검정] - 평균의 차이에 대한 검정, [평균의 구간추정] (단일표본 T-검정), [두 표본집단의 평균 차이 검정] * [분산분석] - 평균의 차이에 대한 검정 * {{{R CMD BATCH --no-save --no-restore job.R}}} * [http://www.ciokorea.com/news/31889 머신러닝 프로젝트를 망치는 '6가지 흔한 실수'] ==== 통계 개요 ==== * [통계학이란 무엇인가] * [기술통계학I - 표와 그래프적 방법] * [기술통계학II - 수치적 방법] * [확률이론] * [CRISP-DM] * [통계 모델링 절차] * [비즈니스 분석에 있어서 가장 강력한 동인] * [불량 데이터의 8가지 증상] * [Customer-Ready를 실현하기 위한 7단계] * [Data-ready enterprise를 조직하는 방법] * [자유도] * [데이터와 정보] * [평균과 비율은 같은 같은 것] * [확률변수] ==== 확률 분포 ==== * [벤포드 법칙] * [감마분포] * [Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution] * [Beta distribution] * [정규분포로 확률구하기] * [T-SQL로 표준정규분포표 만들기] * [정규성 검정] * [정규분포 - 모분산과 모평균의 추정] * [확률분포 적합성] -> 정규분포인지, 어떤 분포인지, 같은 분포에서 온 샘플인지.. * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relativistic_Breit%E2%80%93Wigner_distribution Breit?Wigner distribution] 좌우 대칭이 아닌.. * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_probability_distributions List of probability distributions] * [http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section3/eda366.htm Gallery of Distributions] * [확률분포 정리] * [이항분포 - BINOMDIST], [이항분포] * [다항분포] * [음이항분포] * [포아송분포 - POISSON], [Poisson분포] * [초기하분포 - HYPGEOMDIST], [초기하분포] * [정규분포 - NORMDIST] * [지수분포 - EXPONDIST] * [확률분포함수] * [attachment:DataAnalysis/Stochastic_process_and_Gaussian__process.pdf Stochastic process and Gaussian process] [http://enginius.tistory.com/489 출처] * [Distributional Choices] * [http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/SQL+Uniform+Random+Numbers/91103/ Generating Non-uniform Random Numbers with SQL] * Multinomial Random Numbers * Gaussian (or Normally) Distributed Random Numbers * Exponential Random Numbers * Weibull Random Numbers * Laplace Random Numbers ==== 책 or 강좌 ==== * [http://r.acr.kr/dawr/ Data Analysis with R] * [https://livebook.datascienceheroes.com/ Data Science Live Book] * [http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/r/ Resources to help you learn and use R - UCLA] * [http://www.uni-kiel.de/psychologie/rexrepos/index.html R Examples Repository] * [http://www.kocw.net/home/cview.do?mty=p&kemId=1094729 데이터 마이닝] * [http://www.omniascience.com/scholar/index.php/scholar/article/download/20/15 Modeling and Solving Linear Programming with R] [attachment:DataAnalysis/20-73-1-PB.pdf pdf] * 최병선 교수(서울대) 저술 * [http://s-space.snu.ac.kr/handle/10371/94393 (제2판) SAS를 이용한 현대통계학 (이성백교수와 공저)] * [http://s-space.snu.ac.kr/handle/10371/94394 행렬의 대각화와 Jordan표준형 (이성백교수와 공저)] * [http://s-space.snu.ac.kr/handle/10371/94413 Fourier 해석 입문] * [http://s-space.snu.ac.kr/handle/10371/94414 Lebesgue적분 입문] * [http://s-space.snu.ac.kr/handle/10371/94415 Wavelet 해석] * [http://s-space.snu.ac.kr/handle/10371/94433 회귀분석 (상)] * [http://s-space.snu.ac.kr/handle/10371/94456 회귀분석 (하)] * [http://s-space.snu.ac.kr/handle/10371/94455 단변량시계열분석] * [http://s-space.snu.ac.kr/handle/10371/94434 다변량시계열분석] * [http://s-space.snu.ac.kr/handle/10371/94457 이산형 재무모형의 수리적 배경] * [http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~jpn/r/ R Markdowns] * http://onlinestatbook.com/2/index.html * [attachment:DataAnalysis/데이터_분석의_철학과_과학성_20150626.pdf 데이터 분석의 철학과 과학성(20150626, R User Conference 키노트)] [http://www.statground.org/index.php?document_srl=3398&mid=MyungHoeHuh 출처] * [http://little-book-of-r-for-multivariate-analysis.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html R for Multivariate Analysis] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/all.html Statistics with R] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/01.html Introduction to R] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/02.html Programming in R] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/03.html From Data to Graphics] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/04.html Customizing graphics] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/05.html Factorial methods: Around Principal Component Analysis (PCA)] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/06.html Clustering] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/07.html Probability Distributions] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/08.html Estimators and Statistical Tests] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/09.html Regression] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/10.html Other regressions] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/11.html Regression Problems -- and their Solutions] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/12.html Generalized Linear Models: logistic regression, Poisson regression, etc.] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/13.html Analysis of Variance (Anova)] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/14.html Mixed Models] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/15.html Time series] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/16.html Miscellaneous] * [http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/17.html Applications] * http://www.q-engineering.pe.kr/ --> 품질공학 강좌 * 서울대 평생교육원 * [http://snui.snu.ac.kr/ocw/index.php?mode=view&id=1494 경제통계학, 류근관] * [http://snui.snu.ac.kr/ocw/index.php?mode=view&id=1174 인문사회계를 위한 수학2, 계승혁] * [http://blog.naver.com/PostList.nhn?blogId=moduvictory&from=postList&categoryNo=47&parentCategoryNo=47 한석원의 포인트 특강(수학)] * [http://wwww.cbgstat.com/ 통계분석 생존 지침서-의학통계 SPSS위주, 예제 참고용] * [http://adv-r.had.co.nz/ Advanced R] * [http://mmlab.snu.ac.kr/~shlee/prob/ 확률론과 확률 프로세스] * [http://www.kocw.net/home/search/kemView.do?kemId=422509 확률론 - KOCW 단국대] * attachment:DataAnalysis/의사결정이론과기법.pdf * [http://www.seehint.com/hint.asp?md=213&no=12162 멱함수 법칙] * [http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Data_Mining_Algorithms_In_R Data Mining Algorithms In R] * [attachment:DataAnalysis/Data_Analysis_Methodology.pdf Data Analysis Methodology] * [http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/index.htm Engineering Statistics HandBook] * [attachment:DataAnalysis/사회적원자_버스트.pdf 사회적 원자, 버스트 ] * [http://r4pda.co.kr/ R을 이용한 데이터 분석 실무] * [http://freesearch.pe.kr/archives/3891 R기반의 데이터시각화(전희원)] * http://press.knou.ac.kr/home/shop/homeBookDetail.do?isbn=9788920006340 --> 데이터마이닝 (R활용) * http://www.cookbook-r.com/ * http://osl7.kaist.ac.kr/ --> 채교수의 ... 시리즈 책들 * http://wsyang.com/2013/08/free-ebooks-for-statistics/ --> 무료 통계학 e-book 모음 * [http://thinkstats.com/thinkstats.pdf Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers] [http://www.lleess.com/2013/06/free-python-book-think-stats.html#.U1Z3aE2_mHs 목차] http://thinkstats.com * [http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~gareth/ISL/index.html An Introduction to Statistical Learning] * [http://statweb.stanford.edu/~tibs/ElemStatLearn/ The Elements of Statistical Learning] * https://www.coursera.org/ * [http://isao76.egloos.com/category/%EB%85%B8%EC%A7%80%EB%A7%88%20%EB%AF%B8%ED%98%B8%EC%9D%98%20%EC%86%8C%EC%85%9C%EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84%EA%B4%80%EB%A0%A8 노지마 미호의 소셜 게임 컬럼] --> [노지마 미호의 소셜 게임 컬럼 주요 글귀 정리] * [http://onepager.togaware.com/ One Page R: A Survival Guide to Data Science with R ] * 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