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SQL Server 2008 襦蟆 覲伎 蠍磯レ企.
1 一危 豢 蠍磯蓋 #一危 豢 譬襯
2螳 16讌襦 一危 0x020406FF, 0x0204CCFF螳 . 蠍一 Common 'byte' pattern '0x0204'企. 4覯讌 byte螳 FF襦 螳, 3覯讌 byte螳 螳螳 '06', 'CC'企襦 企 Common 'byte' pattern . 觜訣 襦 0xFFAABBCCDDEE 0x33AABBCCDDEE螳 . 企 Common 'byte' pattern . 覃 螳螳 2~5覯讌 byte 螳讌襷 1覯讌 byte螳 螳螳 'FF', '33'朱 るゴ蠍 覓語企. [edit]
2 伎 豢 column-prefix #SQL Server column-prefix data襯 襦 貊襯 燕. 貊襯 anchor-record 手 覿襯碁. Anchor-recode 伎 る れ ル. 襷 Common bytepattern 覦蟆讌 覈詩覃 empty null襦 豬蠍. 襷 column-prefix襯 螳讌讌 る Anchor-record 焔讌 . れ 蠏碁手骸 螳 伎 貊れ ル .
![]() SQL Server 螳螳 貉殊 貊襯 所, Common bytepattern 襭一 伎 Column-prefix襯 谿城.
![]() SQL Server Page Header 覦襦 れ Anchor-Record襯 襷.
![]() SQL Server Anhcor record襯 るジ 貊襦 豬蠍. 蠏碁覩襦 SELECT 貎朱Μ襦 譟壱螳 覿螳ロ. SQL Server Anchor-record Column-prefix襷 ロ讌 螻, 螳 一危磯ゼ ロ. 覃 蠏碁朱 豢 一危一 覯螳 伎蠍 覓語企. れ 企 螻殊 蟇一 伎螳 豢 蟆郁骸企.
![]() 蠏碁殊 豢 一危一 2BBB 覩碁 Anchor record 豌 覯讌 Column-prefix AAACCC 1~2覯讌 byte蟾讌 一危郁 螳る 覩語企. 襯 れ 豌 覯讌 貉殊 Anchor record 豌 覯讌 貉殊 螳 AAAAAAAAAAAAAACC 貊 螳 AAAAAAAAAAAAAA朱 14襦 企 10byte伎 譴 .
3 伎 豢 data-dictionary #Data-dictionary 豢覦覯 column-prefix 豢 覦 伎, data-dictionary朱 蟆 伎 豢 煙 覦覯企. Data-dictionary Anchor-record 覦襦 れ 襷れ伎.
![]() [edit]
5 #豢襯 譟壱
EXEC sp_estimate_data_compression_savings 'ろる','企',NULL, NULL, 'PAGE' EXEC sp_estimate_data_compression_savings 'ろる','企', NULL, NULL, 'ROW' 蟯襴
sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats 襯 覓朱Μ 覲企ゼ 視. れ
USE AdventureWorks2008; GO IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.temp') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.temp; GO SELECT A.* INTO dbo.temp FROM HumanResources.Employee a, HumanResources.Employee b, HumanResources.Employee c GO EXEC sp_spaceused 'dbo.temp'; /* rows : 24389000 reserved: 4386456 KB data : 4386392 KB */ ALTER TABLE temp REBUILD WITH (DATA_COMPRESSION = PAGE) GO EXEC sp_spaceused 'dbo.temp'; /* rows : 24389000 reserved: 297616 KB data : 297432 KB */ [edit]
6 企 覦 碁煙, 磯 碁煙れ 豢 #alter table ろる覈.企覈 rebuild with (data_compression = row); alter table ろる覈.企覈 rebuild with (data_compression = page); alter index 碁煙る on ろる覈.企覈 rebuild with (data_compression = page); alter index 碁煙る on ろる覈.企覈 rebuild with (data_compression = row); create index 碁煙る on ろる覈.企覈 (producttype, productkey) where 貉朱 in (1,2) with (data_compression = page); [edit]
7 DB 覈 企 覦 碁煙 豢蠍 #蠍磯蓋朱 page 豢 覃, 磯殊 row 豢朱 襦 ..覈磯 るジ 語 tempdb.dbo.[5E47F809-DACB-4918-B9EC-14CD495E3B3A] 企 譟壱.. 豢 碁煙 覦 企襷 豢.
set statistics io off set nocount on if object_id('tempdb.dbo.[5E47F809-DACB-4918-B9EC-14CD495E3B3A]') is not null drop table tempdb.dbo.[5E47F809-DACB-4918-B9EC-14CD495E3B3A] create table tempdb.dbo.[5E47F809-DACB-4918-B9EC-14CD495E3B3A] ( sql_str varchar(1000) ); declare @tname varchar(500); declare cur cursor for select query from ( select 'alter table ' + table_schema + '.' + table_name + ' rebuild with (data_compression = page, online=on)' query , (select top 1 data_compression_desc from sys.partitions where object_id = object_id(table_schema + '.' + table_name) and index_id = 0) compress --heap from information_schema.tables where table_name <> 'sysdiagrams' and table_type = 'BASE TABLE' union all select 'alter index ' + b.name + ' on ' + schema_name(a.uid) + '.' + a.name + ' rebuild with (data_compression = page, online=on)' , (select top 1 data_compression_desc from sys.partitions where object_id = object_id(table_schema + '.' + table_name) and rows >= 1000000 -- 1覦焔 蟇 伎襷.. and index_id = b.index_id) compress from sys.sysobjects a inner join sys.indexes b on a.id = b.object_id inner join information_schema.tables c on schema_name(a.uid) + '.' + a.name = table_schema + '.' + table_name where c.table_name <> 'sysdiagrams' and c.table_type = 'BASE TABLE' and b.name is not null ) t where compress = 'NONE' --豢蟇磯 誤螻, 豢 蟇磯 豢.. 襷 磯朱.. open cur; fetch next from cur into @tname; while @@FETCH_STATUS not in (-1, -2) begin --exec(@tname); print @tname; insert tempdb.dbo.[5E47F809-DACB-4918-B9EC-14CD495E3B3A] values(@tname); fetch next from cur into @tname; end close cur; deallocate cur; if object_id('tempdb.dbo.[5E47F809-DACB-4918-B9EC-14CD495E3B3A]') is not null drop table tempdb.dbo.[5E47F809-DACB-4918-B9EC-14CD495E3B3A] [edit]
8 豢覿 譟壱 #一 覲企 企 碁煙 覦 一 覲企慨蠍 覓語襯 谿瑚.
select * --data_compression_desc 貉 谿瑚 from sys.partitions where object_id = object_id('dbo.aaa') drop table if exists #temp select concat(schema_name(schema_id), '.', name) table_name , b.compression_cnt , b.none_cnt , b.rows into #temp from sys.objects a cross apply ( select count(case when data_compression_desc = 'NONE' then 1 end) none_cnt , count(case when data_compression_desc <> 'NONE' then 1 end) compression_cnt , sum(rows) rows from sys.partitions where object_id = a.object_id ) b where a.type = 'u' select * from #temp order by 1 [edit]
9 一 豢 #蠍磯蓋朱 れ螻 螳 .
set nocount on set statistics io off declare @bdt char(8) , @edt char(8) , @p int , @sql varchar(4000) set @bdt = '20110928' while (@bdt <= '20300301') begin set @edt = convert(char(8), dateadd(dd, 1, @bdt), 112) set @p = $partition.一(@bdt) set @sql = ' alter table 企覈 rebuild partition = ' + convert(varchar, @p) + ' with (data_compression = page)' --exec (@sql) print @sql --print @bdt + ', ' + @edt set @bdt = @edt end 碁煙 豢
set nocount on set statistics io off declare @bdt char(8) , @edt char(8) , @p int , @sql varchar(4000) set @bdt = '20111123' while (@bdt <= '20121027') begin set @edt = convert(char(8), dateadd(dd, 1, @bdt), 112) set @p = $partition.一(@bdt) set @sql = ' alter index 碁煙る on ろる覈.企覈 rebuild partition = ' + convert(varchar, @p) + ' with (data_compression = page)' --exec (@sql) print @sql --print @bdt + ', ' + @edt set @bdt = @edt end [edit]
10 蟆磯 # ろ瑚屋螻 朱朱 page 豢 譬 豢 . 豢 企至 讌 る. 覘.. 企郁碓 覃 覘螳 殊? 願 豢 覦覯 覦蠖 襷企. 覓企 企襴蟆 蟆る 螳 企蓋.
一危 譴覲旧 焔 覓語襯 願屋蠍 覦覯 譴 豌 願屋覦覯朱 蠏螳 . 豺 る 企 豢蠍一企 伎 讌朱 螻牛 一危 譴覲 蟇 蠍一 伎覃 蟆企. 企 襭 1覈 觸蟇 覲企 伎覃 ..
11 谿瑚襭 #谿瑚襭襯 渚覃 3覦 襷 蟇伎 螻螳 企 れ 52豐 蟇碁Μ, 豢 3豐襷 . 豢 讌 2263 Page襯 曙螻, 豢 534 Page襯 曙. (.. ろ 譟磯 蠑語.. 2263 page襯 52豐? <;;)
襷 蟲. 襷 覦 蟲覃 豌 蟲企 企. (覿豌) |