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FrontPage › DataVault蠍磯蓋


2 る DW 豪危 覓語
3 DW 一危 覈碁 蠍磯れ 覲
4 Data Vault
5 Preview
6 蠍一 轟
7 Business Process Chain Issues
8 3蠏 vs star schema vs data vault

1 #

DW 螻 螻. Inmon螻 Kimball企. 豌蟆 襴渚螻 . 螳語朱 Inmmon 覓 伎願 覦覃伎 Kimball 覓 る伎企. 螳語朱 Inmon 譬蠍磯 讌襷 Kimball れ願鍵 . 伎 Data Vault 3蠏 覈瑚骸 Star Schema Hibrid手 . Inmmon DW2.0 覈語企手 豺 襷襯願 豺谿螻 . 襷 Kimball蟆 蟾企り 覦蟆 襭 谿場 蠏碁一.. .. 覩語 覈語企. 譬 豌 覈語企手 蟾? 願 entity(れ牡)螳 覘讌.. relationship(蟯螻) 覘讌... history(企)螳 覘讌 覈襯企 蠏碁殊 ′ 覈語企.

2 る DW 豪危 覓語 #

  • 螻螳 single-view 覿譟
  • 蟇語 覈 覲伎 螳 覿譟
  • 蟆曙 - 譬, 觜襯, 螳
  • 豸′ 企れ(觜讀 碁 豢蟆)
  • 讌 企? 蠏語 覈 一危?
  • 蟇一 れ螳(讀)
  • 蟇磯 一危 覲朱エ
  • 一危 螻襴渚
  • 一危 襷 襴
  • 伎 讌覓瑚骸 旧 讌覓語 牛(convergence)
  • ODS, DW, DM 一危一 譴覲
  • Dimesion 讌豺 願
  • ODS vs EDW
  • Fact Table Granularity
  • JUNK Tables, Helper Tables

3 DW 一危 覈碁 蠍磯れ 覲 #


  • 3NF(3蠏) 伎螻 ろ 覈. 80 DW . 覲るジ 一危 覈 覦覯 . 讌蠍 .
  • Star Schema 譯殊讌 覓語れ 願屋蠍 ろ豌. 80 譴覦 讌蠍蟾讌 螻 螻 .
  • Data Vault 3NF Star Schema 企襴 襭朱 襷れ伎 蟆企. 讌 襷 讌 螻 .

4 Data Vault #

The Data Vault is a detail oriented, historical tracking and uniquely linked set of normalized tables that support one or more functional areas of business. It is a hybrid approach encompassing the best of breed between 3rd normal form (3NF) and star schema. The design is flexible, scalable, consistent and adaptable to the needs of the enterprise. It is a data model that is architected specifically to meet the needs of todays enterprise data warehouses.

--> 渚覃, 3蠏 ろろる レ 讓 觸 襷 豕 DW 覈碁 蠍磯企 手係蟆譯?

  • Extensive possibilities for data attribution. --> 一危一 煙 レ 螳
  • Power of historical relationships. --> 蟯螻 企レ
  • All data relationships are key driven. -> 覈 一危一 蟯螻螳 key driven
  • Relationships can be dropped and created on-the-fly. --> 蟯螻襯 螻, 燕 . 伎 譴? 讀? 讀?
  • Can be used as a Data Mining source. --> 一危 襷企 る 企.
  • Very easy to extend the model. --> 覈語 レ 襷れ 暑.

5 Preview #


Data Vault 蠏碁殊 CIF EDW 襷.


6 蠍一 轟 #

  • 朱危 讌
  • "Dead Data"襯 DW 殊企願鍵
  • Delta Driven Information --> 覘襴讌?? れ DW襦 一危郁 れ伎 蟆 殊? ..
  • 螳豢 覦?
  • 譴 蟲 ろ豌
  • , 手 襦
  • 一危 襷語 觜襯 觜

7 Business Process Chain Issues #


  • 螳螳 business process 企 mart 讌覓語 旧 詞 螳?
  • business corperate view襯 企至 詞 螳?


  • data vault 讌朱 蟲豢. data vault architecture top-down, 蟲 bottom-up企.
  • data vault business process 譯手鍵 襷 觀一 蠏覈 cycle time 譴願 蟆曙 企 .
  • 襷碁れ 讌蠍 手 旧 譴 .
  • 覃一危一 觜讀 襭一 るジ 覯 蟲

8 3蠏 vs star schema vs data vault #


覈.. 朱殊レ .... 企 企れ..
蠍 蠍郁鍵..
企: : るジ讓曙 襦螻豺 企Ν 譯殊語. 襦螻豺
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殊 蟾讌 覈詩企 譬. る 豌覿 蠍壱 螳襷 讌 襷. 蠏碁蟆 蠏 殊 襷♀鹸 語 襷 覯襴讌 . <覓企>