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1 Type1 #WITH Dim_Date AS ( SELECT 1 Seq, CONVERT(datetime, '20030101') DT UNION ALL SELECT Seq + 1, DATEADD(hh, 1, DT) FROM Dim_Date WHERE DATEADD(hh, 1, DT) <= GETDATE() ) SELECT Seq DateKey , CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DT, 112)) DT_YYYYMMDD_int , DATEPART(hh, DT) DT_HH_tinyint , CONVERT(char(8), DT, 112) DT_YYYYMMDD_char , CONVERT(char(2), DT, 108) DT_HH_char , DT DT_DateTime , DATEPART(yyyy, DT) YYYY , CASE WHEN DATEPART(mm,DT) < 7 THEN 'H1' ELSE 'H2' END HALF , DATEPART(qq, DT) QQ , DATEPART(mm, DT) MM , DATEPART(dd, DT) DD , DATEPART(dy, DT) DY , DATEPART(week, DT) WEEK , DATEPART(weekday, DT) WEEKDAY , CASE WHEN DATEPART(weekday, DT) = 1 THEN '' WHEN DATEPART(weekday, DT) = 2 THEN '' WHEN DATEPART(weekday, DT) = 3 THEN '' WHEN DATEPART(weekday, DT) = 4 THEN '' WHEN DATEPART(weekday, DT) = 5 THEN '覈' WHEN DATEPART(weekday, DT) = 6 THEN '蠍' WHEN DATEPART(weekday, DT) = 7 THEN '' END WEEKDAY_KOR FROM Dim_Date OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0); [edit]
2 Type2 #WITH Dim_Date AS ( SELECT 1 Seq, CONVERT(datetime, '20080701') DT UNION ALL SELECT Seq + 1, DATEADD(dd, 1, DT) FROM Dim_Date WHERE DATEADD(dd, 1, DT) <= GETDATE() ) SELECT CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DT, 112)) DateKey , CONVERT(char(8), DT, 112) DT_char8 , CONVERT(char(10), DT, 121) DT_char10 , DT DT_DateTime , DATEPART(yyyy, DT) YYYY , CASE WHEN DATEPART(mm,DT) < 7 THEN 'H1' ELSE 'H2' END HALF , DATEPART(qq, DT) QQ , DATEPART(mm, DT) MM , DATEPART(dd, DT) DD , DATEPART(dy, DT) DY , DATEPART(week, DT) WEEK , DATEPART(weekday, DT) WEEKDAY , CASE WHEN DATEPART(weekday, DT) = 1 THEN '' WHEN DATEPART(weekday, DT) = 2 THEN '' WHEN DATEPART(weekday, DT) = 3 THEN '' WHEN DATEPART(weekday, DT) = 4 THEN '' WHEN DATEPART(weekday, DT) = 5 THEN '覈' WHEN DATEPART(weekday, DT) = 6 THEN '蠍' WHEN DATEPART(weekday, DT) = 7 THEN '' END WEEKDAY_KOR , CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, -6, DT), 112)) Begin_Week1 , CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, 0, DT), 112)) End_Week1 , CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, -5, DT), 112)) Begin_Week2 , CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, 1, DT), 112)) End_Week2 , CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, -4, DT), 112)) Begin_Week3 , CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, 2, DT), 112)) End_Week3 , CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, -3, DT), 112)) Begin_Week4 , CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, 3, DT), 112)) End_Week4 , CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, -2, DT), 112)) Begin_Week5 , CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, 4, DT), 112)) End_Week5 , CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, -1, DT), 112)) Begin_Week6 , CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, 5, DT), 112)) End_Week6 , CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, 0, DT), 112)) Begin_Week7 , CONVERT(int, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, 6, DT), 112)) End_Week7 FROM Dim_Date OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0); .. 譯朱 豎狩..
;with ww as ( select date_key , row_number() over(order by date_key) rownum from ( select date_key --, row_number() over(order by date_key) rownum , row_number() over(order by date_key) % 7 rownum from [dim].[date] where date_key >= '2000-01-01' ) t where rownum in (1, 0) ), rs as ( select begin_dt , end_dt from ( select a.date_key begin_dt , b.date_key end_dt , row_number() over(order by a.date_key) rownum from ww a inner join ww b on a.rownum = b.rownum - 1 ) t where rownum % 2 = 1 ) update a set begin_week1 = b.begin_dt , end_week1 = b.end_dt from dim.date a inner join rs b on a.date_key between b.begin_dt and b.end_dt ;with ww as ( select date_key , row_number() over(order by date_key) rownum from ( select date_key --, row_number() over(order by date_key) rownum , row_number() over(order by date_key) % 7 rownum from [dim].[date] where date_key >= '2000-01-02' ) t where rownum in (1, 0) ), rs as ( select begin_dt , end_dt from ( select a.date_key begin_dt , b.date_key end_dt , row_number() over(order by a.date_key) rownum from ww a inner join ww b on a.rownum = b.rownum - 1 ) t where rownum % 2 = 1 ) update a set begin_week2 = b.begin_dt , end_week2 = b.end_dt from dim.date a inner join rs b on a.date_key between b.begin_dt and b.end_dt ;with ww as ( select date_key , row_number() over(order by date_key) rownum from ( select date_key --, row_number() over(order by date_key) rownum , row_number() over(order by date_key) % 7 rownum from [dim].[date] where date_key >= '2000-01-03' ) t where rownum in (1, 0) ), rs as ( select begin_dt , end_dt from ( select a.date_key begin_dt , b.date_key end_dt , row_number() over(order by a.date_key) rownum from ww a inner join ww b on a.rownum = b.rownum - 1 ) t where rownum % 2 = 1 ) update a set begin_week3 = b.begin_dt , end_week3 = b.end_dt from dim.date a inner join rs b on a.date_key between b.begin_dt and b.end_dt ;with ww as ( select date_key , row_number() over(order by date_key) rownum from ( select date_key --, row_number() over(order by date_key) rownum , row_number() over(order by date_key) % 7 rownum from [dim].[date] where date_key >= '2000-01-04' ) t where rownum in (1, 0) ), rs as ( select begin_dt , end_dt from ( select a.date_key begin_dt , b.date_key end_dt , row_number() over(order by a.date_key) rownum from ww a inner join ww b on a.rownum = b.rownum - 1 ) t where rownum % 2 = 1 ) update a set begin_week4 = b.begin_dt , end_week4 = b.end_dt from dim.date a inner join rs b on a.date_key between b.begin_dt and b.end_dt ;with ww as ( select date_key , row_number() over(order by date_key) rownum from ( select date_key --, row_number() over(order by date_key) rownum , row_number() over(order by date_key) % 7 rownum from [dim].[date] where date_key >= '2000-01-05' ) t where rownum in (1, 0) ), rs as ( select begin_dt , end_dt from ( select a.date_key begin_dt , b.date_key end_dt , row_number() over(order by a.date_key) rownum from ww a inner join ww b on a.rownum = b.rownum - 1 ) t where rownum % 2 = 1 ) update a set begin_week5 = b.begin_dt , end_week5 = b.end_dt from dim.date a inner join rs b on a.date_key between b.begin_dt and b.end_dt ;with ww as ( select date_key , row_number() over(order by date_key) rownum from ( select date_key --, row_number() over(order by date_key) rownum , row_number() over(order by date_key) % 7 rownum from [dim].[date] where date_key >= '2000-01-06' ) t where rownum in (1, 0) ), rs as ( select begin_dt , end_dt from ( select a.date_key begin_dt , b.date_key end_dt , row_number() over(order by a.date_key) rownum from ww a inner join ww b on a.rownum = b.rownum - 1 ) t where rownum % 2 = 1 ) update a set begin_week6 = b.begin_dt , end_week6 = b.end_dt from dim.date a inner join rs b on a.date_key between b.begin_dt and b.end_dt ;with ww as ( select date_key , row_number() over(order by date_key) rownum from ( select date_key --, row_number() over(order by date_key) rownum , row_number() over(order by date_key) % 7 rownum from [dim].[date] where date_key >= '2000-01-07' ) t where rownum in (1, 0) ), rs as ( select begin_dt , end_dt from ( select a.date_key begin_dt , b.date_key end_dt , row_number() over(order by a.date_key) rownum from ww a inner join ww b on a.rownum = b.rownum - 1 ) t where rownum % 2 = 1 ) update a set begin_week7 = b.begin_dt , end_week7 = b.end_dt from dim.date a inner join rs b on a.date_key between b.begin_dt and b.end_dt
讌 一 襴蟆 朱 覓伎 螳. (譟一燕) |