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FrontPage › HelpOnActions
Actions #Actions are tools that work on a page or the whole wiki, but unlike macros do not add to the page content when viewing a page, but work on that page content. They either produce some output based on page contents (navigational actions like searching) or implement functions that are not related to viewing a page (like deleting or renaming a page).
There is a set of system-defined actions, which includes page editing; you can extend the set of known actions by your own ones. See HelpForDevelopers for more on that.
The following actions are added to the list of user-defined extension actions at the bottom of each page or other position defend on your selected theme. This happens to any mixed-case extension, for other actions (all lower-case) see the list further down this page. Some of these action might not be available for this wiki site.
The following is a list of internal actions that are used to implement the various menus and links at the top and bottom of pages, or supplement certain macros.
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