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1 SQL Server ODBC郁屋 Hive 一危 螳語
2 一 貉 曙
3 郁鍵

1 SQL Server ODBC郁屋 Hive 一危 螳語 #

sql1覦覲企 sql2 覦朱 螳語る蟆 4~10覦 觜襯企. (蟆渚朱..)

drop table if exists #temp1
select *
into #temp1
from openquery(hive, '
    col1, col2, col3
from gamelog
where 1=1
and a.date_key between 20190619 and 20190821

exec('drop table if exists etl_fcc1d2fd1da44550bbde0661f25b631a;') at hive
create table etl_fcc1d2fd1da44550bbde0661f25b631a
    col1, col2, col3
from gamelog
where 1=1
and a.date_key between 20190619 and 20190821
') at hive
drop table if exists #1
select *
into #1
from openquery(hive, '
    col1, col2, col3
from etl_fcc1d2fd1da44550bbde0661f25b631a')

2 一 貉 曙 #


gamelog 企 date_key, log_no襦 一 企企.
螳 一 る 暑 貎朱Μ襯 碁.
蠏碁磯 1螳 蟇碁Μ 蟆企.
hive> set hive.execution.engine=mr;
hive> select log_no
    > from gamelog
    > where 1=1
    > and date_key=20181228
    > group by log_no;

覓語 覈襯願朱 覃讌襯 危エ覲企 蟆.
伎 hive螳 input data size襯 譟碁 豢 蟆 .

蠏碁 碁 一 り るジ 一危磯 譟壱襦 伎.
hive> select log_no, count(get_json_object(log_string, '$.1') cnt
    > from gamelog
    > where 1=1
    > and date_key=20181228
    > group by log_no;

3 郁鍵 #

蠍一 ろ
set hive.mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution =true;

map 襴蠍(襯 蟆 襦 map螳 企)
set mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize=1048576; 
蠍 蠍郁鍵..
企: : るジ讓曙 襦螻豺 企Ν 譯殊語. 襦螻豺
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襭襭螳 襯 燕. 蠏碁Μ螻 襾語 螳 讌覿 覦 襯 燕 蟆企. 蠏 伎朱 覯 襯 企蟆 蟆企. 企蟆 覲 蟆企. 企 蠏碁 譟伎螳 朱 襷企. (覯る)