# acl.default.php
# <?php exit()?>
# Please don't modify the lines above
# A sample Access Control Lists file for Moniwiki
# $Id: WikiACL,v 1.2 2006/07/09 14:23:23 wkpark Exp wkpark $
@Guest Anonymous
* @ALL deny *
* @ALL allow ticket
* @User allow *
# some pages are allowed to edit
WikiSandBox @Guest allow edit,info,diff
#* Anonymous deny *
# some POST actions support protected mode using admin password
* @ALL protect deletefile,deletepage,rename,rcspurge,rcs,chmod,backup,restore
# some actions allowed to @ALL
* @ALL allow read,userform,rss_rc,aclinfo,fortune,deletepage,fixmoin,ticket
# some pages have restrict permission
MoniWiki @ALL deny edit,uploadfile,diff