#title OpenDataSource {{{ SELECT * FROM OPENDATASOURCE('SQLNCLI', 'Data Source=,1433;User Id=아이디;Password=패스워드') .DB명.스키마명.테이블명 }}} {{{ insert into opendatasource('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Data Source={Your Excel File Path};Extended Properties=Excel 8.0')...[SheetName$] values (....) }}} {{{ Create proc sp_write2Excel (@fileName varchar(100), @NumOfColumns tinyint, @query varchar(200)) as begin declare @dosStmt varchar(200) declare @tsqlStmt varchar(500) declare @colList varchar(200) declare @charInd tinyint set nocount on -- construct the columnList A,B,C ... -- until Num Of columns is reached. set @charInd=0 set @colList = 'A' while @charInd < @NumOfColumns - 1 begin set @charInd = @charInd + 1 set @colList = @colList + ',' + char(65 + @charInd) end -- Create an Empty Excel file as the target file name by copying the template Empty excel File set @dosStmt = ' copy c: empempty.xls ' + @fileName exec master..xp_cmdshell @dosStmt -- Create a "temporary" linked server to that file in order to "Export" Data EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'ExcelSource', 'Jet 4.0', 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', @fileName, NULL, 'Excel 5.0' -- construct a T-SQL statement that will actually export the query results -- to the Table in the target linked server set @tsqlStmt = 'Insert ExcelSource...[ExcelTable$] ' + ' ( ' + @colList + ' ) '+ @query print @tsqlStmt -- execute dynamically the TSQL statement exec (@tsqlStmt) -- drop the linked server EXEC sp_dropserver 'ExcelSource' set nocount off end GO }}}