#title Partition Switch {{{ drop table p_test; drop partition scheme ps_test drop partition function pf_test go create partition function pf_test(date) as range right for values ('20101101', '20101102', '20101103') go create partition scheme ps_test as partition pf_test to ([primary],[primary],[primary],[primary]) go create table dbo.p_test(dt date null) on ps_test(dt) go insert p_test values('20101101'); insert p_test values('20101102'); insert p_test values('20101103'); /* select * from p_test 2010-11-01 2010-11-02 2010-11-03 */ --swich drop table p_switch; create table p_switch(dt date); alter table p_switch add constraint ck1 check (dt >= '20101104' and dt is not null); insert p_switch values('20101104'); alter partition scheme ps_test next used [primary]; alter partition function pf_test() split range('20101104'); alter table dbo.p_switch switch to dbo.p_test partition 5; -- 마지막 파티션번호 /* --마지막 파티션번호 select max(b.destination_id) from sys.partition_schemes a inner join sys.destination_data_spaces b on a.data_space_id = b.partition_scheme_id inner join sys.data_spaces c on b.data_space_id = c.data_space_id where a.name = 'ps_test' */ }}}