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1 PostgreSQL 覃伎
3 一危磯伎 襷り鍵
4 ろ碁ゼ 一危磯j鍵

1 PostgreSQL 覃伎 #

2004 10 豐.. PostgreSQL豈 覲 蠍磯螳 蟲. 豈 覈谿襯 覲願 蠍一 螳豢 螳 . 伎 襷る螻 DBMS 蟆譯殊 螻旧 DBMS朱 る(?) 蟆 殊螻 襷. DBMS 讌螻 蠍磯レ 覿覿 讌螻 朱, 轟 DBMS 蠍磯レ 螻 螻 .

伎 覓語れ 蠍磯蓋 誤 蟆企. 蠍磯蓋蠍磯レ 螳襦 磯Μ螳 牛 螻 SELECt, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, GROUP BY, HAVING炎骸 螳 蠍磯蓋れ 企 蠍磯レ 螻給螻 る 蟆襷 覲伎譴 蟆企. 襷 覿覿 襦 , 蠏碁Μ螻 碁Μ蟇一 麹 蟆企. 伎SQL 伎 襷 麹 蟆企.

れ襦 覲語語 PostgreSQL 豌 れ 覲伎. 蠏碁Μ螻 豌 蟆企. 螻 蟆企手 蠍一ヾ るジ DBMS襯 る 蟆螻 一危磯伎れ 蠍一企 訖企. 覦焔語企狩!! 覯 企慨 蟆 譴. 襷一る 炎碓る瓦 覘螳 一 蟆 蟆曙 讙 り規朱 螳 企慨. 蠏碁 瑚 PostgreSQL 螳覦れ 蟆 . 蠍語 .

2 #

覓碁 れ螻 螳.
CREATE USER name [ [ WITH ] option [ ... ] ]

where option can be:

SYSID uid 
| IN GROUP groupname [, ...]
| VALID UNTIL 'abstime' 

c:\>psql template1 postgres
Welcome to psql 8.0.0beta1, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type: \copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
\? for help with psql commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit

template1=# create user yasi
template1-# with sysid 5001 password '1234'
template1-# valid until 'infinity';
template1=# create user sibal
template1-# with sysid 5002
template1-# valid until 'infinity';

伎 燕 蠏碁9 燕襦 .
template1=# create group "user"
template1-# with sysid 5000
template1-# user yasi;

sibal user 蠏碁9 襦 企慨. 蠏碁Μ螻 sibal れ れ.
template1=# alter group "user" add user sibal;
template1=# alter user sibal with password '1234';

3 一危磯伎 襷り鍵 #

覓碁 れ螻 螳.
[ [ WITH ] [ OWNER [=] dbowner ]
[ LOCATION [=] 'dbpath' ]
[ TEMPLATE [=] template ]
[ ENCODING [=] encoding ] ]

れ螻 螳 psql 伎 template1 一危磯伎る 蠏狩.
c:\>psql template1 postgres
Welcome to psql 8.0.0beta1, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type: \copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
\? for help with psql commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit


一危磯伎るゼ 襷り鍵 襾殊 企ろ伎るゼ 襷. 企ろ伎る 朱Μ 一危磯伎 企, 螳 殊 . 朱Μ朱 覲 企ろ伎れ 蠏狩 蟆豌 覲伎伎襷 れ襦 螳 殊 蠏狩 蟆企. 讌讀蟆 襷 企ろ伎れ 覓碁 . 企ろ伎るゼ 襷る 襾殊 蟆暑 襴襯 襷.
template1-# OWNER postgres
template1-# LOCATION 'C:\\PostgresData';

伎 一危磯伎るゼ 襷れ 覲企襦 . 覈麹襦語 createdb 覈轟企ゼ ろ. 譯殊 蟆 template1 螳 伎 る 蟆企. 襷 るジ 螳 蠏殊企朱 れ螻 螳 覃語襯 訖襴磯.
c:\>createdb -DUserTBS -EEUC_KR -Oyasi -Uyasi UserDB
createdb: database creation failed: ERROR: source database "template1" is being accessed by other users
讒...伎 れ襷 るジ 一危磯伎るゼ 燕 譯殊伎 .

c:\>createdb --help
createdb creates a PostgreSQL database.


-D, --tablespace=TABLESPACE default tablespace for the database
-E, --encoding=ENCODING encoding for the database
-O, --owner=OWNER database user to own the new database
-T, --template=TEMPLATE template database to copy
-e, --echo show the commands being sent to the server
-q, --quiet don't write any messages
--help show this help, then exit
--version output version information, then exit

Connection options:
-h, --host=HOSTNAME database server host or socket directory
-p, --port=PORT database server port
-U, --username=USERNAME user name to connect as
-W, --password prompt for password

By default, a database with the same name as the current user is created.

Report bugs to <pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org>.

c:\>createdb -DUserTBS -EEUC_KR -Oyasi -Uyasi UserDB


燕 DB 蠏狩 覲企襦 .
c:\>psql UserDB yasi
Welcome to psql 8.0.0beta1, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type: \copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
\? for help with psql commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit



4 ろ碁ゼ 一危磯j鍵 #

Databases with PostgreSQL , 覲企誤, Richard Neil 螻旧, 伎狩語 3レ 企. pgAddminIII襯 郁 企 DB襯 襷一る 企Ν覃 SQL企朱 蟲覯殊 燕. 蠏瑚 企Ν覃 SQL ロ螻, ろ螻, 蟆郁骸襯 覲 企殊伎誤 伎 覲 . る 覘襴語 覈襯願覃 襷一 瑚るゼ 牛 給企. 覃 るジ 豪語..覃 るジ豈...覓危 讌企慨る 螳 蟆企.
覘..蠏碁Μ 譬讌襷 . 一危郁 れ襦 郁屋 讌 蠍 覓語 曙^蟇伎 蟇碁Μ讌 . 覘..豢 殊螳 ERD襯 蠏碁る慨. 蠏碁碁り鍵 覲企る 蠏碁 覈螳 蠏語企慨. SQLろ襴渚 蟯螻螳 襷碕伎 讌 蟆 覲 朱.. 蠏碁殊 殊螳 蟯螻襯 襷碕る 螳 蠏碁る蓋 蟆企..


企蟆 6螳 企企.
create table customer
customer_id serial ,
title char(4) ,
fname varchar(32) ,
lname varchar(32) not null,
addressline varchar(64) ,
town varchar(32) ,
zipcode char(10) not null,
phone varchar(16) ,
CONSTRAINT customer_pk PRIMARY KEY(customer_id)

create table item
item_id serial ,
description varchar(64) not null,
cost_price numeric(7,2) ,
sell_price numeric(7,2) ,

create table orderinfo
orderinfo_id serial ,
customer_id integer not null,
date_placed date not null,
date_shipped date ,
shipping numeric(7,2) ,
CONSTRAINT orderinfo_pk PRIMARY KEY(orderinfo_id)

create table stock
item_id integer not null,
quantity integer not null,
CONSTRAINT stock_pk PRIMARY KEY(item_id)

create table orderline
orderinfo_id integer not null,
item_id integer not null,
quantity integer not null,
CONSTRAINT orderline_pk PRIMARY KEY(orderinfo_id, item_id)

create table barcode
barcode_ean char(13) not null,
item_id integer not null,
CONSTRAINT barcode_pk PRIMARY KEY(barcode_ean)

insert into customer(title, fname, lname, addressline, town, zipcode, phone) values('Miss','Jenny','Stones','27 Rowan Avenue','Hightown','NT2 1AQ','023 9876');
insert into customer(title, fname, lname, addressline, town, zipcode, phone) values('Mr','Andrew','Stones','52 The Willows','Lowtown','LT5 7RA','876 3527');
insert into customer(title, fname, lname, addressline, town, zipcode, phone) values('Miss','Alex','Matthew','4 The Street','Nicetown','NT2 2TX','010 4567');
insert into customer(title, fname, lname, addressline, town, zipcode, phone) values('Mr','Adrian','Matthew','The Barn','Yuleville','YV67 2WR','487 3871');
insert into customer(title, fname, lname, addressline, town, zipcode, phone) values('Mr','Simon','Cozens','7 Shady Lane','Oahenham','OA3 6QW','514 5926');
insert into customer(title, fname, lname, addressline, town, zipcode, phone) values('Mr','Neil','Matthew','5 Pasture Lane','Nicetown','NT3 7RT','267 1232');
insert into customer(title, fname, lname, addressline, town, zipcode, phone) values('Mr','Richard','Stones','34 Holly Way','Bingham','BG4 2WE','342 5982');
insert into customer(title, fname, lname, addressline, town, zipcode, phone) values('Mrs','Ann','Stones','34 Holly Way','Bingham','BG4 2WE','342 5982');
insert into customer(title, fname, lname, addressline, town, zipcode, phone) values('Mrs','Christine','Hickman','36 Queen Street','Histon','HT3 5EM','342 5432');
insert into customer(title, fname, lname, addressline, town, zipcode, phone) values('Mr','Mike','Howard','86 Dysart Street','Tibsville','TB3 7FG','505 5482');
insert into customer(title, fname, lname, addressline, town, zipcode, phone) values('Mr','Dave','Jones','54 Vale Rise','Bingham','BG3 8GD','342 8264');
insert into customer(title, fname, lname, addressline, town, zipcode, phone) values('Mr','Richard','Neill','42 Thached way','Winersby','WB3 6GQ','505 6482');
insert into customer(title, fname, lname, addressline, town, zipcode, phone) values('Mrs','Laura','Hendy','73 Margeritta Way','Oxbridge','OX2 3HX','821 2335');
insert into customer(title, fname, lname, addressline, town, zipcode, phone) values('Mr','Bill','O\''Neill','2 Beamer Street','Welltown','WT3 8GM','435 1234');
insert into customer(title, fname, lname, addressline, town, zipcode, phone) values('Mr','David','Hudson','4 The Square','Milltown','MT2 6RT','961 4526');

insert into orderinfo(customer_id, date_placed, date_shipped, shipping) values(3,'2000-03-13','2000-03-17', 2.99);
insert into orderinfo(customer_id, date_placed, date_shipped, shipping) values(8,'2000-06-23','2000-06-24', 0.00);
insert into orderinfo(customer_id, date_placed, date_shipped, shipping) values(15,'2000-09-02','2000-09-12', 3.99);
insert into orderinfo(customer_id, date_placed, date_shipped, shipping) values(13,'2000-09-03','2000-09-10', 2.99);
insert into orderinfo(customer_id, date_placed, date_shipped, shipping) values(8,'2000-07-21','2000-07-24', 0.00);

insert into stock(item_id, quantity) values(1,12);
insert into stock(item_id, quantity) values(2,2);
insert into stock(item_id, quantity) values(4,8);
insert into stock(item_id, quantity) values(5,3);
insert into stock(item_id, quantity) values(7,8);
insert into stock(item_id, quantity) values(8,18);
insert into stock(item_id, quantity) values(10,1);

insert into barcode(barcode_ean, item_id) values('6241527836173', 1);
insert into barcode(barcode_ean, item_id) values('6241574635234', 2);
insert into barcode(barcode_ean, item_id) values('6264537836173', 3);
insert into barcode(barcode_ean, item_id) values('6241527746363', 3);
insert into barcode(barcode_ean, item_id) values('7465743843764', 4);
insert into barcode(barcode_ean, item_id) values('3453458677628', 5);
insert into barcode(barcode_ean, item_id) values('6434564564544', 6);
insert into barcode(barcode_ean, item_id) values('8476736836876', 7);
insert into barcode(barcode_ean, item_id) values('6241234586487', 8);
insert into barcode(barcode_ean, item_id) values('9473625532534', 8);
insert into barcode(barcode_ean, item_id) values('9473627464543', 8);
insert into barcode(barcode_ean, item_id) values('4587263646878', 9);
insert into barcode(barcode_ean, item_id) values('9879879837489', 11);
insert into barcode(barcode_ean, item_id) values('2239872376872', 11);

insert into item(description, cost_price, sell_price) values('Wood Puzzle', 15.23, 21.95);
insert into item(description, cost_price, sell_price) values('Rubic Cube', 7.45, 11.49);
insert into item(description, cost_price, sell_price) values('Linux CD', 1.99, 2.49);
insert into item(description, cost_price, sell_price) values('Tissues', 2.11, 3.99);
insert into item(description, cost_price, sell_price) values('Picture Frame', 7.54, 9.95);
insert into item(description, cost_price, sell_price) values('Fan Small', 9.23, 15.75);
insert into item(description, cost_price, sell_price) values('Fan Large', 13.36, 19.95);
insert into item(description, cost_price, sell_price) values('Toothbrush', 0.75, 1.45);
insert into item(description, cost_price, sell_price) values('Roman Coin', 2.34, 2.45);
insert into item(description, cost_price, sell_price) values('Carrier Bag', 0.01, 0.0);
insert into item(description, cost_price, sell_price) values('Speakers', 19.73, 25.32);

insert into orderline(orderinfo_id, item_id, quantity) values(1, 4, 1);
insert into orderline(orderinfo_id, item_id, quantity) values(1, 7, 1);
insert into orderline(orderinfo_id, item_id, quantity) values(1, 9, 1);
insert into orderline(orderinfo_id, item_id, quantity) values(2, 1, 1);
insert into orderline(orderinfo_id, item_id, quantity) values(2, 10, 1);
insert into orderline(orderinfo_id, item_id, quantity) values(2, 7, 2);
insert into orderline(orderinfo_id, item_id, quantity) values(2, 4, 2);
insert into orderline(orderinfo_id, item_id, quantity) values(3, 2, 1);
insert into orderline(orderinfo_id, item_id, quantity) values(3, 1, 1);
insert into orderline(orderinfo_id, item_id, quantity) values(4, 5, 2);
insert into orderline(orderinfo_id, item_id, quantity) values(5, 1, 1);
insert into orderline(orderinfo_id, item_id, quantity) values(5, 3, 1);
蠍 蠍郁鍵..
企: : るジ讓曙 襦螻豺 企Ν 譯殊語. 襦螻豺
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覓殊 襷讌 襷. (覯 蟲 蟆)