讀(2017.08.23) Python 譬 る慨 jupyter notebook 襷 螻 る 蟆 .
? 覈襯願. 螳レ? 螻 貊 ろ? .. 覈磯
.. R Notebook . R studio 讀 覯 り .
蠏碁手骸 螳
[File] -> [New File] -> [R Notebook] 覃 .
轟 螳 覃讌 覦るゼ 覲願 覃..
Required package versions could not be found:
knitr 1.14 is required but 1.11 is available
tibble 1.1 is not available
rmarkdown 1.1 is required but 0.8.1 is available
Check that getOption("repos") refers to a CRAN repository that contains the needed package versions.
れ螻 螳 譟一覃 .
install.packages("knitr", repos = "http://cran.r-project.org")
install.packages("tibble", repos = "http://cran.r-project.org")
install.packages("rmarkdown", repos = "http://cran.r-project.org")
r markdown 覓碁 覈 螳襷 覃 .
title: "蠍一 覈 l朱 ."
output: html_notebook
蠍郁讌 企慨...
企語 朱 html 殊 螻伎 1螳襦 覿蟆郁骸襯 貊蟾讌 螻旧 る レ .
.. 譬蟲..
title: "覓語 覈"
output: html_notebook
# 覈 1
## 覈 2
### 覈 3
#### 覈 4
##### 覈 5
###### 覈 6
* 覈1
* 覈2
+ 覈1
+ 覈2
1. 覈1
2. 覈2
+ 覈 1
+ 覈 2
_蠍一語 蠍_
__蟲旧 蠍__
貉1 | 貉2
- | -
螳1 | 螳2
蟆郁骸 ...