use tempdb go --drop table source_table create table source_table ( id varchar(10) , pw varchar(10) ); --drop table target_table create table target_table ( id varchar(10) , pw varchar(10) ); --drop table audit create table audit( action varchar(50) , insert_id varchar(10) , insert_pw varchar(10) , delete_id varchar(10) , delete_pw varchar(10) ); insert source_table values ('dwa', '1234') , ('yasi', '4567') , ('lk', 'lk123'); --new syntax, T-SQL Row Constructors go /*谿瑚襦 企郁 螳ロ. select * from ( values ('dwa', '1234') , ('yasi', '4567') , ('lk', 'lk123') ) t(id, passwd) */
select * from target_table; /* id pw ---------- ---------- dwa 1234 yasi 4567 lk lk123 */ -- source 一危郁 螻, target 一危郁 . insert audit(action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw) select action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw from ( merge --top (100) percent target_table a using source_table b on = when matched then update set = , = when not matched by target then insert values (id, pw) when not matched by source then delete output $action, inserted.*, deleted.* ) t (action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw); select * from audit; /* action insert_id insert_pw delete_id delete_pw -------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- INSERT dwa 1234 NULL NULL INSERT yasi 4567 NULL NULL INSERT lk lk123 NULL NULL */
insert source_table values ('dwa2', '1234'); insert target_table values ('dwa3', '1234'); /* select * from source_table; select * from target_table; id pw ---------- ---------- dwa 1234 yasi 4567 lk lk123 dwa2 1234 <--- not matched id pw ---------- ---------- dwa 1234 yasi 4567 lk lk123 dwa3 1234 <--- not matched */
insert audit(action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw) select action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw from ( merge --top (100) percent target_table a using source_table b on = when matched then update set = , = when not matched by target then insert values (id, pw) when not matched by source then delete output $action, inserted.*, deleted.* ) t (action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw); select * from audit; /* action insert_id insert_pw delete_id delete_pw -------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- INSERT dwa 1234 NULL NULL INSERT yasi 4567 NULL NULL INSERT lk lk123 NULL NULL INSERT dwa2 1234 NULL NULL UPDATE dwa 1234 dwa 1234 UPDATE yasi 4567 yasi 4567 UPDATE lk lk123 lk lk123 DELETE NULL NULL dwa3 1234 */ select * from source_table; select * from target_table; /* id pw ---------- ---------- dwa 1234 yasi 4567 lk lk123 dwa2 1234 id pw ---------- ---------- dwa 1234 yasi 4567 lk lk123 dwa2 1234 dwa2 traget_table 朱襦 insert, dwa3 source_table not matched企襦 target_table delete */
insert audit(action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw) select action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw from ( merge --top (100) percent target_table a using source_table b on = when matched and like 'dw%' then --譟郁唄豢螳 蟆 update set = , = when not matched by target then insert values (id, pw) when not matched by source then delete output $action, inserted.*, deleted.* ) t (action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw); /* 谿瑚.. insert a(id, pw) select id, pw from ( delete from target_table output deleted.* ) t go -- 蟆 譟壱 create proc usp_teset as delete from a output deleted.* go */
use tempdb go --drop table source_table create table source_table ( id varchar(10) , pw varchar(10) ); --drop table target_table create table target_table ( id varchar(10) , pw varchar(10) ); insert source_table values ('dwa', '1234') , ('yasi', '4567') , ('lk', 'lk123') --new syntax, T-SQL Row Constructors go
create type id as table --new syntax, Table Value Type ( id varchar(10) null ); go create proc table_value_param_test @table id readonly as begin declare @i int = 10; --new syntax select * from source_table where id in (select id from @table) end go declare @param as id; insert @param(id) values('dwa'), ('yasi'); exec table_value_param_test @param; /* id pw ---------- ---------- dwa 1234 yasi 4567 */
--Grouping Set use tempdb go --drop table grp_set_test create table grp_set_test( group1 int , group2 char(1) , val int ); insert grp_set_test values (1, 'a', 10) , (1, 'a', 20) , (1, 'a', 30) , (1, 'b', 60) , (2, 'a', 70) , (2, 'a', 80) , (3, 'c', 70) , (3, 'c', 90); go select group1 , group2 , SUM(val) as total from grp_set_test group by group1 , group2 with rollup; /* group1 group2 total ----------- ------ ----------- 1 a 60 1 b 60 1 NULL 120 2 a 150 2 NULL 150 3 c 160 3 NULL 160 NULL NULL 430 */ select group1 , group2 , SUM(val) as total from grp_set_test group by group1 , group2 with cube; /* group1 group2 total ----------- ------ ----------- 1 a 60 2 a 150 NULL a 210 1 b 60 NULL b 60 3 c 160 NULL c 160 NULL NULL 430 1 NULL 120 2 NULL 150 3 NULL 160 */
--sql server 2008 new syntax select case when grouping(group1) = 1 then 'total' else convert(varchar(5), group1) end group1 , case when grouping(group2) = 1 then 'total' else group2 end group2 , grouping_id(group1, group2) grouping_ids --new syntax , SUM(val) as total from grp_set_test group by rollup(group1, group2); --new syntax /* group1 group2 grouping_ids total ------ ------ ------------ ----------- 1 a 0 60 1 b 0 60 1 total 1 120 2 a 0 150 2 total 1 150 3 c 0 160 3 total 1 160 total total 3 430 */ select case when grouping(group1) = 1 then 'total' else convert(varchar(5), group1) end group1 , case when grouping(group2) = 1 then 'total' else group2 end group2 , grouping_id(group1, group2) grouping_ids --new syntax , SUM(val) as total from grp_set_test group by grouping sets --new syntax ( (group1, group2) , (group1) , () ); /* group1 group2 grouping_ids total ------ ------ ------------ ----------- 1 a 0 60 1 b 0 60 1 total 1 120 2 a 0 150 2 total 1 150 3 c 0 160 3 total 1 160 total total 3 430 */
--螻 蟇 select case when grouping(group1) = 1 then 'total' else convert(varchar(5), group1) end group1 , case when grouping(group2) = 1 then 'total' else group2 end group2 , grouping_id(group1, group2) grouping_ids --new syntax , SUM(val) as total from grp_set_test group by grouping sets ( (group1, group2) -- , (group1) , () ); /* group1 group2 grouping_ids total ------ ------ ------------ ----------- 1 a 0 60 1 b 0 60 2 a 0 150 3 c 0 160 total total 3 430 */ --豐螻 蟇 select case when grouping(group1) = 1 then 'total' else convert(varchar(5), group1) end group1 , case when grouping(group2) = 1 then 'total' else group2 end group2 , grouping_id(group1, group2) grouping_ids --new syntax , SUM(val) as total from grp_set_test group by grouping sets ( (group1, group2) , (group1) -- , () ); /* group1 group2 grouping_ids total ------ ------ ------------ ----------- 1 a 0 60 1 b 0 60 1 total 1 120 2 a 0 150 2 total 1 150 3 c 0 160 3 total 1 160 */蟆郁骸 願 譬 譟.
SELECT customer, year, SUM(sales) FROM T GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((customer), (year)) --is the same as SELECT customer, NULL as year, SUM(sales) FROM T GROUP BY customer UNION ALL SELECT NULL as customer, year, SUM(sales) FROM T GROUP BY year
use tempdb go set nocount on set statistics io off --drop table force_seek_table create table force_seek_table ( col1 int identity not null, col2 tinyint not null ); go begin tran; declare @i int; set @i = 1; while (@i <= 1000000) begin if (@i <=100000) insert into force_seek_table (col2) values (10); if (@i > 100000 and @i <= 1000000) insert into force_seek_table (col2) values (90); set @i = @i + 1; end commit; go create nonclustered index force_seek_table on force_seek_table (col2); go
select * from force_seek_table where col2 = 10;Upload new Attachment "force_seek01.jpg" on the "UploadFile"
select * from force_seek_table with (forceseek) where col2 = 10;Upload new Attachment "force_seek02.jpg" on the "UploadFile"
USE AdventureWorks; GO EXEC sp_helpindex 'Person.Address'; /* rowguid AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, StateProvinceID, PostalCode StateProvinceID AddressID */ create index nix_postal_code on Person.Address(PostalCode); go DECLARE @city_name nvarchar(30); DECLARE @postal_code nvarchar(15); SET @postal_code = 86171; --sql1 SELECT * FROM Person.Address WHERE City = @city_name AND PostalCode = @postal_code OPTION ( OPTIMIZE FOR (@city_name = 'Seattle', @postal_code UNKNOWN) );
--sql2 SELECT * FROM Person.Address WHERE City = @city_name AND PostalCode = @postal_code OPTION ( OPTIMIZE FOR (@city_name = 'Seattle', @postal_code = 98028) );
--sql server 2005 create database work; go exec sp_addlinkedserver @Server='LoopBack' , @SrvProduct='SQLNCLI' , @Provider='' , @DataSrc='localhost' , @Catalog='work'; exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'LoopBack', 'False', 'Sa', 'userid', 'pw'; go EXEC sp_serveroption 'LoopBack', 'rpc', 'true' GO EXEC sp_serveroption 'LoopBack', 'rpc out', 'true' GO use work go --drop table test create table test(id int); insert test values(1); insert test(id) exec; /* 覃讌3910, 譴16, 2, 譴1 るジ語碁貉ろ碁ゼ譴. Transaction context in use by another session. */ --sql server 2008 create database work; go exec sp_addlinkedserver @Server='LoopBack' , @SrvProduct='' , @Provider='SQLNCLI10' , @DataSrc='localhost\sql2008_ctp6_feb' , @Catalog='work'; exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'LoopBack', 'False', 'Sa', 'userid', 'pw'; go EXEC sp_serveroption 'LoopBack', 'rpc', 'true' GO EXEC sp_serveroption 'LoopBack', 'rpc out', 'true' GO use work go --drop table test create table test(id int); insert test values(1); go create proc usp_test as set xact_abort on select 1 go insert test(id) exec;
declare @chr varchar(4) = 'yasi'; declare @bin varbinary(4) = convert(varbinary(20), @chr); select @bin bin , CONVERT(varchar(4), @bin, 0) style0 , CONVERT(varchar(4), @bin, 1) style1 , CONVERT(varchar(4), @bin, 2) sytel2 /* bin style0 style1 sytel2 ---------- ------ ------ ------ 0x79617369 yasi 0x79 7961 谿瑚: sys.fn_varbintohexstr */
--ろ碁一危一 -- SET ( LOCK_ESCALATION = { AUTO | TABLE | DISABLE } ) set nocount on set statistics io off --drop table lock_test create table lock_test ( id int primary key , name varchar(20) ); go begin tran declare @i int = 1; while(@i <= 10000) begin insert lock_test values(@i, left(convert(varchar(50), newid()), 20)); set @i = @i + 1; end commit; go --auto alter table lock_test set(lock_escalation = auto); go
--session1 begin tran update lock_test set name = 'update' where id between 1 and 6000;
--session1 rollback --session1 begin tran update lock_test set name = 'update' where id between 1 and 7000;
--session1 rollback --table alter table lock_test set(lock_escalation = table); go --session1 begin tran update lock_test set name = 'update' where id between 1 and 6219;
--session1 rollback --session1 begin tran update lock_test set name = 'update' where id between 1 and 6220; exec sp_lockUpload new Attachment "lock04.jpg" on the "UploadFile"
--session1 rollback --disable alter table lock_test set(lock_escalation = disable); go --session1 begin tran update lock_test set name = 'update' where id between 1 and 6220; -- れ錆伎 殊企讌 .Upload new Attachment "lock05.jpg" on the "UploadFile"
DECLARE @D0 datetime2(0) = '2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @D1 datetime2(1) = '2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @D2 datetime2(2) = '2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @D3 datetime2(3) = '2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @D4 datetime2(4) = '2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @D5 datetime2(5) = '2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @D6 datetime2(6) = '2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @D7 datetime2(7) = '2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567'; PRINT @D0; PRINT @D1; PRINT @D2; PRINT @D3; PRINT @D4; PRINT @D5; PRINT @D6; PRINT @D7; /* 2008-05-10 06:59:11 2008-05-10 06:59:11.1 2008-05-10 06:59:11.12 2008-05-10 06:59:11.123 2008-05-10 06:59:11.1235 2008-05-10 06:59:11.12346 2008-05-10 06:59:11.123457 2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567 */ DECLARE @T0 time(0) = '16:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @T1 time(1) = '16:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @T2 time(2) = '16:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @T3 time(3) = '16:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @T4 time(4) = '16:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @T5 time(5) = '16:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @T6 time(6) = '16:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @T7 time(7) = '16:59:11.1234567'; PRINT @T0; PRINT @T1; PRINT @T2; PRINT @T3; PRINT @T4; PRINT @T5; PRINT @T6; PRINT @T7; /* 16:59:11 16:59:11.1 16:59:11.12 16:59:11.123 16:59:11.1235 16:59:11.12346 16:59:11.123457 16:59:11.1234567 */ DECLARE @D DATETIMEOFFSET = '2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @D0 DATETIMEOFFSET(0) = '2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @D1 DATETIMEOFFSET(1) = '2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @D2 DATETIMEOFFSET(2) = '2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @D3 DATETIMEOFFSET(3) = '2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @D4 DATETIMEOFFSET(4) = '2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @D5 DATETIMEOFFSET(5) = '2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @D6 DATETIMEOFFSET(6) = '2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567'; DECLARE @D7 DATETIMEOFFSET(7) = '2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567'; PRINT @D; PRINT @D0; PRINT @D1; PRINT @D2; PRINT @D3; PRINT @D4; PRINT @D5; PRINT @D6; PRINT @D7; /* 2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567 +00:00 2008-05-10 06:59:11 +00:00 2008-05-10 06:59:11.1 +00:00 2008-05-10 06:59:11.12 +00:00 2008-05-10 06:59:11.123 +00:00 2008-05-10 06:59:11.1235 +00:00 2008-05-10 06:59:11.12346 +00:00 2008-05-10 06:59:11.123457 +00:00 2008-05-10 06:59:11.1234567 +00:00 */
Compound Assignment Operator | Description |
+= | declare @i int = 10 set @i += 3 print @i --13 |
-= | declare @i int = 10 set @i -= 3 print @i --7 |
*= | declare @i int = 10 set @i *= 3 print @i --30 |
/= | declare @i int = 10 set @i /= 3 print @i --3 |
%= | declare @i int = 10 set @i %= 3 print @i --1 |
&= | declare @i int = 10 set @i &= 3 print @i --2 |
|= | declare @i int = 10 set @i |= 3 print @i --11 |
^= | declare @i int = 10 set @i ^= 3 print @i --9 |
USE AdventureWorks GO --企 CREATE TABLE HumanResources.EmployeeOrg ( OrgNode hierarchyid PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, --蠍一朱! OrgLevel AS OrgNode.GetLevel(), --蠍一朱! EmployeeID int UNIQUE NOT NULL, EmpName varchar(20) NOT NULL, Title varchar(20) NULL ) ; GO --碁煙れ(願鍵覦碁煙れ) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX EmployeeOrgNc1 ON HumanResources.EmployeeOrg(OrgLevel, OrgNode) ; GO --襭語曙 INSERT HumanResources.EmployeeOrg (OrgNode, EmployeeID, EmpName, Title) VALUES (hierarchyid::GetRoot(), 6, 'David', 'Marketing Manager') ; GO --蟆1 SELECT * FROM HumanResources.EmployeeOrgUpload new Attachment "hierarchyid01.jpg" on the "UploadFile"
--蟆2 SELECT OrgNode.ToString() AS Text_OrgNode , OrgNode , OrgLevel , EmployeeID , EmpName , Title FROM HumanResources.EmployeeOrgUpload new Attachment "hierarchyid02.jpg" on the "UploadFile"
DECLARE @Manager hierarchyid SELECT @Manager = hierarchyid::GetRoot() FROM HumanResources.EmployeeOrg ; INSERT HumanResources.EmployeeOrg (OrgNode, EmployeeID, EmpName, Title) VALUES (@Manager.GetDescendant(NULL, NULL), 46, 'Sariya', 'Marketing Specialist') ; --蟆 SELECT OrgNode.ToString() AS Text_OrgNode , OrgNode , OrgLevel , EmployeeID , EmpName , Title FROM HumanResources.EmployeeOrgUpload new Attachment "hierarchyid04.jpg" on the "UploadFile"
--蠏谿朱襦燕曙 CREATE PROC AddEmp(@mgrid int, @empid int, @e_name varchar(20), @title varchar(20)) AS BEGIN DECLARE @mOrgNode hierarchyid, @lc hierarchyid SELECT @mOrgNode = OrgNode FROM HumanResources.EmployeeOrg WHERE EmployeeID = @mgrid SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE BEGIN TRANSACTION SELECT @lc = max(OrgNode) FROM HumanResources.EmployeeOrg WHERE OrgNode.GetAncestor(1) =@mOrgNode ; INSERT HumanResources.EmployeeOrg (OrgNode, EmployeeID, EmpName, Title) VALUES(@mOrgNode.GetDescendant(@lc, NULL), @empid, @e_name, @title) COMMIT END ; GO EXEC AddEmp 6, 271, 'John', 'Marketing Specialist' ; EXEC AddEmp 6, 119, 'Jill', 'Marketing Specialist' ; EXEC AddEmp 46, 269, 'Wanida', 'Marketing Assistant' ; EXEC AddEmp 271, 272, 'Mary', 'Marketing Assistant' ; EXEC AddEmp 6, 120, 'yasi', 'Marketing Specialist' ; --蟆 SELECT OrgNode.ToString() AS Text_OrgNode , OrgNode , OrgLevel , EmployeeID , EmpName , Title FROM HumanResources.EmployeeOrgUpload new Attachment "hierarchyid05.jpg" on the "UploadFile"
SELECT OrgNode.ToString() AS Text_OrgNode , hierarchyid::GetRoot() AS Text_Root , OrgNode.GetAncestor(1) AS Text_Ancestor , (SELECT EmpName FROM HumanResources.EmployeeOrg B WHERE B.OrgNode = A.OrgNode.GetDescendant(0x78, NULL)) FROM HumanResources.EmployeeOrg A WHERE EmpName = 'David'Upload new Attachment "hierarchyid06.jpg" on the "UploadFile"