2014-04-14 #
螳語朱 蠍磯レ企.
- In-Memory OLTP(曙 譬 螻, 蟯螻 覈語 覯渚 讌讌 蟆朱 蠍一牛)
- WAL(一危一 覲蟆曙 襦蠏 襾殊 蠍磯) hardening(蟆渚) 蠍一 App襦 願 蟆譴(Delayed Durability, 旧螳 豬螻, 覲糾規 螳レ )
- 讀覿 糾 一危(覲蟆暑 覿覿 蠍一ヾ 糾 merge)
- 一危 螳ロ 貉殊ろ 碁煙(企 企ろ磯 貉殊ろ 碁煙り 伎 )
- 覃覈襴 32覦郁讌 SSD 覯
2013-06-07 #
Mission Critical Performance with SQL Server 2014
- In Memory Built-In
- New In-Memory OLTP
- Enhanced In-Memory ColumnStore for Data Warehousing
- New Enhanced Query Processing
- Enhanced Availability, Security and Scalability
- Enhanced AlwaysOn
- Greater scalability of compute, networking and storage with Windows Server 2012 R2
- Enhanced Resource Governance
- Enhanced Separation of Duties
Platform for Hybrid Cloud
- Simplified Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery
- Backup to Azure Storage
- AlwaysOn integration with Windows Azure Infrastructure Services
- SSMS Wizard for deploying AlwaysOn secondaries in Window Azure
- Easy Migration of On-Premises SQL Servers to Windows Azure Virtual Machines
Faster Insights on Any Data