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FrontPageBoxplot › SSIS譟壱覲CacheSizing


1 一螻旧
2 Example
3 谿瑚襭

1 一螻旧 #

  • Full cache
    • Examlple: select ProductKey, ProductName from Products
    • Full cache = (TotalRowSize + 20 + (4 * ColumnCount)) * RowCount
  • Partial cache
    • Example: select * from Products
    • Partial cache = (TotalRowSize + 36 + (4 * ColumnCount)) * RowCount

2 Example #

select ProductKey, ProductName 
from [Products]
  • ProductKey int, 4Byte
  • ProductName nvarchar(25), 52Byte(25*2+2)
  • Row Count = 1000000
  • Cache Size
    • Cache Size Of Partial Cache Mode = 95MB = ((4 + 52) + 36 + (4 * 2)) * 1000000 / 1024 / 1024
    • Cache Size Of Full Cache Mode = 80MB = ((4 + 52) + 20 + (4 * 2)) * 1000000 / 1024 / 1024

讒.. 襷..

4 #

  • SQL Server 2008
蠍 蠍郁鍵..
企: : るジ讓曙 襦螻豺 企Ν 譯殊語. 襦螻豺
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伎 襷 螳語. 螳伎 願 覲企 企 螳 蟇磯Μ螳 螳讌蟾. 螳 蟇磯Μ螳 螳 谿語 蟆 讀螳 螳伎 . 螳 蠏手碓襴螻 手 誤 磯Μ 覲旧 螻煙朱 蟷伎. (豈覺)