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3 job script

1 覦覯1 #

 # set "Option Explicit" to catch subtle errors 

set-psdebug -strict
$DirectoryToSaveTo='d:\script_backup\' # local directory to save build-scripts to
$servername='localhost' # server name and instance
$Database='stg' # the database to copy from

$date = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd
$ErrorActionPreference = "stop" # you can opt to stagger on, bleeding, if an error occurs

Trap {
# Handle the error
$err = $_.Exception
write-host $err.Message
while( $err.InnerException ) {
   $err = $err.InnerException
   write-host $err.Message
# End the script.
# Load SMO assembly, and if we're running SQL 2008 DLLs load the SMOExtended and SQLWMIManagement libraries
$v = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName( 'Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO')
if ((($v.FullName.Split(','))[1].Split('='))[1].Split('.')[0] -ne '9') {
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMOExtended') | out-null
$s = new-object ("$My.Server") $ServerName # get the server.
$Server=$s.netname -replace '[\\\/\:\.]',' ' # remove characters that can cause problems
$instance = $s.instanceName -replace '[\\\/\:\.]',' ' # ditto
$DatabaseName =$database -replace '[\\\/\:\.]',' ' # ditto

#$DirectoryToSaveTo=$DirectoryToSaveTo+$Server+'\'+$Instance+'\' # database scripts are local on client
$DirectoryToSaveTo=$DirectoryToSaveTo+'\'+$Database+'\' # database scripts are local on client
if (!( Test-Path -path "$DirectoryToSaveTo" )) # create it if not existing
       {$progress ="attempting to create directory $DirectoryToSaveTo"
              Try { New-Item "$DirectoryToSaveTo" -type directory | out-null } 

             Catch [system.exception]{
       Write-Error "error while $progress. $_"

<# now we will use the canteen system of SMO to specify what we want from the script. It is best to have a list of the 

defaults to hand and just override the defaults where necessary, but there is a chance that a later revision of SMO could 

change the defaults, so beware! #>
$CreationScriptOptions = new-object ("$My.ScriptingOptions") 

$CreationScriptOptions.ExtendedProperties= $true # yes, we want these
$CreationScriptOptions.DRIAll= $true # and all the constraints 

$CreationScriptOptions.Indexes= $true # Yup, these would be nice
$CreationScriptOptions.Triggers= $true # This should be included when scripting a database
$CreationScriptOptions.ScriptBatchTerminator = $true # this only goes to the file
$CreationScriptOptions.Filename = "$($DirectoryToSaveTo)$($DatabaseName)$($date).sql"; 

# we have to write to a file to get the GOs
$CreationScriptOptions.IncludeHeaders = $true; # of course
$CreationScriptOptions.ToFileOnly = $true # no need of string output as well
$CreationScriptOptions.IncludeIfNotExists = $true # not necessary but it means the script can be more versatile
$transfer = new-object ("$My.Transfer") $s.Databases[$Database]
$transfer.options=$CreationScriptOptions # tell the transfer object of our preferences
$scripter = new-object ("$My.Scripter") $s # script out the database creation
$scripter.options=$CreationScriptOptions # with the same options
$scripter.Script($s.Databases[$Database]) # do it
# add the database object build script
"All written to $($DirectoryToSaveTo)$($DatabaseName)_Build.sql"

sqlps -Command "c:\script.ps1"

2 覦覯2 #

# Usage:  powershell ExportSchema.ps1 "SERVERNAME" "DATABASE" "C:\<YourOutputPath>"

# Start Script
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

# Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy:Unrestricted -Scope:LocalMachine
function GenerateDBScript([string]$serverName, [string]$dbname, [string]$scriptpath)
  [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO") | Out-Null
  [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Data") | Out-Null
  $srv = new-object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server" $serverName
  $srv.SetDefaultInitFields([Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.View], "IsSystemObject")
  $db = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Database"
  $db = $srv.Databases[$dbname]
  $scr = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Scripter"
  $deptype = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DependencyType"
  $scr.Server = $srv
  $options = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ScriptingOptions"
  $options.AllowSystemObjects = $false
  $options.IncludeDatabaseContext = $true
  $options.IncludeIfNotExists = $false
  $options.ClusteredIndexes = $true
  $options.Default = $true
  $options.DriAll = $true
  $options.Indexes = $true
  $options.NonClusteredIndexes = $true
  $options.IncludeHeaders = $false
  $options.ToFileOnly = $true
  $options.AppendToFile = $true
  $options.ScriptDrops = $false 

  # Set options for SMO.Scripter
  $scr.Options = $options

  # Tables
  $options.FileName = $scriptpath + "\$($dbname)_tables.sql"
  New-Item $options.FileName -type file -force | Out-Null
  Foreach ($tb in $db.Tables)
   If ($tb.IsSystemObject -eq $FALSE)
    $smoObjects = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.UrnCollection

  # Views
  $options.FileName = $scriptpath + "\$($dbname)_views.sql"
  New-Item $options.FileName -type file -force | Out-Null
  $views = $db.Views | where {$_.IsSystemObject -eq $false}
  Foreach ($view in $views)
    if ($views -ne $null)

  # StoredProcedures
  $StoredProcedures = $db.StoredProcedures | where {$_.IsSystemObject -eq $false}
  $options.FileName = $scriptpath + "\$($dbname)_stored_procs.sql"
  New-Item $options.FileName -type file -force | Out-Null
  Foreach ($StoredProcedure in $StoredProcedures)
    if ($StoredProcedures -ne $null)

  # Functions
  $UserDefinedFunctions = $db.UserDefinedFunctions | where {$_.IsSystemObject -eq $false}
  $options.FileName = $scriptpath + "\$($dbname)_functions.sql"
  New-Item $options.FileName -type file -force | Out-Null
  Foreach ($function in $UserDefinedFunctions)
    if ($UserDefinedFunctions -ne $null)

  # DBTriggers
  $DBTriggers = $db.Triggers
  $options.FileName = $scriptpath + "\$($dbname)_db_triggers.sql"
  New-Item $options.FileName -type file -force | Out-Null
  foreach ($trigger in $db.triggers)
    if ($DBTriggers -ne $null)

  # Table Triggers
  $options.FileName = $scriptpath + "\$($dbname)_table_triggers.sql"
  New-Item $options.FileName -type file -force | Out-Null
  Foreach ($tb in $db.Tables)
    if($tb.triggers -ne $null)
      foreach ($trigger in $tb.triggers)

# Execute
GenerateDBScript $args[0] $args[1] $args[2]

蠍 蠍郁鍵..
企: : るジ讓曙 襦螻豺 企Ν 譯殊語. 襦螻豺
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螻螳 るゴり り 蠎蠍一 企ゴ讌 覈詩 朱 朱 豺谿 襷 殊瑚. 蠍一 朱 覲願 螻襷ろ 殊 覃伎 貉るる 殊 蠏碁る蓋る 蟆 蠏譴 殊企. (碁れ拘)