- 豢豌:
#PowerShell: DownloadIspac.ps1
#powershell d:\DownloadIspac.ps1
########## PARAMETERS ##########
# Change Server, folder, project and download folder
$SsisServer = "." # Mandatory
$FolderName = "Integration Services 豺危襦蠏 > SSISDB > 启覈" # Can be empty to download multiple projects
$ProjectName = "襦碁" # Can be empty to download multiple projects
$Dt = Get-Date -format "yyyyMMddHHmm"
$DownloadFolder = "P:\backup\ssis\" + $Dt + "\" # Mandatory
$CreateSubfolders = $true # Mandatory
$UnzipIspac = $false # Mandatory
########## DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ##########
Write-Host "========================================================================================================================================================"
Write-Host "== Used parameters =="
Write-Host "========================================================================================================================================================"
Write-Host "SSIS Server :" $SsisServer
Write-Host "Folder Name :" $FolderName
Write-Host "Project Name :" $ProjectName
Write-Host "Local Download Folder :" $DownloadFolder
Write-Host "Create Subfolders :" $CreateSubfolders
Write-Host "Unzip ISPAC (> .NET4.5) :" $UnzipIspac
Write-Host "========================================================================================================================================================"
########## Mandatory parameters ##########
if ($SsisServer -eq "")
Throw [System.Exception] "SsisServer parameter is mandatory"
if ($DownloadFolder -eq "")
Throw [System.Exception] "DownloadFolder parameter is mandatory"
elseif (-not $DownloadFolder.EndsWith("\"))
# Make sure the download path ends with an slash
# so we can concatenate an subfolder and filename
$DownloadFolder = $DownloadFolder = "\"
########## SERVER ##########
# Load the Integration Services Assembly
Write-Host "Connecting to server $SsisServer "
$SsisNamespace = "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.IntegrationServices"
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName($SsisNamespace) | Out-Null;
# Create a connection to the server
$SqlConnectionstring = "Data Source=" + $SsisServer + ";Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
$SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $SqlConnectionstring
# Create the Integration Services object
$IntegrationServices = New-Object $SsisNamespace".IntegrationServices" $SqlConnection
# Check if connection succeeded
if (-not $IntegrationServices)
Throw [System.Exception] "Failed to connect to server $SsisServer "
Write-Host "Connected to server" $SsisServer
########## CATALOG ##########
# Create object for SSISDB Catalog
$Catalog = $IntegrationServices.Catalogs["SSISDB"]
# Check if the SSISDB Catalog exists
if (-not $Catalog)
# Catalog doesn't exists. Different name used?
Throw [System.Exception] "SSISDB catalog doesn't exist."
Write-Host "Catalog SSISDB found"
########## FOLDER ##########
if ($FolderName -ne "")
# Create object to the folder
$Folder = $Catalog.Folders[$FolderName]
# Check if folder exists
if (-not $Folder)
# Folder doesn't exists, so throw error.
Write-Host "Folder" $FolderName "not found"
Throw [System.Exception] "Aborting, folder not found"
Write-Host "Folder" $FolderName "found"
########## Project ##########
if ($ProjectName -ne "" -and $FolderName -ne "")
$Project = $Folder.Projects[$ProjectName]
# Check if project already exists
if (-not $Project)
# Project doesn't exists, so throw error.
Write-Host "Project" $ProjectName "not found"
Throw [System.Exception] "Aborting, project not found"
Write-Host "Project" $ProjectName "found"
########## DOWNLOAD ##########
Function DownloadIspac
Param($DownloadFolder, $Project, $CreateSubfolders, $UnzipIspac)
if ($CreateSubfolders)
$DownloadFolder = ($DownloadFolder + $Project.Parent.Name)
# Create download folder if it doesn't exist
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $DownloadFolder -Force > $null
# Check if new ispac already exists
if (Test-Path ($DownloadFolder + $Project.Name + ".ispac"))
Write-Host ("Downloading [" + $Project.Name + ".ispac" + "] to " + $DownloadFolder + " (Warning: replacing existing file)")
Write-Host ("Downloading [" + $Project.Name + ".ispac" + "] to " + $DownloadFolder)
# Download ispac
$ISPAC = $Project.GetProjectBytes()
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes(($DownloadFolder + "\" + $Project.Name + ".ispac"),$ISPAC)
if ($UnzipIspac)
# Add reference to compression namespace
Add-Type -assembly "system.io.compression.filesystem"
# Extract ispac file to temporary location (.NET Framework 4.5)
Write-Host ("Unzipping [" + $Project.Name + ".ispac" + "]")
# Delete unzip folder if it already exists
if (Test-Path ($DownloadFolder + "\" + $Project.Name))
[System.IO.Directory]::Delete(($DownloadFolder + "\" + $Project.Name), $true)
# Unzip ispac
[io.compression.zipfile]::ExtractToDirectory(($DownloadFolder + "\" + $Project.Name + ".ispac"), ($DownloadFolder + "\" + $Project.Name))
# Delete ispac
Write-Host ("Deleting [" + $Project.Name + ".ispac" + "]")
[System.IO.File]::Delete(($DownloadFolder + "\" + $Project.Name + ".ispac"))
Write-Host ""
########## LOOPING ##########
# Counter for logging purposes
$ProjectCount = 0
# Finding projects to download
if ($FolderName -ne "" -and $ProjectName -ne "")
# We have folder and project
DownloadIspac $DownloadFolder $Project $CreateSubfolders $UnzipIspac
elseif ($FolderName -ne "" -and $ProjectName -eq "")
# We have folder, but no project => loop projects
foreach ($Project in $Folder.Projects)
DownloadIspac $DownloadFolder $Project $CreateSubfolders $UnzipIspac
elseif ($FolderName -eq "" -and $ProjectName -ne "")
# We only have a projectname, so search
# in all folders
foreach ($Folder in $Catalog.Folders)
foreach ($Project in $Folder.Projects)
if ($Project.Name -eq $ProjectName)
Write-Host "Project" $ProjectName "found in" $Folder.Name
DownloadIspac $DownloadFolder $Project $CreateSubfolders $UnzipIspac
# Download all projects in all folders
foreach ($Folder in $Catalog.Folders)
foreach ($Project in $Folder.Projects)
DownloadIspac $DownloadFolder $Project $CreateSubfolders $UnzipIspac
########## READY ##########
# Kill connection to SSIS
$IntegrationServices = $null
Write-Host "Finished, total downloads" $ProjectCount