_覓 | 覦覈襦 | 豕蠏手 | 殊螳 | 譯殊碁 |
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願崖 譯殊碁 蠏谿 襷 螻褐企..
alter database dw set trustworthy on;
2 bigint, int, smallint, tinyint 覯 #
3 waitfor delay #while(1=1) begin if datepart(hh, getdate()) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) waitfor delay '00:00:10' else break end [edit]
4 碁煙 覦 豢 #create nonclustered index 碁煙る on ろる.企覈(貉朱) with (data_compression = page) on 一ろ(一貉) create index 碁煙る on ろる.企覈(貉朱) include ( 貉朱) where 磯貉朱 is not null with (data_compression = page, online=on) on 一ろ(一貉) ; alter table 企覈 rebuild with (data_compression = page); alter index 碁煙る on 企覈 rebuild with (data_compression = page); select * --data_compression_desc 貉 谿瑚 from sys.partitions where object_id = object_id('dbo.aaa') [edit]
6 SQL覓 蟆讀 #
8 Dummy: #;with dummy as ( select 0 seq union all select seq + 1 from dummy where seq + 1 <= 10 ) select seq , convert(int, substring(convert(varbinary(50), newid()), 1, 1)) * 1.0 / 255 random from dummy option (maxrecursion 0); [edit]
9 Dummy:讌 #with dummy as ( select convert(datetime, '20000101') dt union all select dt + 1 from dummy where dt + 1 < '20010101' ) select dt dt_dtime , convert(char(8), dt, 112) dt_char8 , convert(char(10), dt, 121) dt_char10 , convert(char(8), dt, 112) begindt , convert(char(8), dt+1, 112) enddt , convert(datetime, convert(char(8), dt, 112)) begindt_dt , convert(datetime, convert(char(8), dt+1, 112)) enddt_dt from dummy option (maxrecursion 0); declare @begin char(8) , @end char(8); set @begin = '20100101'; set @end = '20100115'; with dummy as ( select convert(datetime, @begin) dt union all select dt + 1 from dummy where dt + 1 <= @end ) select dt from dummy option (maxrecursion 0); [edit]
10 Cube 一 襷る #select left(date_key,7) , min(date_key) , max(date_key) , 'where date_key between ''' + convert(char(10), min(date_key)) + ''' and ''' + convert(char(10), max(date_key)) + '''' from dm.dim.date where date_key between '2010-08-01' and '2011-12-31' group by left(date_key,7) [edit]
11 讌 一危一 between #create table #temp ( begin_dt datetime , end_dt datetime ) insert #temp select '2010-01-19 00:00:00.000', '2010-01-19 10:51:06.640' union all select '2010-01-18 10:51:06.640', '2010-01-18 11:51:06.640' union all select '2010-01-18 10:51:06.640', '2010-01-19 10:51:06.640' --殊 20100118 朱.. select * from #temp where 1=1 and begin_dt < '20100119' and end_dt >= '20100118' [edit]
12 Dummy:讌(譯) #SET DATEFIRST 1; --朱 , 螳 1 WITH Dumy AS ( SELECT CONVERT(datetime, '20000103') DT UNION ALL SELECT DT + 1 FROM Dumy WHERE DT + 1 < GETDATE()+1 ), WW AS ( SELECT CONVERT(char(8), DT , 112) BeginDT_WK , CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, 6, DT), 112) EndDT_WK FROM Dumy WHERE DATEPART(weekday, DT) IN (1) --AND GETDATE()-1 BETWEEN CONVERT(char(8), DT , 112) --AND CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, 6, DT), 112) ), MM AS ( SELECT CONVERT(char(8), DT , 112) BeginDT_MM , CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(mm, 1, DT)-1, 112) EndDT_MM FROM Dumy WHERE DATEPART(dd, DT) IN (1) ) SELECT CONVERT(char(8), DT, 112) CurrDT , BeginDT_WK , EndDT_WK , BeginDT_MM , EndDT_MM FROM Dumy A INNER JOIN WW B ON A.DT BETWEEN BeginDT_WK AND EndDT_WK INNER JOIN MM C ON A.DT BETWEEN BeginDT_MM AND EndDT_MM OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0); [edit]
13 loop #set nocount on set statistics io off declare @bdt char(8) , @edt char(8) set @bdt = '20110701' while (@bdt <= '20120701') begin set @edt = convert(char(8), dateadd(mm, 1, @bdt)-1, 112) raiserror ('%s, %s', 0, 1, @bdt, @edt) with nowait; set @bdt = convert(char(8), dateadd(dd, 1, @edt), 112) end [edit]
14 朱 loop - 覦 #set nocount on set statistics io off declare @bdt char(8) , @edt char(8) set @bdt = '20100101' while (@bdt <= '20100128') begin set @edt = convert(char(8), dateadd(dd, 1, @bdt), 112) raiserror ('%s, %s', 0, 1, @bdt, @edt) with nowait; --waitfor delay '00:00:10' set @bdt = @edt end set nocount on set statistics io off declare @bdt char(8) , @edt char(8) , @exec_start_time datetime , @exec_time varchar(20) declare @std_dt char(8) set @bdt = '20181225' while (@bdt <= '20190707') begin set @edt = convert(char(8), dateadd(dd, 1, @bdt), 112) set @exec_start_time = getdate() select @exec_time = concat(format(exec_time/600, '0#'), ':', format((exec_time%600)/60, '0#'), ':', format((exec_time%600)%60, '0#')) from (select datediff(ss, @exec_start_time, getdate()) exec_time) t raiserror ('%s, %s, exec_time:%s ', 0, 1, @bdt, @edt, @exec_time) with nowait; --waitfor delay '00:00:10' set @bdt = @edt end [edit]
15 朱 loop - 覦 #set nocount on set statistics io off declare @bdt char(8) , @edt char(8) , @next_dt char(8) set @bdt = '20100101' set @edt = '20100115' while (@bdt <= @edt) begin set @next_dt = convert(char(8), dateadd(dd, 1, @edt), 112) print @edt + ', ' + @next_dt set @edt = convert(char(8), dateadd(dd, -1, @edt), 112) end [edit]
16 貉れ #declare @tname nvarchar(4000) declare cur cursor for --select open cur; fetch next from cur into @tname; while @@FETCH_STATUS not in (-1, -2) begin raiserror ('%s', 0, 1, @tname) with nowait; fetch next from cur into @tname; end close cur; deallocate cur; [edit]
17 蠍一糾螳(豢) #;with sale as ( select accountkey , sum(saleamt) amt , log(sum(saleamt)) log_amt from cji_eis.PubSales.Fact_Sales where datekey between 20090601 and 20090630 and gamekey = 20 and saleamt > 0 group by accountkey ), rs as ( select row_number() over(order by convert(int, log_amt)) 覯 , sum(amt) 蟲襷り , count(*) 蟲襷り , min(amt) 蟲襷り♀規螳 , max(amt) 蟲襷り♀規螳譬襭 , max(amt) - max(amt) / 2 譴螳 , avg(amt) 蠏蟲襷り , stdev(amt) 蟲襷り″譴ク谿 , convert(int, log_amt) [log(蟲襷り)] , case when convert(int, log_amt) in (5,6,7,8) then 'A' when convert(int, log_amt) in (9,10) then 'B' when convert(int, log_amt) in (11,12,13) then 'C' when convert(int, log_amt) in (14, 15,16) then 'D' end 炎 from sale group by convert(int, log_amt) ) select * , 蟲襷り / sum(蟲襷り*1.0) over() * 100 蟲襷り° , 蟲襷り / sum(蟲襷り*1.0) over() * 100 蟲襷り觜 from rs order by 1 [edit]
18 job 覲 #select a.name job_name , a.date_modified , b.step_id , b.step_name , b.subsystem , substring(right('000000' + convert(varchar, b.last_run_duration),6),1,2) + ':' + substring(right('000000' + convert(varchar, b.last_run_duration),6),3,2) + ':' + substring(right('000000' + convert(varchar, b.last_run_duration),6),5,2) last_run_duration , b.command from msdb.dbo.sysjobs a inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps b on a.job_id = b.job_id where a.enabled = 1 --燕 Job襷..(覯襷 ろ, 觜燕 ) select a.name job_name , a.date_modified , b.step_id , b.step_name , b.subsystem , substring(right('000000' + convert(varchar, b.last_run_duration),6),1,2) + ':' + substring(right('000000' + convert(varchar, b.last_run_duration),6),3,2) + ':' + substring(right('000000' + convert(varchar, b.last_run_duration),6),5,2) last_run_duration , b.command from msdb.dbo.sysjobs a inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps b on a.job_id = b.job_id inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules c on a.job_id = c.job_id where a.enabled = 1 and c.next_run_date >= convert(char(8), getdate(), 112) order by last_run_duration desc [edit]
19 蟯螻襷崎鍵 #ALTER TABLE [Common].[Fact_ConnectHistory] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Fact_ConnectHistory_Dim_Date] FOREIGN KEY([DateKey]) REFERENCES [Common].[Dim_Date] ([DateKey]) ALTER TABLE [Common].[Fact_ConnectHistory] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Fact_ConnectHistory_Dim_Date] FOREIGN KEY([DateKey]) REFERENCES [Common].[Dim_Date] ([DateKey]) [edit]
20 殊 れ 譯(week) 手骸 譬襭 蟲蠍 #DECLARE @BeginDT datetime , @LoginDT datetime SET @BeginDT = '20100307' SET @LoginDT = '20100423' --蟆殊 '20100307' , 譯殊 殊 '20100307'朱.. --'20100423' 企麹 譯朱.. SELECT CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, CONVERT(char(8), @BeginDT, 112), @LoginDT)%7*-1, @LoginDT), 112) + '~' + CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, CONVERT(char(8), @BeginDT, 112), @LoginDT)%7*-1, @LoginDT)+6, 112) --蟆郁骸 --20100418~20100424 [edit]
21 - 覦企襴 - 覓語覦企襴 襷牛 企 #select convert(tinyint, num) num , bin , str_bin into dbo.binary_map from ( select 0 num, 0x00 bin ,'00' str_bin union all select 1, 0x01 bin ,'01' str_bin union all select 2, 0x02 bin ,'02' str_bin union all select 3, 0x03 bin ,'03' str_bin union all select 4, 0x04 bin ,'04' str_bin union all select 5, 0x05 bin ,'05' str_bin union all select 6, 0x06 bin ,'06' str_bin union all select 7, 0x07 bin ,'07' str_bin union all select 8, 0x08 bin ,'08' str_bin union all select 9, 0x09 bin ,'09' str_bin union all select 10, 0x0A bin ,'0A' str_bin union all select 11, 0x0B bin ,'0B' str_bin union all select 12, 0x0C bin ,'0C' str_bin union all select 13, 0x0D bin ,'0D' str_bin union all select 14, 0x0E bin ,'0E' str_bin union all select 15, 0x0F bin ,'0F' str_bin union all select 16, 0x10 bin ,'10' str_bin union all select 17, 0x11 bin ,'11' str_bin union all select 18, 0x12 bin ,'12' str_bin union all select 19, 0x13 bin ,'13' str_bin union all select 20, 0x14 bin ,'14' str_bin union all select 21, 0x15 bin ,'15' str_bin union all select 22, 0x16 bin ,'16' str_bin union all select 23, 0x17 bin ,'17' str_bin union all select 24, 0x18 bin ,'18' str_bin union all select 25, 0x19 bin ,'19' str_bin union all select 26, 0x1A bin ,'1A' str_bin union all select 27, 0x1B bin ,'1B' str_bin union all select 28, 0x1C bin ,'1C' str_bin union all select 29, 0x1D bin ,'1D' str_bin union all select 30, 0x1E bin ,'1E' str_bin union all select 31, 0x1F bin ,'1F' str_bin union all select 32, 0x20 bin ,'20' str_bin union all select 33, 0x21 bin ,'21' str_bin union all select 34, 0x22 bin ,'22' str_bin union all select 35, 0x23 bin ,'23' str_bin union all select 36, 0x24 bin ,'24' str_bin union all select 37, 0x25 bin ,'25' str_bin union all select 38, 0x26 bin ,'26' str_bin union all select 39, 0x27 bin ,'27' str_bin union all select 40, 0x28 bin ,'28' str_bin union all select 41, 0x29 bin ,'29' str_bin union all select 42, 0x2A bin ,'2A' str_bin union all select 43, 0x2B bin ,'2B' str_bin union all select 44, 0x2C bin ,'2C' str_bin union all select 45, 0x2D bin ,'2D' str_bin union all select 46, 0x2E bin ,'2E' str_bin union all select 47, 0x2F bin ,'2F' str_bin union all select 48, 0x30 bin ,'30' str_bin union all select 49, 0x31 bin ,'31' str_bin union all select 50, 0x32 bin ,'32' str_bin union all select 51, 0x33 bin ,'33' str_bin union all select 52, 0x34 bin ,'34' str_bin union all select 53, 0x35 bin ,'35' str_bin union all select 54, 0x36 bin ,'36' str_bin union all select 55, 0x37 bin ,'37' str_bin union all select 56, 0x38 bin ,'38' str_bin union all select 57, 0x39 bin ,'39' str_bin union all select 58, 0x3A bin ,'3A' str_bin union all select 59, 0x3B bin ,'3B' str_bin union all select 60, 0x3C bin ,'3C' str_bin union all select 61, 0x3D bin ,'3D' str_bin union all select 62, 0x3E bin ,'3E' str_bin union all select 63, 0x3F bin ,'3F' str_bin union all select 64, 0x40 bin ,'40' str_bin union all select 65, 0x41 bin ,'41' str_bin union all select 66, 0x42 bin ,'42' str_bin union all select 67, 0x43 bin ,'43' str_bin union all select 68, 0x44 bin ,'44' str_bin union all select 69, 0x45 bin ,'45' str_bin union all select 70, 0x46 bin ,'46' str_bin union all select 71, 0x47 bin ,'47' str_bin union all select 72, 0x48 bin ,'48' str_bin union all select 73, 0x49 bin ,'49' str_bin union all select 74, 0x4A bin ,'4A' str_bin union all select 75, 0x4B bin ,'4B' str_bin union all select 76, 0x4C bin ,'4C' str_bin union all select 77, 0x4D bin ,'4D' str_bin union all select 78, 0x4E bin ,'4E' str_bin union all select 79, 0x4F bin ,'4F' str_bin union all select 80, 0x50 bin ,'50' str_bin union all select 81, 0x51 bin ,'51' str_bin union all select 82, 0x52 bin ,'52' str_bin union all select 83, 0x53 bin ,'53' str_bin union all select 84, 0x54 bin ,'54' str_bin union all select 85, 0x55 bin ,'55' str_bin union all select 86, 0x56 bin ,'56' str_bin union all select 87, 0x57 bin ,'57' str_bin union all select 88, 0x58 bin ,'58' str_bin union all select 89, 0x59 bin ,'59' str_bin union all select 90, 0x5A bin ,'5A' str_bin union all select 91, 0x5B bin ,'5B' str_bin union all select 92, 0x5C bin ,'5C' str_bin union all select 93, 0x5D bin ,'5D' str_bin union all select 94, 0x5E bin ,'5E' str_bin union all select 95, 0x5F bin ,'5F' str_bin union all select 96, 0x60 bin ,'60' str_bin union all select 97, 0x61 bin ,'61' str_bin union all select 98, 0x62 bin ,'62' str_bin union all select 99, 0x63 bin ,'63' str_bin union all select 100, 0x64 bin ,'64' str_bin union all select 101, 0x65 bin ,'65' str_bin union all select 102, 0x66 bin ,'66' str_bin union all select 103, 0x67 bin ,'67' str_bin union all select 104, 0x68 bin ,'68' str_bin union all select 105, 0x69 bin ,'69' str_bin union all select 106, 0x6A bin ,'6A' str_bin union all select 107, 0x6B bin ,'6B' str_bin union all select 108, 0x6C bin ,'6C' str_bin union all select 109, 0x6D bin ,'6D' str_bin union all select 110, 0x6E bin ,'6E' str_bin union all select 111, 0x6F bin ,'6F' str_bin union all select 112, 0x70 bin ,'70' str_bin union all select 113, 0x71 bin ,'71' str_bin union all select 114, 0x72 bin ,'72' str_bin union all select 115, 0x73 bin ,'73' str_bin union all select 116, 0x74 bin ,'74' str_bin union all select 117, 0x75 bin ,'75' str_bin union all select 118, 0x76 bin ,'76' str_bin union all select 119, 0x77 bin ,'77' str_bin union all select 120, 0x78 bin ,'78' str_bin union all select 121, 0x79 bin ,'79' str_bin union all select 122, 0x7A bin ,'7A' str_bin union all select 123, 0x7B bin ,'7B' str_bin union all select 124, 0x7C bin ,'7C' str_bin union all select 125, 0x7D bin ,'7D' str_bin union all select 126, 0x7E bin ,'7E' str_bin union all select 127, 0x7F bin ,'7F' str_bin union all select 128, 0x80 bin ,'80' str_bin union all select 129, 0x81 bin ,'81' str_bin union all select 130, 0x82 bin ,'82' str_bin union all select 131, 0x83 bin ,'83' str_bin union all select 132, 0x84 bin ,'84' str_bin union all select 133, 0x85 bin ,'85' str_bin union all select 134, 0x86 bin ,'86' str_bin union all select 135, 0x87 bin ,'87' str_bin union all select 136, 0x88 bin ,'88' str_bin union all select 137, 0x89 bin ,'89' str_bin union all select 138, 0x8A bin ,'8A' str_bin union all select 139, 0x8B bin ,'8B' str_bin union all select 140, 0x8C bin ,'8C' str_bin union all select 141, 0x8D bin ,'8D' str_bin union all select 142, 0x8E bin ,'8E' str_bin union all select 143, 0x8F bin ,'8F' str_bin union all select 144, 0x90 bin ,'90' str_bin union all select 145, 0x91 bin ,'91' str_bin union all select 146, 0x92 bin ,'92' str_bin union all select 147, 0x93 bin ,'93' str_bin union all select 148, 0x94 bin ,'94' str_bin union all select 149, 0x95 bin ,'95' str_bin union all select 150, 0x96 bin ,'96' str_bin union all select 151, 0x97 bin ,'97' str_bin union all select 152, 0x98 bin ,'98' str_bin union all select 153, 0x99 bin ,'99' str_bin union all select 154, 0x9A bin ,'9A' str_bin union all select 155, 0x9B bin ,'9B' str_bin union all select 156, 0x9C bin ,'9C' str_bin union all select 157, 0x9D bin ,'9D' str_bin union all select 158, 0x9E bin ,'9E' str_bin union all select 159, 0x9F bin ,'9F' str_bin union all select 160, 0xA0 bin ,'A0' str_bin union all select 161, 0xA1 bin ,'A1' str_bin union all select 162, 0xA2 bin ,'A2' str_bin union all select 163, 0xA3 bin ,'A3' str_bin union all select 164, 0xA4 bin ,'A4' str_bin union all select 165, 0xA5 bin ,'A5' str_bin union all select 166, 0xA6 bin ,'A6' str_bin union all select 167, 0xA7 bin ,'A7' str_bin union all select 168, 0xA8 bin ,'A8' str_bin union all select 169, 0xA9 bin ,'A9' str_bin union all select 170, 0xAA bin ,'AA' str_bin union all select 171, 0xAB bin ,'AB' str_bin union all select 172, 0xAC bin ,'AC' str_bin union all select 173, 0xAD bin ,'AD' str_bin union all select 174, 0xAE bin ,'AE' str_bin union all select 175, 0xAF bin ,'AF' str_bin union all select 176, 0xB0 bin ,'B0' str_bin union all select 177, 0xB1 bin ,'B1' str_bin union all select 178, 0xB2 bin ,'B2' str_bin union all select 179, 0xB3 bin ,'B3' str_bin union all select 180, 0xB4 bin ,'B4' str_bin union all select 181, 0xB5 bin ,'B5' str_bin union all select 182, 0xB6 bin ,'B6' str_bin union all select 183, 0xB7 bin ,'B7' str_bin union all select 184, 0xB8 bin ,'B8' str_bin union all select 185, 0xB9 bin ,'B9' str_bin union all select 186, 0xBA bin ,'BA' str_bin union all select 187, 0xBB bin ,'BB' str_bin union all select 188, 0xBC bin ,'BC' str_bin union all select 189, 0xBD bin ,'BD' str_bin union all select 190, 0xBE bin ,'BE' str_bin union all select 191, 0xBF bin ,'BF' str_bin union all select 192, 0xC0 bin ,'C0' str_bin union all select 193, 0xC1 bin ,'C1' str_bin union all select 194, 0xC2 bin ,'C2' str_bin union all select 195, 0xC3 bin ,'C3' str_bin union all select 196, 0xC4 bin ,'C4' str_bin union all select 197, 0xC5 bin ,'C5' str_bin union all select 198, 0xC6 bin ,'C6' str_bin union all select 199, 0xC7 bin ,'C7' str_bin union all select 200, 0xC8 bin ,'C8' str_bin union all select 201, 0xC9 bin ,'C9' str_bin union all select 202, 0xCA bin ,'CA' str_bin union all select 203, 0xCB bin ,'CB' str_bin union all select 204, 0xCC bin ,'CC' str_bin union all select 205, 0xCD bin ,'CD' str_bin union all select 206, 0xCE bin ,'CE' str_bin union all select 207, 0xCF bin ,'CF' str_bin union all select 208, 0xD0 bin ,'D0' str_bin union all select 209, 0xD1 bin ,'D1' str_bin union all select 210, 0xD2 bin ,'D2' str_bin union all select 211, 0xD3 bin ,'D3' str_bin union all select 212, 0xD4 bin ,'D4' str_bin union all select 213, 0xD5 bin ,'D5' str_bin union all select 214, 0xD6 bin ,'D6' str_bin union all select 215, 0xD7 bin ,'D7' str_bin union all select 216, 0xD8 bin ,'D8' str_bin union all select 217, 0xD9 bin ,'D9' str_bin union all select 218, 0xDA bin ,'DA' str_bin union all select 219, 0xDB bin ,'DB' str_bin union all select 220, 0xDC bin ,'DC' str_bin union all select 221, 0xDD bin ,'DD' str_bin union all select 222, 0xDE bin ,'DE' str_bin union all select 223, 0xDF bin ,'DF' str_bin union all select 224, 0xE0 bin ,'E0' str_bin union all select 225, 0xE1 bin ,'E1' str_bin union all select 226, 0xE2 bin ,'E2' str_bin union all select 227, 0xE3 bin ,'E3' str_bin union all select 228, 0xE4 bin ,'E4' str_bin union all select 229, 0xE5 bin ,'E5' str_bin union all select 230, 0xE6 bin ,'E6' str_bin union all select 231, 0xE7 bin ,'E7' str_bin union all select 232, 0xE8 bin ,'E8' str_bin union all select 233, 0xE9 bin ,'E9' str_bin union all select 234, 0xEA bin ,'EA' str_bin union all select 235, 0xEB bin ,'EB' str_bin union all select 236, 0xEC bin ,'EC' str_bin union all select 237, 0xED bin ,'ED' str_bin union all select 238, 0xEE bin ,'EE' str_bin union all select 239, 0xEF bin ,'EF' str_bin union all select 240, 0xF0 bin ,'F0' str_bin union all select 241, 0xF1 bin ,'F1' str_bin union all select 242, 0xF2 bin ,'F2' str_bin union all select 243, 0xF3 bin ,'F3' str_bin union all select 244, 0xF4 bin ,'F4' str_bin union all select 245, 0xF5 bin ,'F5' str_bin union all select 246, 0xF6 bin ,'F6' str_bin union all select 247, 0xF7 bin ,'F7' str_bin union all select 248, 0xF8 bin ,'F8' str_bin union all select 249, 0xF9 bin ,'F9' str_bin union all select 250, 0xFA bin ,'FA' str_bin union all select 251, 0xFB bin ,'FB' str_bin union all select 252, 0xFC bin ,'FC' str_bin union all select 253, 0xFD bin ,'FD' str_bin union all select 254, 0xFE bin ,'FE' str_bin union all select 255, 0xFF bin ,'FF' str_bin ) t 企一襦 襾轟..
create function dbo.binary_to_string (@bin varbinary(16)) returns varchar(32) as begin declare @var varchar(32) set @var = '' select @var = @var + str_bin from dbo.binary_map a inner join ( select substring(@bin, num+1,1) bin from dbo.binary_map where num <= datalength(@bin)-1 ) b on a.bin = b.bin return @var end go select dbo.binary_to_string(0x002421A4B8EB) /* 002421A4B8EB */ [edit]
22 binary -> binary 覓語 #讌ъ binary朱 瑚り 觜襯企. 蠍 binary朱 clr 襯 燕蟆 譬蟶朱
select top 100 substring(replace(convert(uniqueidentifier, convert(binary(1), substring(MacAddress,1,1))), '-', ''), 7, 2) + substring(replace(convert(uniqueidentifier, convert(binary(1), substring(MacAddress,2,1))), '-', ''), 7, 2) + substring(replace(convert(uniqueidentifier, convert(binary(1), substring(MacAddress,3,1))), '-', ''), 7, 2) + substring(replace(convert(uniqueidentifier, convert(binary(1), substring(MacAddress,4,1))), '-', ''), 7, 2) + substring(replace(convert(uniqueidentifier, convert(binary(1), substring(MacAddress,5,1))), '-', ''), 7, 2) + substring(replace(convert(uniqueidentifier, convert(binary(1), substring(MacAddress,6,1))), '-', ''), 7, 2) [edit]
24 企 size #create table #temp ( name nvarchar(255) , rows bigint , reserved varchar(100) , data varchar(100) , index_size varchar(100) , unused varchar(100) ) create table #rs ( table_name nvarchar(500) , rows bigint , [reserved(MB)] varchar(100) , [data(MB)] varchar(100) , [index_size(MB)] varchar(100) , [unused(MB)] varchar(100) ) declare @tname varchar(255) , @sql varchar(1000); declare cur cursor for select table_schema + '.' + table_name tname , 'exec sp_spaceused ''' + table_schema + '.' + table_name + '''' sql from information_schema.tables where table_type = 'BASE TABLE' open cur; fetch next from cur into @tname, @sql; while @@FETCH_STATUS not in (-1, -2) begin insert #temp exec(@sql) insert #rs select @tname , rows , convert(bigint, replace(reserved, 'KB', '')) / 1024 , convert(bigint, replace(data, 'KB', '')) / 1024 , convert(bigint, replace(index_size, 'KB', '')) / 1024 , convert(bigint, replace(unused, 'KB', '')) / 1024 from #temp truncate table #temp fetch next from cur into @tname, @sql; end close cur; deallocate cur; select * from #rs order by convert(bigint, replace([reserved(MB)], 'KB', '')) desc drop table #temp drop table #rs [edit]
25 , 豌, 蠏覿 #-- skewness(), kurtosis(豌) -- > 0 : るジ讓 蠎襴 -- = 0, 豌 = 3 企 蠏覿 select mean , sigma , N , sum (( x - mean) * square(x - mean) / (N * sigma * square(sigma))) as skewness , sum(square(square(x - mean)) / (N*square ( square(sigma)))) as kurtosis from #t cross join ( select avg(x) mean , stdev(x) sigma , count(x) N from #t ) s group by mean, sigma, N
豺蟲襯 視 狩 覦覯 れる 豺蟲螳 蟆企. (襾語) |