
1 1:
2 2:

螳 where ろ 伎 覓至海. 覓詞襷螻 覲 蟆 企. ろ 豌 螳.

1 1: #

;with temp
	select '1' num
	union all
	select 'null' 
select * 
from temp
where 1=1
and convert(int, num) > 0
and isnumeric(num) = 1

覃讌 245, 譴 16,  1, 譴 2
varchar 螳 'null'(襯) 一危  int()襦 覲讌 覈詩給.

2 2: #

where 譟郁唄れ 襯 覦蠖.

;with temp
	select '1' num
	union all
	select 'null' 
select * 
from temp
where 1=1
and isnumeric(num) = 1 -- 襯 覦蠖
and convert(int, num) > 0 -- 襯 覦蠖