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library(party) x <- sqlQuery(conn, "select top 1000 new_type 蠏, hh 螳, case when time >= 5 then '5伎' else '5覩碁' end time from ods.dbo.v_h2 where join_dt = '20120411'") tree <- ctree(time ~ 蠏 + 螳, data=x) #tree <- ctree(time ~ 蠏 + 螳, controls = ctree_control(maxdepth = 5), data=x) plot(tree) ![]() > tree <- randomForest(time ~ 蠏 + 螳, data=x) > print(tree) # view results Call: randomForest(formula = time ~ 蠏 + 螳, data = x) Type of random forest: classification Number of trees: 500 No. of variables tried at each split: 1 OOB estimate of error rate: 23.39% Confusion matrix: 10覩碁 10伎 class.error 10覩碁 1736 0 0 10伎 530 0 1 > importance(tree) # importance of each predictor MeanDecreaseGini 蠏 18.15337 螳 9.90380 > library(party) tree <- ctree(Volume ~ ., data=trees) plot(tree, terminal_panel = node_density) #plot(tree, terminal_panel = node_barplot(tree)) ![]() library(partykit) airct <- ctree(Ozone ~ ., data = airq) class(airct) # different class from before # "constparty" "party" plot(airct, gp = gpar(fontsize = 6), # font size changed to 6 inner_panel=node_inner, ip_args=list( abbreviate = TRUE, id = FALSE) ) library(partykit) tree <- ctree(revisit_cnt ~ ., controls = ctree_control(maxdepth = 5), data = training) plot(tree, gp = gpar(fontsize = 8)) png("mytree.png",res=80,height=800,width=1600) plot(mytree) dev.off() terminal_node 貉れろ磯伎蠍
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13959431/how-to-get-all-terminal-nodes-weight-response-prediction-ctree-in-r library(party) library(caret) gtree <- ctree(Species ~ ., data = iris) plot(gtree, inner_panel = node_barplot, edge_panel = function(...) invisible(), tnex = 1) ![]() tree 蠍 譟一蠍
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13751962/how-to-plot-a-large-ctree-to-avoid-overlapping-nodes [edit]
bar plot 朱 語郁鍵 #--http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11961923/rotate-classification-tree-terminal-barplot-axis-r
# Note inclusion of horiz = FALSE alt_node_barplot <- function (ctreeobj, col = "black", fill = NULL, beside = NULL, ymax = NULL, ylines = NULL, widths = 1, gap = NULL, reverse = NULL, id = TRUE, horiz = FALSE) { getMaxPred <- function(x) { mp <- max(x$prediction) mpl <- ifelse(x$terminal, 0, getMaxPred(x$left)) mpr <- ifelse(x$terminal, 0, getMaxPred(x$right)) return(max(c(mp, mpl, mpr))) } y <- response(ctreeobj)[[1]] if (is.factor(y) || class(y) == "was_ordered") { ylevels <- levels(y) if (is.null(beside)) beside <- if (length(ylevels) < 3) FALSE else TRUE if (is.null(ymax)) ymax <- if (beside) 1.1 else 1 if (is.null(gap)) gap <- if (beside) 0.1 else 0 } else { if (is.null(beside)) beside <- FALSE if (is.null(ymax)) ymax <- getMaxPred(ctreeobj@tree) * 1.1 ylevels <- seq(along = ctreeobj@tree$prediction) if (length(ylevels) < 2) ylevels <- "" if (is.null(gap)) gap <- 1 } if (is.null(reverse)) reverse <- !beside if (is.null(fill)) fill <- gray.colors(length(ylevels)) if (is.null(ylines)) ylines <- if (beside) c(3, 2) else c(1.5, 2.5) # My edit do not work if beside is not true ################################################# if(!beside) horiz = FALSE ################################################# rval <- function(node) { pred <- node$prediction if (reverse) { pred <- rev(pred) ylevels <- rev(ylevels) } np <- length(pred) nc <- if (beside) np else 1 fill <- rep(fill, length.out = np) widths <- rep(widths, length.out = nc) col <- rep(col, length.out = nc) ylines <- rep(ylines, length.out = 2) gap <- gap * sum(widths) ####################################################### if (!horiz){ yscale <- c(0, ymax) xscale <- c(0, sum(widths) + (nc + 1) * gap) } else { xscale <- c(0, ymax) yscale <- c(0, sum(widths) + (nc + 1) * gap) } ####################################################### top_vp <- viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow = 2, ncol = 3, widths = unit(c(ylines[1], 1, ylines[2]), c("lines", "null", "lines")), heights = unit(c(1, 1), c("lines", "null"))), width = unit(1, "npc"), height = unit(1, "npc") - unit(2, "lines"), name = paste("node_barplot", node$nodeID, sep = "")) pushViewport(top_vp) grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "white", col = 0)) top <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 2, layout.pos.row = 1) pushViewport(top) mainlab <- paste(ifelse(id, paste("Node", node$nodeID, "(n = "), "n = "), sum(node$weights), ifelse(id, ")", ""), sep = "") grid.text(mainlab) popViewport() plot <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 2, layout.pos.row = 2, xscale = xscale, yscale = yscale, name = paste("node_barplot", node$nodeID, "plot", sep = "")) pushViewport(plot) if (beside) { ############################################################# if(!horiz){ xcenter <- cumsum(widths + gap) - widths/2 for (i in 1:np) { grid.rect(x = xcenter[i], y = 0, height = pred[i], width = widths[i], just = c("center", "bottom"), default.units = "native", gp = gpar(col = col[i], fill = fill[i])) } if (length(xcenter) > 1) grid.xaxis(at = xcenter, label = FALSE) grid.text(ylevels, x = xcenter, y = unit(-1, "lines"), just = c("center", "top"), default.units = "native", check.overlap = TRUE) grid.yaxis() } else { ycenter <- cumsum(widths + gap) - widths/2 for (i in 1:np) { grid.rect(y = ycenter[i], x = 0, width = pred[i], height = widths[i], just = c("left", "center"), default.units = "native", gp = gpar(col = col[i], fill = fill[i])) } if (length(ycenter) > 1) grid.yaxis(at = ycenter, label = FALSE) grid.text(ylevels, y = ycenter, x = unit(-1, "lines"), just = c("right", "center"), default.units = "native", check.overlap = TRUE) grid.xaxis() } ############################################################# } else { ycenter <- cumsum(pred) - pred for (i in 1:np) { grid.rect(x = xscale[2]/2, y = ycenter[i], height = min(pred[i], ymax - ycenter[i]), width = widths[1], just = c("center", "bottom"), default.units = "native", gp = gpar(col = col[i], fill = fill[i])) } if (np > 1) { grid.text(ylevels[1], x = unit(-1, "lines"), y = 0, just = c("left", "center"), rot = 90, default.units = "native", check.overlap = TRUE) grid.text(ylevels[np], x = unit(-1, "lines"), y = ymax, just = c("right", "center"), rot = 90, default.units = "native", check.overlap = TRUE) } if (np > 2) { grid.text(ylevels[-c(1, np)], x = unit(-1, "lines"), y = ycenter[-c(1, np)], just = "center", rot = 90, default.units = "native", check.overlap = TRUE) } grid.yaxis(main = FALSE) } grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent")) upViewport(2) } return(rval) } plot(ctree, terminal_panel = alt_node_barplot(ctree, horiz = TRUE))
る 襷覲企る 蠍 る 襷 れ企. |