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CentOS › DBMSsBuilt-inFunctionsHelpForDevelopers › HomepageTemplate › HelpOnFormatting

Text Formatting Rules #

Leave blank lines between paragraphs. Use [[BR]] to insert linebreaks into paragraphs.

You can render text in italics or bold.
To write italics, enclose the text in double single quotes.
To write bold, enclose the text in triple single quotes.
Underlined text needs a double underscore on each side.
You get superscripted text by enclosing it into caret characters,
and subscripts have to be embedded into double commas.

To insert program source without reformatting in a monospace font, use three curly braces:
10 PRINT "Hello, world!"
20 GOTO 10
Note that within code sections, both inline and display ones, any wiki markup is ignored. An alternative and shorter syntax for inlined code is to use backtick characters.

For more information on the possible markup, see HelpOnEditing.

Example #

__Mixing__ ''italics'' and '''bold''':
 * '''''Mix''' at the beginning'' 
 * '''''Mix'' at the beginning'''
 * '''Mix at the ''end'''''
 * ''Mix at the '''end'''''

You might recall ''a''^2^ `+` ''b''^2^ `=` ''c''^2^ from your math lessons, unless your head is filled with H,,2,,O.

An {{{inline code sequence}}} has the start and end markers on the same line. Or you use `backticks`.

A code display has them on different lines: {{{
'''No''' markup here!
/!\ In the above example, we "escaped" the markers for source code sequences by inserting \ character before the curly braces.

/!\ MoinMoin does not support escape "{{{" markup in preblock.

Display #

Mixing italics and bold:
  • Mix at the beginning
    • Mix at the beginning
  • Mix at the beginning
    • Mix at the beginning
  • Mix at the end
    • Mix at the end
  • Mix at the end
    • Mix at the end

You might recall a2 + b2 = c2 from your math lessons, unless your head is filled with H2O.

An inline code sequence has the start and end markers on the same line. Or you use backticks.

A code display has them on different lines:
'''No''' markup here!

ColorizedSourceCode #



SixSingleQuotes and backticks #

Wiki''''''Name vs Wiki``Name

WikiName vs WikiName

MoniWiki extensions #

To write striked text, enclose the text in double dashes.

Superscripted text also obtained by encloseing a string into double carets like it.

/!\ MoinMoin does superscript texts contain space but, MoniWiki does not. You can superscript a string contains space by encloseing it into double carets.

coloring and sizing #

  • {{{#red Hello World}}} is renderd as Hello World
  • {{{#0000ff Hello World}}} is renderd as Hello World
  • {{{+3 Hello World}}} is rendered as Hello World
  • {{{-1 Hello World}}} is rendered as Hello World

escape font styling syntax
  • {{{<space>#red Hello World}}} is rendered as #red Hello World

Please see also WikiSlide

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EditText : Print : Mobile : FindPage : DeletePage : LikePages : Powered by MoniWiki : Last modified 2018-04-13 23:12:52

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