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merge螳 豌伎朱 insert/update 覲企 焔レ 蠑語り. ク襴 焔レ 貉るり 螳覃 ! 焔レ SW 覈 蟆 .
1 #'朱 螳煙螻, 朱 曙'朱 襦讌 蟲覓語企. 讀, 'IF Found THEN UPDATE ELSE INSERT' 企. Row Constructors 襷 企襦 蟆.
select * from target_table; /* id pw ---------- ---------- dwa 1234 yasi 4567 lk lk123 */ -- source 一危郁 螻, target 一危郁 . insert audit(action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw) select action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw from ( merge --top (100) percent target_table a using source_table b on a.id = b.id when matched then update set a.id = b.id , a.pw = b.pw when not matched by target then insert values (id, pw) when not matched by source then delete output $action, inserted.*, deleted.* ) t (action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw); select * from audit; /* action insert_id insert_pw delete_id delete_pw -------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- INSERT dwa 1234 NULL NULL INSERT yasi 4567 NULL NULL INSERT lk lk123 NULL NULL */ 襷れ讌 row襯 曙 覲伎.
insert source_table values ('dwa2', '1234'); insert target_table values ('dwa3', '1234'); /* select * from source_table; select * from target_table; id pw ---------- ---------- dwa 1234 yasi 4567 lk lk123 dwa2 1234 <--- not matched id pw ---------- ---------- dwa 1234 yasi 4567 lk lk123 dwa3 1234 <--- not matched */ not matched 襦磯れ 豌襴襯 企慨.
insert audit(action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw) select action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw from ( merge --top (100) percent target_table a using source_table b on a.id = b.id when matched then update set a.id = b.id , a.pw = b.pw when not matched by target then insert values (id, pw) when not matched by source then delete output $action, inserted.*, deleted.* ) t (action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw); select * from audit; /* action insert_id insert_pw delete_id delete_pw -------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- INSERT dwa 1234 NULL NULL INSERT yasi 4567 NULL NULL INSERT lk lk123 NULL NULL INSERT dwa2 1234 NULL NULL UPDATE dwa 1234 dwa 1234 UPDATE yasi 4567 yasi 4567 UPDATE lk lk123 lk lk123 DELETE NULL NULL dwa3 1234 */ select * from source_table; select * from target_table; /* id pw ---------- ---------- dwa 1234 yasi 4567 lk lk123 dwa2 1234 id pw ---------- ---------- dwa 1234 yasi 4567 lk lk123 dwa2 1234 dwa2 traget_table 朱襦 insert, dwa3 source_table not matched企襦 target_table delete */ れ螻 螳 'AND'襦 譟郁唄 豢螳 .
insert audit(action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw) select action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw from ( merge --top (100) percent target_table a using source_table b on a.id = b.id when matched and a.id like 'dw%' then --譟郁唄豢螳 蟆 update set a.id = b.id , a.pw = b.pw when not matched by target then insert values (id, pw) when not matched by source then delete output $action, inserted.*, deleted.* ) t (action, insert_id, insert_pw, delete_id, delete_pw); /* 谿瑚.. insert a(id, pw) select id, pw from ( delete from target_table output deleted.* ) t go -- 蟆 譟壱 create proc usp_teset as delete from a output deleted.* go */ set nocount on; create table #t ( id int , name varchar(max) ); go insert #t values (1,'Jim'),(2,'Sarah'),(3,'Hels'); go DECLARE @rowcounts TABLE ( mergeAction nvarchar(10) ); declare @insertCount int, @updateCount int, @deleteCount int; merge into #t as tgt using ( select 1 as id, 'James' as name union select 2, 'Sarah' union select 3, 'Helen' union select 4, 'Jack' union select 5, 'Annie') as src on tgt.id = src.id when matched and tgt.name = src.name THEN DELETE when matched and tgt.name <> src.name THEN UPDATE SET tgt.name = src.name when not matched THEN insert values (src.id, src.name) OUTPUT $action into @rowcounts; select @insertcount=[INSERT] , @updatecount=[UPDATE] , @deletecount=[DELETE] from ( select mergeAction,1 rows from @rowcounts )p pivot ( count(rows) FOR mergeAction IN ( [INSERT], [UPDATE], [DELETE]) ) as pvt ; drop table #t; print '@insertcount = ' + cast(@insertcount as varchar); print '@updatecount = ' + cast(@updatecount as varchar); print '@deletecount = ' + cast(@deletecount as varchar); /* drop table #target drop table #source */ create table #target(seq int) create table #source(seq int) insert #target values(1) insert #target values(2) insert #target values(3) insert #source values(1) insert #source values(4) merge #target a using #source b on a.seq = b.seq when matched then update set a.seq = b.seq when not matched by source and a.seq > 2 then delete when not matched by target then insert (seq) values (b.seq) ; select * from #target select * from #sourceupdate, delete, insert 覈 target 企企. [edit]
2 OpenRowSet 伎 #USE AdventureWorks2008R2; GO CREATE TABLE dbo.Stock (StockName nvarchar(50) PRIMARY KEY, Qty int CHECK (Qty > 0)); GO MERGE dbo.Stock AS s USING OPENROWSET ( BULK 'C:\SQLFiles\StockData.txt', FORMATFILE = 'C:\SQLFiles\BulkloadFormatFile.xml', ROWS_PER_BATCH = 15000, ORDER (Stock) UNIQUE) AS b ON s.StockName = b.Stock WHEN MATCHED AND (Qty + Delta = 0) THEN DELETE WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Qty += Delta WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT VALUES (Stock, Delta); GO BulkloadFormatFile.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?> <BCPFORMAT xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/bulkload/format" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <RECORD> <FIELD ID="1" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR="," MAX_LENGTH="25"/> <FIELD ID="2" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR="\r\n" MAX_LENGTH="5"/> </RECORD> <ROW> <COLUMN SOURCE="1" NAME="Stock" xsi:type="SQLNVARCHAR"/> <COLUMN SOURCE="2" NAME="Delta" xsi:type="SQLSMALLINT"/> </ROW> </BCPFORMAT> [edit]
3 SCD2 #drop table #source drop table #target create table #source (id int, gb int) insert #source values(1, 1) insert #source values(2, 2) create table #target(seq int identity(1,1), id int, gb int, bdt date, edt date) --豐蠍一 declare @begin_dt date if not exists (select * from #target) set @begin_dt = '20000101' else set @begin_dt = getdate() merge #target a using #source b on a.id = b.id and a.gb = b.gb when matched and a.edt = '99991231' and a.id = b.id then update set a.edt = @begin_dt when not matched by target then insert(id, gb, bdt, edt) values(b.id, b.gb, @begin_dt, '99991231') output $action, inserted.*, deleted.*; --id=1 gb螳 4襦 覲蟆暑る? update #source set gb = 4 where id = 1 /* select * from #source id gb 1 4 2 2 */ declare @begin_dt2 date if not exists (select * from #target) set @begin_dt2 = '20000101' else set @begin_dt2 = getdate() merge #target a using #source b on a.id = b.id and a.gb = b.gb and a.edt = '99991231' when not matched by target then insert(id, gb, bdt, edt) values(b.id, b.gb, @begin_dt2, '99991231') when not matched by source and a.edt = '99991231' then update set a.edt = @begin_dt2 output $action, inserted.*, deleted.*; /* select * from #target seq id gb bdt edt 1 1 1 2000-01-01 2010-11-05 2 2 2 2000-01-01 9999-12-31 3 1 4 2010-11-05 9999-12-31 */ --id=1 gb螳 5襦 覲蟆暑る? update #source set gb = 5 where id = 1 declare @begin_dt3 date if not exists (select * from #target) set @begin_dt3 = '20000101' else set @begin_dt3 = getdate() merge #target a --襷 minimal logging 螻 苦朱.. with (TABLOCK) a 螳 企 曙 ′譴. using #source b on a.id = b.id and a.gb = b.gb and a.edt = '99991231' when not matched by target then insert(id, gb, bdt, edt) values(b.id, b.gb, @begin_dt3, '99991231') when not matched by source and a.edt = '99991231' then update set a.edt = @begin_dt3 output $action, inserted.*, deleted.*; /* select * from #target seq id gb bdt edt 1 1 1 2000-01-01 2010-11-05 2 2 2 2000-01-01 9999-12-31 3 1 4 2010-11-05 2010-11-05 4 1 5 2010-11-05 9999-12-31 */
蠍一 螳焔慨 る 螳煙 焔 襴旧給. |